
Truth of the Vampire Bloodlines

"Drake Vestitude, a traitor?!" Diana exclaimed.

"Mom! We're on a covert mission! Please don't shout!" Kyros chastized.

"I'm-I'm sorry. I just find it unbelievable that he did. How did he prove it?"

"His plan was a success. It looks like it will be safe for you to go back and enter the fort in Airom Vagat. He managed to outsmart the traitors and revealed three Eldrich servants. But grandfather believes that Drake Vestitude is a traitor. Although, Drake Vestitude doesn't have the seal. But I wouldn't doubt grandfather. He probably assumed this from the start since he is so paranoid of Fate. He was only looking for an excuse to prove it. But his arguments make sense." Kyros noticed.

Since Mezal was able to send the message talisman back to the Temple through Kyros, the message talisman was full of energy and could transmit a lengthier message. This was recorded in the diary passed on back and forth between Kyros and his father.
