

As Ashur walked inside, he saw various gods dressed up, with the female goddesses mostly dressed up in fancy dresses or casual clothes, and some of the male gods in somewhat presentable to full-on out skimpy that barely wore anything.

As Ashur walked in, he walked up to the reception desk and asked the goddess who worked at the desk "Hey, is Eros here?"

As the goddess looked at Ashur, she thought 'Wow he's hot! Who is he? Is he a new host?' before replying

"Eros, is indeed working today, but he's with a customer right now, do you want to wait?"

"Sure, I'll wait, I will just walk around for a bit while waiting, is that alright?"

"Sure, I will go look for you when he's done," she said as she looked at him with interest.

'He must be a high-class host for esteemed guests,' thought the goddess, unaware she accidentally mistook his identity.

'He even has the right to pick and choose his customers.'

After leaving the reception desk, unaware that the goddess accidentally thought he was a host, Ashur started walking around the place.

As he walked around, he couldn't help but notice some lustful stares from some of the female goddesses.

'I hope he is fast so I can break his knees and get out of here, I don't want any other rumors to be floating around.'

As Ashur was walking around, he noticed that there was a goddess that was going to run into him, as she was talking to a male god that seemed to work here and was not paying attention to where she was going.

She was already too close to change course, so all he could do as she bumped into him was to prevent her from hurting herself by him wrapping his arms against this rather small goddess's waist so she would not fall.

The goddess could not help but release an "Ah" as they collided because she was not paying attention and was not expecting to bang into something.

As Ashur was looking at the goddess he caught, he started to inspect her as he held her in his arms.

She had a small figure with red eyes and light red hair that was tied back into a ponytail, she was also flat and she looked a bit tomboyish.

As Loki looked up at the figure that she accidentally bumped into and subsequently caught her as she was talking to the Manager of the host bar, could not help have her heart flutter as she looked at the figure that caught her.

He had a very handsome face with wild violet eyes, long silky ash grey hair, and a slim but muscular body.

"Ah, sorry, I must not have been paying attention, and I accidentally bumped into you," said Ashur as he was holding Loki.

Loki looked at him and could not help have a little blush spread from her face before replying "No, it must have been me not have been paying attention and walked into you, I'm sorry about that"

"Let me stand you up," said Ashur as he then began to stand Loki up.

After Ashur stood her up, Loki was looking at Ashur with a pondering expression before a smile suddenly emerged from her face as she turned to the manager and said "Boss, ill be taking him today!"

Ashur thought she must have mistaken him for a host and before he could say something, he was grabbed by the hand by Loki and dragged into an empty room.

As Loki dragged Ashur into the room, she sat him down on the sofa and then sat next to him.

"Hey wait, I'm not a hos-" but before Ashur could say what he wanted to say, his mouth was stopped by Loki's finger "Shusssssssh, of course you're not a host! If you were a host here, I would have known not known about such a handsome guy here a long time ago?" said Loki with a smile on her face.

"Then why did bring me here?" Ashur said with visible confusion on his face.

"I'm not about to let go of such a great catch!" said Loki with a wide smile.

"I'm sorry, but I got somewhere to be," said Ashur as he went to get up.

"Not without a few drinks, you're not!" said Loki as she grabbed his arm and pulling him back to his seat before grabbing a bottle of wine from the side and slamming it on the table.

"Fine, just a few drinks and that's it," said Ashur as he did not mind having a few drinks while waiting and thought that if he kept refusing, that she would have kept bugging him.

"Great!" Loki said, as she then grabbed two glasses and then began filling them.

After Loki filled the glasses, she passed his filled glass of wine to him and he took a quick look at it before he put it to his lips and took a few gulps.

"It's good," Ashur said truthfully, as he actually thought the wine was actually quite good.

"Really? have some more!" said Loki as She grabbed his arm and rubbed her non-existent breasts on it as she poured more into his cup.

This, in turn, made Ashur freeze up like a statue.

Loki, noticing this, had a huge wide smile on her face.

"Ohhh, you act as you have never had any experience with a woman before?" said Loki with a wide smile.

"Well....i...uhh, am kinda bad with women, to be honest," Ashur said mechanically.

Loki looked at Ashur with a wide smile spread on her face and said "Oh, you're bad with woman, are you? how about I help you with that?"

"Wait, you will help me?" said Ashur with a bit of confusion

"Yeah! I'll give you lessons!" said Loki.

"Lessons?" Ashur asked questionably.

"Yeah, ill give you lessons on being good with women!" said Loki as she slowly approached him by slowly by sliding to Ashur's side.

Ashur thought deeply as this was always one of Ashur's greatest weaknesses.

"Fine, ill take you up on your offer," said Ashur after thinking it over.

"Here's your first lesson then!" said Loki as she leaned forward towards Ashur and leaving him no time to react and sealed his lips as Ashur could feel her tongue invade his mouth.

Ashur tried to speak but only muffled sounds could escape from his mouth as he tried to protest but after a few minutes, he gave in to her assault and also began to seek her tongue out.

After ten minutes of them kissing, Ashur and Loki separated with a long trail of saliva.

'That was my first kiss' thought Ashur as he looked at Loki.

"Wow! At first, it started off slow, but as you got into it, you got so aggressive! you're a natural!" said Loki with a bit of surprise.

"Thanks, I guess," said Ashur

"Let's exchange contacts," Loki said, as she snuggled into his arm.

"Sure, let's do that."

After exchanging contacts, they heard a knock at the door, "Sir, the one you were waiting for is finished with his customer."

Ashur looked at Loki before saying "I'll see you later" then went to the door.

"See, you!" said Loki as she waved to Ashur as he left.

Chapters should be around every 2-4 days but it will typically be 2-3 if nothing unexpected happens

royalgrimcreators' thoughts