
182. Bouncy Balls

"Wait, so what is the goal of this game?" Jane had tried to jump at the next bouncy ball and was easily beat by Jim, who slapped it away and managed to knock it in to one of the buttons on the wall. 

There was a mechanical buzz and another pone of the barrels clicked in to place. "The goal is to reach the highest level possible. We hit the balls and try to make sure they hit the targets. You don't know the speed or where they will be aimed so it is up to your instincts and reflexes. On top of that, you need to control them so that they will hit one of the buttons on the walls. Once that is done the difficulty will rise. The highest I have made it is four barrels but the most I have seen is nine."

"Didn't you jus-" Asher was responding but the white bouncy ball had been fired right at him. He was just barely able to slap it down and make it roll away.
