

It was time that the two has to travel towards the Tomb of Affliction. The Tomb where all it began, the tomb of the Demon Lord Dullan. As they prepared for their journey, Joan was inside the carriage and Isaias was the one who was driving. Having eaten, they also bought food for their travel.

Joan requested Isaias to buy a steel container with three layers. Joan requested a portable grill for their travel. It excites Joan to the deepest of his bones. Also, Joan requested an icebox so Isaias bought one for him. They placed meat inside and Joan iced all of them. Such convenience for someone like a grandmaster of all elements.

They refilled their stocks and also their water. Ingredients and spices, as well as the feeds for their animals. Especially Priscilla's carrots because she loved them. The chickens were alright with just corn grits so Joan also bought one sack for them.
