
Alley of Intersection Street

"Jing Jing, we will fall in line there," Rica spoke and gently tugged Maxwell's coat. 

"Okay," Jing Jing casually mumbled and glanced at the people around.

"You should eat with us too? What do you think, hon?" Maxwell suddenly invited her and simultaneously asked his girlfriend.

"Maybe next time if there is an opportunity. I still have to finish my task," Jing Jing immediately refused.

"Yeah, Jing Jing is working in the dining business. It's not convenient for her to bother her right now, hon. Next time maybe... if she is free. Hehe," Rica forced a smile and giggle.

"Mmn. Next time! Hehe, I'll just walk around a bit and see the other areas. Enjoy your meal!" Jing Jing maintained the curl in her lips and waved them goodbye.

Rica raised both of her eyebrows twice before looking Maxwell straight in the eye. "Let's go?"

She pointed the area where the line was now getting longer as more customers started to arrive.
