
Military Advisor

Chapter 63: Military Advisor

"Yes, I was wondering--" Kutch chipped in, he also saw how Kardon tried to chop Safo's leg down with a plasma sword, but it didn't or couldn't cut off the limb. Only after that Kardon started bombarding the leg in a frenzy.

"I didn't ask you, boy." A stern look from Maun Drew, the Military Advisor, brutal general of psiora made Kutch shut up and hide his eyes like a guilty kitten.

Yon shook his head in disapproval, in the army, it was considered a rude action to talk when the higher rank didn't ask you to talk.

Safo snapped out of his shock when he saw that Maun was still waiting for an answer from him. "No, sir. I don't know. I blacked out. Sorry, sir." In a military tone, Safo answered.

"I thought so. I suspect that you are fireproof." Maun paused to give his audience to digest the news.
