
Testing affinity Part2

When Sylvia stirred awake, her eyes flashed open with the remnant panic and pain still visible in them.

"Easy there, pumpkin. Everything is alright. Calm down." A familiar voice comforted her, someone stroking her head.

Grandpa Cadmus was sitting beside her, his kind and warm gaze lingering on her in concern.

"Your highness…" Sylvia tried to sit up, but her body was still considerably weak and she slipped, her head falling back on the pillow.

"Wait. Don't strain yourself, pumpkin." Cadmus smiled. "And you forgot to call me Grandpa."

"Did you try to shift again? Aha ha ha. This is Grandpa's fault." He stroked her head again lovingly.

"I was planning to tell you this over breakfast and I didn't think you would try to shift before that."

"What happened… grandfather?" Sylvia asked, too tired to even speak properly.

"Nothing to worry child. Don't strain yourself. The thing is… as draconian descendants, we have strong bloodlines."
