

After confirming with Liam that the man had never seen that 'god' in his entire life, Hugo left the desert and headed for the Hoverport.

He was exhausted and wished nothing more than for his trips to be over. With one more month remaining, it was the first time Hugo could say he missed someone, those people being Hyena and Alpha2.

He took the same one that he'd been taking for years. It was also the one which he'd gotten a discount on.

Hugo groaned when he thought about visiting the mountain Akira-sama resided on. There were no Hover ports nearby, so he would have to find another means of transportation after arriving in the city.

The first time he visited Akira, he wasn't aware of that and had to walk for a few miles until he reached the mountain. It was great training for his will, but that was only something he told himself to bear the conditions.
