
Mysteries II

<Status Check: Elemental level 4>

Abilities: 2/7

Skills: 3

Body status: Normal

Elemental points: 50/100

<Quest: Discover mysteries to level up>

Zyda was woken up by the sound of her notifying system. It was still early in the morning, she flickered her eyes open and stretched on her middle-sized bed. On her bedside were three books piled haphazardly. She picked up the topmost book which was maroon in colour, with a couple of symbols imprinted on the book cover. The language in the book was encoded but Zyda was well aware with the aid of her language recognition skill.

"Elemental System," she whispered. The room was silent apart from the occasional turning of pages. The chilly morning breeze from the Sagani ocean at the end of the thick oak forest that was beyond the Grey castle vicinities sifted into the room.

After a couple of boring chapters, Zyda came across the fourth chapter which talked about her level. The arrangement of the book chapters was unique for every chapter talked about a specific level. The fourth chapter was her level, elemental level four. The book fascinated her, it gave all the details about how to master the abilities and skills. For her level, she was supposed to master the hydrobath and the resin crystal ability only.

"Resin, the ability to obtain energy from plants without wilting them," stated the book. "How fascinating! energy from plants!" she mumbled.

"Let's see! what about the hydro-" she was interrupted by the annoying system alarm.

"Since when did the system start alarming?" she asked frustratedly.

<Villain detected> a red warning screen popped up and disappeared.

"Villain!. Oh! the quest!" she reckoned. She rapidly freshened up and prepared herself for the next mission. She carried the books in a small bag which she slung across her shoulder. She then headed for the academy where she found Yurie waiting for her at the entrance to the main hall.

"Hi Yurie," she cheered.

"Hello!, Umm...Zyda have you heard about the lesson on spells?" Yurie whispered to her as they slowly walked to the main hall.

"Not yet, when did they begin?" asked Zyda, her eyes comically wide.

"I just got the news from the boys yesterday," she said enthusiastically.

"What boys?" confusion saw on her face.

"You're about to meet them!", she excitedly whispered as she pulled her into the hall.

Both girls entered the main hall where there were already some students there. The main hall was vast with a large podium stage, the seats arranged in an apple pie order which made it resemble a theatre hall. It was splendidly designed, some of its furniture was modern and the rest ancient. Zyda didn't mind the surroundings but the new faces. She had never seen most of the elites in the academy.

Within thirty minutes the class began. It was a class of many students each sat on his or her seat. Most of the students are beginners, others are already experts with different levels. The seating arrangement depended on colour strength. Elementalists were also ranked Cyan, the serpent shadows ranked black, then came Vanders ranked magenta and finally the lowest rank which was white, for the spellbinders.

Zyda was the only Elementalist and a few knew she was one. The row for elementalists was empty, so began the row of serpent shadows, a few serpent shadows sat in the front for which among them was Yurie and Shino. Zyda sat beside the attentive Yurie to fit in.

Beside Shino sat a short blue-haired boy with handsome features. The serpent shadows were of two groups, the pure serpent shadows and the lesser for which the pure sat in front and the latter behind. The serpent shadows were differentiated with the charters, the pure had a large black charter of a serpent on the shoulder and the latter had no charter.

After analysing the setup of the main hall, Zyda recalled "Mundane and Panacea", a book she had read the previous night which her father had written though it had been in Professor Kontos's hands.

A stern moustached teacher approached the podium and introduced himself.

"I'm your spell master, Erdem Griffin," he spoke in a sharp synoptic tone that spoke business and no offence. He wore a long navy blue robe with his proud long black hair tied behind. He possessed prominent jaws, a slightly sharp nose, black eyes and a burly chest, a medium height and size.

"So you're the mysterious Erdem, hmm?" Zyda's eyes beamed eagerly as her lips slightly curled upwards to form a smirk. She stared at the spell master with an unfathomable look.

The spell to be taught was the resin crystal spell. Zyda had already learnt it, so she was one step ahead and for that reason, she found the classes quite boring, she immediately wished they could end early. Her thoughts reeled so wildly that she subconsciously tapped the desk loudly only to be brought back to reality by the teacher calling out her name, "Zyda Sylph! could you come up the podium!"

Zyda was quite astonished, the first day in class and then called on stage. She hated fame but she couldn't escape fate. Zyda obeyed and immediately went to the stage. Different coloured pairs of eyes stared at her intently and she stared back at the audience took a deep breath in and focused on her avast.

Energies immediately reacted up, a pure green mist penetrated the room from the outside which she automatically absorbed from plants, she expertly separated the resin molecules added some blue magic and enchanted the final word "Rethina!" and a green crystal came into being. The surprising bit was that the plants whose energy was sucked didn't wilt for they magnificently remained standing.

For most of the people who perform the spell for the first time, the plants always wilt. It was quite impressive but most of the eyes spoke disdain and jealousy. Murmurs of doubt erupted from the audience as she completed the spell. She ignored them and presented the perfect sparkly green crystal to the teacher in front of her with her eyes neutral and body composed.


The stern master was impressed but he was a hard nut to crack. He didn't say anything, he simply nodded his head and dismissed her. Classes ended and after then, Zyda's performance was the talk of the day. The stern master who remained behind had been analysing the green crystal in his hand that Zyda had made earlier.

"Who are you exactly Zyda Sylph?" he thought out loud, looks of doubt imprinted on his face.

Yurie talked to Zyda about how impressive she was but Zyda's mind reeled with plans of investigation. Especially now that she had seen the mysterious figure one, master Erdem.

"Are you even listening?" Yurie waves her a hand in front of Zyda's face. "Why are you spacing out?" she asked her, concern on her face.

"I saw one of the boys stare at you with that look. Perhaps he has a thing on you!" she joked trying to lighten up the stuffy atmosphere.

"Uh.!. Yurie I got a lot on my mind now. You know, my system. Come to my room after lunch, I got a hunch," Zyda whispered to her and then immediately dashed to the room quarters.


The other party was speechless, her mouth agape at her friend's weirdness. She shrugged it off and went to socialize with the rest.

"Night vision," commanded Zyda, as she rapidly advanced towards the empty library corridor. She had seen a couple of strange footprints which she followed and at the end of the footprint trail, she noticed two figures covered in black hoods. Their faces were not noticeable, they opened a portal to which they vanished into. Zyda noticed a fallen note on the floor and picked it up and rapidly placed it into her pocket.

‹Entrance detected> a red screen popped and disappeared.

Zyda noticed a few black misty clouds but when she placed her hands into them she noticed they disappeared. Any other person couldn't discover anything around for everything seemed normal yet deep dark energies were everywhere.

"Bingo! a portal," she entered the portal.

Zyda smiled in delight as she recalled the function of the night vision and she blissfully tapped her backpack.

<Welcome to the tethering portal>

Zyda tethered through various energies of different colours and types, she passed an illusional mirror dimension which had very many reflections and portals each leading to a different direction.

<Optional Quest: absorb energies in the tethering portal>

Zyda absorbed and filled her avast, she felt much stronger.

‹Energy absorbed, 5 points granted>

<5s to reach your destination>

<Destination: Red castle.>

<10points received as a bonus, 65/100>

Zyda received plenty of notifications all at once and this tethering portal fascinated her.

<Welcome to Red Castle>

A red magnificent enchanting castle with a black wrought iron gate stood in front of her, the gate automatically opened as though she was expected. She hesitated to enter and strangely enough about the castle, there was no sign of guards at the castle. She scanned the castle and alas! as expected.

<Guard detected>
