
Need to be fixed 12

  I let him go and his body, totally withered and skin turn sagged lay limp at Seven's roots. Sam withdraw his blessings from Blue Man. Seven set him in the ground.

Seven gaze one last lingering look at Blue Man. While I make use of his life force and give the bones a full blast. Raised them all and have them stationed outside like bodyguards.

Ever wonder why I push into the idea of zombie rising? It was because I felt it. The darkness that seeps through my bones. The world of nothingness except evil and malice.

Something is coming. A hundred enemies. Marching to head into this house. Because our location has been disclosed.

I don't know who or what. I'm guessing its the Blue Man who tipped the Faeries to our location. And they're coming.

"Sorry," I said. "It's necessary. I need an army to stand against these -"

"Hundreds of Aufs coming on our way?" She finished. "What? You think your bones can fight?" 
