

"Sir, are you both ready..?" Said by the attendant, responsible for players or warriors.


"I am"

After a few minutes…

"Please proceed to the opposite direction and ready your beasts…"

Slowly, Jomel and Balmorc walk in opposite direction.

They know what to do, when the battle is about to start, they would have to walk in a different direction and the referee or the announcer would introduce them.

Announcer: "Everyone, this is an unexpected event, a hundred battle events!"

He stopped talking after that, seemingly waiting for the noise of the crowd to die down and listen.

Crowd: "Murmur murmur"

Crowd: "Murmur mur …"

Crowd: "Murmur … …"

Crowd: "… … … … …"

Crowd: "… … … …"

Crowd: "… … …"

Crowd: "… …"

Crowd: "…"
