
Everything Is...

"Don't worry, Miss Margaret. We have everything under control."

That was what Neil said to Margaret and Marius before they took their leave. Renovations of the shophouse were complete. Every floor was decked out with new appliances. 

As per Laina's instruction, before she left for Dracona, all the needs of the children have also been met. New clothes, warm beds, and all necessities were purchased. 

"Are you sure you have everything? You have to tell me if you don't," Margaret asked worriedly.

Marius placed his arm around her shoulder, "They'll be fine, my love. You worry too much."

Margaret nudged him on the arm, "There's no such thing as too much worry. It is because of my over-worrying that Laina survived till this day."

She was right about that. As her handmaid, Margaret took great care of Laina. Although they encountered some situations along the way, she still survived in one piece. 
