
I'm a Wolf

Daniel's POV

"Sweet Pea, your mom's right. I need to explain a lot of things to you and some of it you may not like or want to accept. But I need you to listen to everything your mother and I have to say. Okay?" Scarlet is such a bright and beautiful young woman. Ress really has done a wonderful job with our daughter. I pray to the goddess that what I am about to tell her does not scare her to the point of not wanting to have anything to do with me.

"Dad, I will do my best, but not knowing what you guys are going to say I can not make any promises."

"That's fair enough. Your such a smart girl. Did you read the book I left you? The one about wolves?"

"Most of it. I haven't read it all yet. Mom didn't find it until we were packing to move here last week."

"Ok well what do you think about that book? I mean how the live, love and care for each other?

"Dad what does the book have to do with this. Werewolves are not real so I don't have anything to compare all of that to. I mean everything in the book is freakin awesome but none of that exists here in the real world dad."

"What if I told you if all of that was true?"

"Dad none of that exist. There is no way because if it did they would be hunted to extinction because of fear."

"Your right, that is why shifters are keep select and trust know one in the outside world with any information about them. Sweet Pea, it is all real and you are one of us. And I would like the chance to explain everything to you and if you would allow me opportunity to show you my world."

"Mom, did you know about this? Did you about dad? Wait! Am I one? Am I a werewolf? Mom? Dad?"

"You are a werewolf, just like me and your siblings." I watch her facial expressions to see if I can judge her feelings about this news.

She just holds her head down as if she is contemplating her next move. "Mom, did you know? Did you know about dad and me?" She looks up at her mom with tears pooling in her eyes threatening to fall if she blinks. I want to reach out to comfort her but I know that she needs to process all the information that she going over in her mind.

Ress looks over at me and I nod my head and give her a slight smile letting know its okay to explain. "Yes, I knew. Your father explained everything when we were younger. I wanted you to be able to have a normal life with me for a while. I wanted you to experience what your dad wasn't able to give you. Please don't be mad. We only thought that you deserved a normal childhood before things got complicated."

"Sweet Pea, I'll answer any questions that you have. I will tell you anything that you want to know."

"Is that why you never came around? Is this why you had another family and left mom for your mate?"

"Yes and no. Shortly after you were born I met my mate. As werewolf's we have that one person that the moon goddess made for us. I knew I fell in love with your mother that my mate was still out there, but it is rather rare for us to meet our true mates so I was not expecting to met her at all. I had already explain this to your mom when she was pregnant with you. We were extremely happy and we knew that no matter what we would make it work for your sake. Anyway I met Beth when you were only 6 months old. Didn't want to leave you and your mother but mates are very protective over each other and I was afraid that Beth's wolf would over power her human side. So me and your mom made the decision to separate for each other's safety. I have miss you so much the years. I just hope that you can understand and forgive me."

"Do I wish you would have talked with me year ago, yes I do. But I also understand your choices. I still love you both and that will never change. So now tell me why you're here all of a sudden explaining all this to me."

"Well, your right thee is a reason and it is a pretty big one. Werewolf's shift for the first time on their 17th birthday. And with your birthday coming in a few weeks we decided it was time for us to have this talk. Also at the time of your first shift you will also gain your wolf and you will be able to find your true mate. I also want to want to teach you about my side of the family. I just hope that you will agree to it."

"What exactly do you want me to agree to?"

Scarlet's POV

What in the world is going on? First my dad shows up unexpectedly and then he tells me that I am a werewolf and that my mom has known all this time. Why did they not tell me? Why did they wait so long to tell me? I guess I should have talked with mom about my dreams. Should I ask dad?

"Sweetheart your dad wants you to go and stay with him and learn about pack life. And I want you too, I think it will be good for you to learn about being a werewolf because I cannot show you. Your dad is an Alpha, you are an Alpha's daughter. I want you to learn from our past."

"Will I still be able to see you? Dad could not visit, so will I not be able to visit, or you come see me?" I have always wanted to visit my dad and my siblings, but I do not want my mom to be lonely either. I have always known that I was different, but I never thought I was that different though.

"I will work all that out with your dad, don't worry about that. And I am sure you can call and visit when you want to. I have my work that will be keeping me busy for now also."

"Your mom can visit anytime she wants, and you will have no restrictions. There is a lot that I need to explain to you. The pack is only two hours away from here." Looking at my dad I grin knowing that he is doing this for me. Because if that book is all fact. Humans are not supposed to know anything about pack life or werewolves for that matter. Unless they are mated. I stan up and going to my dad and just step into his arms and let him hold me. I love both my parents and I want to be with both of them, I now understand what's been going on for the past several years. I look over at my mom and she is smiling at me with approval.

"If mom thinks it will be good and she will be able to come and see me then I will do it. But what about school? I graduate I a few weeks. I don't want to miss that. I finally made some friends, dad. Most people stay away from me. Like their afraid of me."

"That's because you're an Alpha baby girl. Alpha's radiate power even if they don't realize it."

"Alpha? As in Pack Leader?"

"Yes, I am the Alpha of the pack. Our pack is the Red River Pack. We have about 1500 wolfs in our pack."
