
Why are you laughing!

Ashur, Ene, and Riveria saw many new things as they traveled, from fruits Ashur had never seen before, to even a wild monster!

The monster was a huge bear, and it was even bigger than the grizzly bear that John killed!

But Ashur did not even have to move, as the bear was quickly dispatched by the knights and killed.

As he looked at the knight's perfect teamwork, he knew that if the him now fought them together, he would probably have a very difficult time doing so.

It's not that he would lose against the regular knights together, but because of the leader.

Ashur could tell that as he fought, he could fight the average peak level one adventurer and probably hold his own against him enough to delay him for a bit at least.

Ashur did not want to fight against him now, as his stats we currently really low and with the state of his body now, he could probably only unleash about half of his strength.

That's not to mean that with half of his current stats, he would not be able to easily kill some level one's, and if those slave traders hadn't taken Riveria, hostage, he would have probably been able to kill all of them.

But it would be a little more difficult if he were to face those knights as's just that it would be difficult to fight a group with perfect teamwork and are skilled such as those knights. Though it might be different if he increases his stats a bit. But with his I and H stats, it would be a real challenge.

Ashur was a little glad he did not have to fight with them right now, but he was serious when he said that he would fight them if she did not want to return.

If you would have asked why he would do such a thing, you might be disappointed by his response, because to be honest, it was just because he felt like it.

There were a lot of other new things the three seen and it was an all-new experience for the three of them.

As they traveled on the horse, Riveria leaned her back into Ashur's chest as he rode.

She felt comfortable when she was in his embrace like all her worries were gone and couldn't help but release a hardly noticeable smile.

Ashur did not notice what she was doing and rode the horse like normal, but a blue figure saw everything she did, and a grin spread on her face.

After about an hour of traveling by horse, the group suddenly stopped.

The reason why was because the carriage that was going to meet them halfway had arrived.

"Alright, we got to get off now, Riveria," Ashur said before he shifted over and jumped off the horse. Before he extended his hand to help her off.

Riveria was saddened losing the warmth from her back but did not let it show on her face and grabbed his hand and let him help her down.

"We shall continue to escort the princess till we reach the palace," said the leader, seeing Ashur walk over to the carriage with Riveria.

Ashur naturally knew what he meant, and he gave a nod before he entered the carriage with Riveria.

They were going to escort them all the way, so there was no chance for them to escape.

He knows that the king must care for Riveria, but he found this was going too far, as he felt that Riveria was treated like a prisoner, even though she was a princess.

Soon, the carriage started back up, and Ashur and Riveria were now alone inside the carriage.

Riveria looked hesitant before she suddenly turned to him and she lowered her head and apologetically said "I'm sorry for not telling you about my identity sooner!"

"I didn't mean to keep it from you, I just thought that you would treat me different if I told you..." said Riveria. her voice progressively got lower as she spoke, and at the end, it slowly became a mumble.

Ashur looked at Riveria, before suddenly bursting out in laughter.


"Why are you laughing!" shouted Riveria, as she was embarrassed by suddenly getting laughed at.

Ashur slowly came out of his giggles and wiped the tears from his eyes, before saying "You thought I would treat you different if you told me? It doesn't matter if your a beggar, god, or even a princess, it doesn't matter, I'll just treat you the same".

"Really?" she asked once more for confirmation.

Ashur found her reaction funny, and said "Really!"

Riveria suddenly felt all her fears about him being mad at her for keeping her status as a princess a secret were gone, and also her fears about him suddenly treating her differently after knowing she was a princess.

"Hey Riveria, I'm going to lay down for a bit, is that okay?" said Ashur, as he had something in mind.

"Sure" said Riveria.

"Here Ene, why don't you go with Riveria," said Ashur as he handed his phone over to Riveria.

"Sure Master!" said Ene, as she knew that he needed a rest.

As Ashur laid down on the seat across from Riveria, he slowly closed his eyes.

But he wasn't resting like they thought, instead, a blue screen appeared inside his head.

This was something Ashur recently discovered, and it seemed the only reason why the blue screen could appear inside his head, was because he fused with the golden card.

Ashur first went to check his stats and clicked on the tab witch displayed his stats.


Race: High elf, God

LV 1

STR I98 > H122

END H121 > H156

DEX I86 > H122

AGL H110 > H143

MAG I46 > I66

MAGIC: [Illusion magic]

SKILL: [The force], [Force user:I] [Swordsman:C] [Assassin:I] [Pandora]

Ashur looked at his status and saw two things had changed.

One of those things was that his status increased, it probably increased because he killed that other slave trader with his trap.

The second thing he noticed was he now had two new skills, one was a skill named [Pandora] and the other was a development skill, [Assassin:I].

The reason why Ashur called it a development skill instead of development ability as it was originally supposed to be called, was that it seems that after integrating the 'Falna' system into the chat room system, it seems that the chat room system calls development abilities as development skills instead, and classifies it as skills instead.

It also did not come as a surprise to Ashur that he got an assassin development skill, as he did more than one thing that could be considered 'Assassination,' as both of the slave traders he killed, could be considered 'Assassinated'.

But what surprised him was that he got a skill called Pandora.

The first thing that came to his mind was 'Pandora's box,' a jar, or commonly known as a box, that contained countless evils inside and Pandora who opened the box and let the countless evils escape onto the world, but one thing did not escape and remained inside the box, and that was hope.

It does not say why hope remained inside the box, but it could be also said that there is no hope for whoever opens the box and unleashes the evils onto the world.

Ashur really wondered why he got such a skill, and even more on what it does.

Ashur decided to check out his Pandora at a later time and went to see what was up in the chat room.


Discord: https://discord.gg/SfEKRgWuaY
