
Chapter 13: Joy

It has been 3 days since we've come to this island, we would hunt from the forest to feed ourselves and give any leftovers to the kids in the slums.

Mikoto had returned with the money that had been stolen from the poor girl and gave it back to her.

Walking out of the ship, I decided to walk aimlessly around the slums. Leaving all of my crew and Mika who had basically turned into a resident of the ship at this point.

While walking around I noticed how the streets seemed desertic for some reason. It looked like a ghost town.

Even when I looked through the different pawn shops, there seemed to be nobody operating the cash register.

Deciding to try some random house, I forced the door open and walked in.

" Hello? Is anyone there?" I asked.

But got no answer.

Leaving the house, I headed toward my ship. Wondering if maybe Mika could enlighten me.

Once I climbed onto the Polar Tang, I realized there seemed to be a commotion on the deck.

" Let me go Hanzo-san! I must leave!" I could hear Mika scream.

" You're in no condition to walk yet." Hanzo said.

" But I have to go, it's my only chance at having a good life!" She pleaded.

" What do you mean by a good life Mika?" I asked.

" I'm sure I'll win this time!" Mika exclaimed.

" Could you explain, win what?" Hanzo asked.

" Every month the king sets up a lottery, and the winner is allowed to live a luxurious life in the castle for the rest of his life! I'm sure with the amount of money Hanzo-san gave me I will be able to win!" Mika exclaimed.

"In that case, I'll take you there." Hanzo said.

" Really! Thanks Onii-san!" Mika exclaimed.

Hanzo proceeded to give a piggy bag ride to the small girl, and walked out of the ship.


( Hanzo POV)

I carried Mika on my back as she guided me out of the slums and toward the fort we had previously visited.

At the fort's door, a massive group of every citizen in the slum could be seen.

Pushing my way through the crowd, I managed to squeeze my way to its front. Where guards were standing in front of a small stand.

"Form a line everyone there are enough tickets for everyone!" The guard shouted.

As he looked like he was selling lottery tickets to the gathered crowd.

It took 2 hours for every citizen in the slum to spend every penny they had and buy themselves a lottery ticket. With the money I gifted Mika she managed to buy 100 tickets. Meaning she had the highest chances of winning among all the citizens of the slums.

I could see some people looking at her with jealous gazes but no one acted on them, seeing the bow in my hand no one wanted to pick a fight.

After a couple of hours, a blonde young man with lavish blonde hair and a golden crown on his head came out through the castle door.

Everyone in the crowd immediately kneeled, not wanting to stand out, I followed suit.

The king raised his hand making everyone stand up once again.

" Dear citizens, today I king Joffrey grace you with my presence." The king said.

" As per usual I will select one of you and welcome him into my palace. Where this chosen one will live comfortably for the rest of his days." The king continued.

Cheers could be heard in the crowd as even Mika was shaking in excitement.

" Guards, spin the wheel!" King Joffrey ordered.

The guard spun a giant wooden wheel, where thousands upon thousands of numbers were inscribed.

The wheel came to stop, at number 1345.

" Will the person with the number 1345 please come forward." The guard said.

Everyone in the crowd started looking around trying to see who won. Feeling a tug on my clothes I looked down at Mika and was met with the brightest smile I had ever seen.

" I have it!" The small girl shouted in excitement while holding one of her tickets high in the air.

The bubbly girl started shaking from excitement in my arms. She quickly jumped out of my arms and ran to the front of the crowd in excitement.

" Over here girl." A guard said.

She was about to run off to him but suddenly stopped, turning around to look at me. "Thank you for everythin Hanzo-Onii-san!" She shouted at the top of her lungs as tears of joy started falling from her eyes.

" Come on girl we don't have all day." The guard chided while extending his hand for her to hold.

She quickly grabbed onto his hand and followed the guards who guided her inside the lavish-looking castle.

I just kept smiling at her retreating small figure, till the fort's doors were closed and the crowd started walking back toward the slums.

With a smile that for some reason wouldn't leave my face, I started walking at a leisurely pace toward our ship.


(Still Hanzo POV)

The next day,

I woke up early as I usually would, looking through our food stock I found it completely empty. I ended up cooking everything we had for those hungry kids, as we celebrated Mika's lottery win with everyone.

Taking my bow and quiver, I walked out of my room and found Snow peacefully sleeping on the deck.

"Snow… Snow… Wake up, Wake up you, big oaf!" I said while shaking the dire wolf awake.

*mmm* The wolf exclaimed sleepily with a single eye open.

" Let's go for a walk." I said making the big wolf stand up in excitement happy for an occasion to stretch his legs.

I quickly jumped on his back as he took off running through the forest next to the slums, I didn't want us scaring the locals. So we'd be going around the slums instead of going in a straight path through them.

Snow kept running through the forest while I was sitting on his back, we were looking for some prey we could bring back to the ship.

Snow suddenly stopped in his track and pointed his ears to the sky, signifying he had locked onto a scent. " Go get it, boy!" I encouraged as the giant wolf started running at such great speed the surrounding trees started becoming nothing but blurs.

Snow kept running through the forest till we reached the forest near the fort and he suddenly stopped.

Looking down at the prey he was currently smelling, my heart dropped as I recognized the mangled frail body at his feet. It was the small girl I had previously helped.

