
Go Away

For a good thirty minutes after coming back from Silas's house, Ace stared at the wall. Not saying a word and not thinking anything for a long, long time. 

Finally, he decides to talk and he suddenly has a ton of things to talk about all of a sudden. Frantic. 

"I cannot believe that is what is happening." Ace said, throwing his hands in the air, pacing around the room, murmuring to himself like a lunatic and talking to no one in particular. "How did this even happen in the first place? I am trying to find ou-" 

"Ace?" Ajax opened the door, staring at the boy blankly for a couple of seconds. "I … uh … heard you talking and shouting … are you ok?" 

Looking at the man in front of him, Ace sucked in a breath and put on his best smile. "I am alright, Ajax." He said trying to sound as cheery as possible. "I was just … surprised." 
