
Long's Mindscape

[After all, it is your mindscape, so you can create whatever you think of in here, and that is according to the rumors, because I have never met anyone who has reached this Realm.]

[Others even claimed that once you reach a certain stage of cultivation, you could project this mindscape of yours into the physical world and it would exist.]

[But as for the Primordial Realm, no one knows, not even the expert who gave my First Bloodline Ancestor a sneak peek into catastrophic knowledge.] He added.

[But I must remind you, the moment you pick a link, it won't matter even if you are done absorbing the Qi or not, the Realm you are in would mysteriously expel you out of the Qi Sensing Trial immediately.] Long added;

[Anything else I need to know before I start?] Dara asked;

[Nothing that I can remember for now. To begin, simply jump into that stream of Qi and it would take you into the Mortal Scape first.]
