
There's Always Something

Ace whistled the moment he entered the room. 

"Good job." 

All the broken and worn out furniture are on a pile on the floor, ready to be burnt to the ground. 

The windows were open as a soft breeze came into the room. Beyond the windows is a balcony that overlooks the garden with a pavilion and a small stream running through it. 

Ace stood on the balcony, taking in a deep breath as the trees began to sway slowly in the breeze. 

If I remember correctly, he likes plants right? I think he does. I can't remember exactly which ones though. 

Well, this is better than nothing. 

"Are you satisfied, your highness?" The maid asked nervously. 

"Yes." He said, nodding at her. "Now, why don't we start filling this room with things that will make it feel more like a room? We have spares laying around, don't we?"
