

I scowled after hearing the name Yazmine. I must admit that I was jealous at how curious Jacob was of her. However, I also wanted to know what happened between them. And how much did he love her. But most especially, I wanted to learn about the dispute and rivalry between Prince Eric and Jacob. So, I urged Paco to continue with the story.

"After Jacob reported the next day, he was tested both on his intelligence and physical strength. He was put to intense training right away. His superiors were very impressed with him," Paco smiled with a sense of pride.

I chuckled.

He continued, "He was deployed for six months at sea and when he came back he was promoted as Lieutenant Commander immediately with letters of recommendation to be Captain. His name was spreading like wildfire. That's when the King took notice and called for him. You see, Jacob was very loyal at that time to the monarchy. I clearly remember how excited he was. It was just like yesterday…"


"The King invited me to his conference table tomorrow," Jacob beamed after reading the letter that the royal messenger handed to him.

"What did you do wrong this time?" Angelique raised her brow and took a peek at the letter.

Jacob chuckled, "I did not do anything wrong. I was recommended to be a Captain and have my own crew."

"Ohhhh…" Angelique replied and then beamed. "Does that mean an increase in my allowance since you will get a higher pay grade?"

Jacob ruffled her hair, "Let's not get in over our heads, shall we? Let me see what's going on first."

"Be very careful with your words, Jacob. This is the King we are talking about. Be courteous. You do not want to offend him," Paco advised.

"Of course, Paco," Jacob replied and read the letter once again with a smile not leaving his face.

Angelique shook her head and teased. "Obviously, you are NOT excited… not at all," she said and giggled.

"Oh be quiet, you little rascal," Jacob responded and gave Angelique a teasing warning look.

She giggled. "We should eat dinner right now. Or are you too excited to even eat?" she said and scurried off to the kitchen before Jacob could reach her.

"Yes, you should run. You know what I'll do if I catch you," Jacob called out.

Paco's modest house was filled with laughter once again.


The next day, Jacob was escorted to the King's conference hall. The King smiled after seeing him and asked him to sit down. He obeyed with much delight.

"Welcome to the palace, Lieutenant Commander Alon," King Stefan said.

"The honor is mine, Your Highness. Please call me Jacob," he answered.

"Ah! Jacob it is. Let's get to the reason I called for you. I hate beating around the bush," the King replied.

Jacob could not help but be a bit nervous. But he gave the King a curt nod as a response.

"I've seen several recommendation letters from your superiors. I've also read the reports on your intellectual prowess. You have remarkable battle and combat strategies. Of all my years, I have not met anyone as young as you who could come up with these impressive tactics," King Stefan told him.

"Thank you, Your Highness," Jacob said.

King Stefan smiled, "Actually, there is one more person. The real reason I called for you today." The King drummed his fingers on the table as he studied Jacob's reactions. "My son. He, too, has similar military records as you. You just excelled more. That's why I am appointing you as his military partner. I want the two of you to learn from each other. As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. I've read it in Proverbs."

Jacob nodded, "It would be my honor to work with the prince, Your Highness."

The King's smile widened some more, "A very good answer. Very well, why don't you join us for lunch. I already had the servants set up a chair at the royal table for you."

"I… I do not wish to impose," Jacob said.

"Nonsense. Come, Lieutenant Commander," the King replied.

Jacob followed as King Stefan led him to the royal dining hall. Jacob was a bit uncomfortable as all the people they passed by would bow before the presence of the King while the King talked to him with such casualness and informality. When they reached the dining table, everyone rose as the King's presence was announced.

"These are my sons and daughters," King Stefan presented to him.

Jacob looked at them. His eyes met Yazmine's right away before he gave them a curt bow.

"My youngest, Princess Angela Isabel," King Stefan presented a young girl, the same age as Angelique. She has the gentlest face he had ever seen.

"Your Highness," Jacob gave her a bow.

"Hello," the little princess replied and Jacob could swear he heard the voice of an angel.

"Lady Yazmine," the King pointed at her.

Jacob smiled at her as she did before they simultaneously gave each other a curt nod.

"The Crown Prince Hendrick," King Stefan presented the prince with a compassionate countenance.

Jacob bowed, "A pleasure, Your Highness."

Prince Hendrick smiled, "The pleasure is mine Lieutenant Commander. I've heard so much about you. The kingdom is fortunate to have such a person like you in service."

King Stefan chuckled, "My thoughts exactly. And last, but not the least, the one I was telling you about. Second to you in military ranking, my second born, Prince Eric."

Their eyes met. Chills ran up Jacob's spine as he stared at those icy dark blue eyes. Unlike the crown prince's, Prince Eric's countenance was more fierce. It exuded more danger. Jacob gave him a curt nod and the prince gave him a friendly smile. But, his eyes did not change.

"An honor to meet you, Prince Eric," Jacob said.

Prince Eric held out his hand for a handshake, "Father spoke TOO much of you. I've finally managed to put a face on the name, Lt. Commander."

Jacob accepted the handshake, "Call me, Jacob. Prince Eric."

Prince Eric smirked, "That I'll do, Jacob."

Jacob felt Prince Eric tightened his grip as if sending him a warning before he let go. Jacob massaged his hand discreetly.

"Ah! I'm glad that you two were getting along already. You will be working together closely from now on. Meet your military partner, Eric," King Stefan proclaimed.

For a short moment, Jacob saw as Prince Eric's smile faded a bit. The prince turned away and Jacob swore he heard a silent scoff. However, when the prince looked back at them, he was wearing that pleased and friendly smile once more.

"We shall spar immediately after lunch. What do you think, Jacob? Are you up for the challenge?" Prince Eric asked in a friendly voice.

Jacob smiled dismissing his previous negative thoughts about the prince. "That would be an honor, Your Highness."

"Prince Eric. Call me, Prince Eric."
