
Where should I go?


This is not real. - Is what my inner self said to calm my nerves.

It's real alright. See that purple transparent mantle cackling blessing? That's the barrier. No mistaking it. - is what my other inner self to make me even more nervous.

"Rank Elder?"


"You're handing me over to the Dark Elves aren't you? It's okay. Just give me some heads up where I should go to seek these Eklektos out." I said.

I'm sure it was my imagination - considering how the Rank Elders face is the personification of statue of the Twelve Deities themselves - but I could've sworn I saw a trace of emotion passed by in his eyes.

Guilt? Regret? I'm not sure. It was only a moment - and it hit me hard. Because emotions can sometimes get in the way with their control on the 'blessing' that it sometimes set off if they're not careful enough to control it.

In my seventeen years of life spent with them... I never saw one burst into colorful sparks because of petty anger issues.

"About that...Wear this mask and robe first." He handed me one of their inconspicuous oblong white mask with their red long hooded cloak.

"Why should I..?"

"Protection." He said. I looked at him. Waiting he'll elaborate more. He nudge his chin towards the cloak, telling me to put them on. I did. I'm considerably tall. I think I'm over six feet so the cloak is below the knee length. He noticed my protruding shoes. With a flick of his hand and the glow of his bracelet, the cloak adjusted it's sized to my body frame.

"Better." he said, his tone contain hints of satisfaction. "Now the mask." I obeyed.

I know he's trying to dress me, probably put me in disguise as one of the Rank Elders while they bait the Dark Elf. But I'm sure this won't work. The Faery woman figured I'm not a Rank Elder by saying I don't have any trace of blessing in my body. Which means she can see it. And I'm certain she'll see the disguise through.

But I still trust the Rank Elders anyway. Maybe there's something good coming out of this. Something better than bounding me in chains and offering me to the horde of Beasts.

The moment I put the strap at my nape, my eyes can't adjust to the narrow space in the eye part of the mask. It's constricting my vision. And annoying.

"Don't take it off. That's the only gear that will protect you and the Deity stone from the clutches of the Dark Elf."

Okay... I never said anything.

"You just thought it's annoying Seeker." the Rank Elder murmured.




Goosebumps hit me in so many places I can't begin to describe how I want to throw up in the sand right now. He can read my thoughts.

How's that possible?

Since when?

"Nothing is more important than what we're about to do now Seeker. So don't waste your precious seconds trying to figure out what's obvious." he chided. Letting his bracelets clank on his wrist. On purpose.

Ah, I see. Blessings. Of course. How could I forget?

"Rank Elder, do you perhaps...have a plan how to save Rankers in captive, deal with the Dark Elf while I escape?"

He didn't answer at first. His eyes gazed at the empty horizon of sand and thunder clouds. I suspected his eyes were metallic grey. But the more I look closer, the more I'm convinced it's misty grey white.

Same color as the dark clouds hovering above us. I whipped around when I heard the familiar whistle of the wind, a crack of blessing in precarious space - sending signal that other Rank Elders had rushed to our side.

"You're role, Seeker." One Rank Elder with brown shaggy beard said - not sure if it's really him but the voice is oozing out of him so maybe it really is him. Or it's just my senses playing haywire with me. Since earlier, I can't see, hear or feel anything that well. These symptoms start the moment I put on the cloak and mask.

"Is to run as fast as you could while we deal with the enemies. The Rank Ruler is under the impression that he is the 'Seeker'. So we'll let him play the part. Face the Dark Elf while we take care of the retrieval for the Rankers. You must - under any circumstances - never stop or look back. The mask is under enchantments to seal the Deity stones' presence. How long can the enchantment escape the detection of the Dark Elf - we don't know."

Three more Rank Elders appeared in front of me and said.

"You're well aware that only an Eklektos can take on the Class 3 and above Faery race. So the chances that the Rank Ruler defeat the Dark Elf is pretty low."

Taking his loafing and fattening belly habits into account - that 'low' chances have now been reduced to zero.

"You must cross the valley of the Beasts. Summon the power residing in the Deity Stone. And it will open the gateway towards the Deities realm. The rest is not revealed to us. The only thing we can assure you is - the Eklektos are not from the magical realm. All of them are residents in the human realm. So be prepared. The manifestation of Faeries runs pretty deep in there."

I don't what's more shocking. The fact that they just said I will visit the Deity realm and probably have a one on one confrontation to the highest being ever existed - or the fact that the Eklektos are in human realm - which I heard is the 'Powerhouse' of the Faeries. The notorious place where they get human slaves and fresh souls to feed their mana. Or the fact they all have beards with different colors. Like sweet icings on cakes in rainbow colors.

"I can't see any reason why you still can crack jokes in this dire situation Seeker." The Rank Elder with the silver beard said - he's the one who can read my thoughts. And I probably have been stupid to put my observation into sentence in my head.

On our far right, a black rippling crack appeared. Like a curtain slashed in between to reveal the darkness within. A portal. I thought its another Rank Elder. But the silver cloak made with wolf's mane made me toss the thought.

It's the Rank Ruler. And in his hand, his staff is crackling sparks of blue light. His face set and determined. Tightly clutch on his palm, is a sapphire stone that glowed in glorious aurora lights. And it strikes me familiar.

"Yes," one Rank Elder confirmed my suspicion.

"We made him an exact replica of the Deity Stone. To let him believe it chose him. You we're persecuted due to the fact that we kneel down to honor you as the true Seeker - not him."

Humans are the only creatures that will cut down a tree, turn it into paper, then write "SAVE TREES" on it!

phoenixhyperioncreators' thoughts