
Chapter 4

Livana was seated in front of the dressing table but she wasn't facing the mirror on it, it was to her right. She was facing Agnes who was putting makeup on her face to make sure her freckles were hidden. Today was the day Nathaniel Blakeley would come over to meet her sisters and her. Her mother had insisted on the fact that she had to look her best. She was already dressed with her most beautiful gown. It was burgundy and it surprisingly brought her eyes out. Even her mother would compliment her looks when she was wearing this gown. Of course, she wouldn't go as far as calling her beautiful but it was simple things that Livana wished she would hear from her mother even without the makeup and gowns and hairstyles.

"You look worried," Livana stated furrowing her brows. Agnes' brown and kind eyes met hers.

"I was thinking about the things I told you a week ago. About the man living in the mansion buried in the forest," Agnes said truthfully.

"Please, Agnes, don't worry. He will not choose me anyway," Livana reassured her.

"You are underestimating yourself," Agnes said in a low voice. "Your sisters are beautiful, there is no denying that, but they are shallow. With all due respect." Agnes looked not sure of herself anymore, as if she had made a mistake and was worried of what would happen to her for saying what she had just said.

"I suppose they are at some extent." Livana didn't completely agree but she could see why Agnes would think that.

For Livana, they just wanted to be exactly what their mother wanted them to be and that was why they looked so shallow from the outside but she was sure there was more to them than just beautiful looks. Agnes relaxed as she seemed to realize that Livana wasn't mad.

"There, all done," Agnes said as she straightened up and took a step back.

The door burst open making both women jump in surprise. A breathless maid appeared in the threshold.

"My lady, lady Edith wants you to come to the drawing room now. Nathaniel Blakeley has arrived and is already there with your father. Your mother and sisters are waiting for you in front of it so you can all walk inside at the same time." The maid was talking so fast that Livana had to focus to understand her.

She jumped to her feet not even looking at herself in the mirror to see if she looked decent or not. She hurriedly walked toward the door of her bedchamber. She followed the maid out of the room and almost ran through the corridors and down the stairs. She had to be there as soon as possible if she didn't want her parents to blame her tardiness if this Nathaniel Blakeley didn't end up choosing one of the three of them. The gown wasn't making it easy though.

She reached downstairs in no time and ran through the big hall and then through the corridors until she reached the end of the corridor that led to the drawing room. She took a deep breath trying to calm her erratic breathing. Her mother wouldn't want her to be breathless in front of Nathaniel Blakeley. She wondered what he looked like. Susanna had said he was handsome and their father had said he was rather young so getting married to him shouldn't be that bad. It could be worse. Their eldest sister, Judith, was married to an older man, in his forties, but he was good-looking. His graying hair suited him well.

She looked up as she walked through the long and large corridor that was painted in a creamy color and had chandeliers and paintings hanging on them. She didn't pay attention to any of them, she knew them all already.

She could see her sisters and mother waiting for her in front of the big double door that led to the drawing room. Susanna was wearing a dark blue gown that suited her perfectly. Lucy had favored a lighter gown, it was of a pale pink. They were both elegant and gorgeous. Livana regretted not looking at herself in the mirror at least once before running downstairs. She probably looked ridiculous next to them.

She didn't want to be chosen anyway, but she just wished she wouldn't look bad next to her magnificent sisters. Their skin was obviously as covered in makeup as hers even though they didn't have anything to hide. Livana didn't understand why they always put so much powder when in her opinion they looked better without it. She smiled as she reached them and her mother turned toward her without a smile. She looked her up and down before nodding.

"Good," she simply said still nodding her head. "You look good."

Livana smiled widely. She hadn't expected her mother to say this. Getting her mother's approval was something she had always wanted no matter how much she tried to deny it. She loved her parents despite the habit they had to always put her sisters before her. And she knew that in some way they loved her, at least she liked to believe that they did.

"Are you nervous?" Susanna asked Livana turning towards her.

"I don't know," Livana answered truthfully. "Where is James?"

"He's out. He will be back in an hour," Lucy replied. Livana turned towards her and smiled but her smile quickly dropped when her sister added, "too bad he won't be here to see you not being chosen."

Livana didn't reply anything. Lucy had always been like that with her, it was nothing new. But every time she would throw a mean remark at her, Livana would be taken aback and it was like being slapped in the face.

"Ladies, it's time for us to walk inside," Edith said bringing Livana back from her trail of thoughts.

A servant knocked on the door and opened it before walking inside.

"My Lord, your wife and daughters are here." Livana heard him say.

Before she knew what was happening her mother started to walk inside. Lucy followed her inside, as well as Susanna and then her. The first thing she saw when she walked inside was her father. He was standing next to the fireplace with a drink in his right hand. Livana's heart started to beat faster. She purposefully avoided looking at the other people in the room and turned her gaze to her sisters who had stopped walking next to her. They were both smiling from ear to ear and Livana was suddenly reminded that she was supposed to smile too. She was supposed to look her best. She straightened her back to imitate her sisters' posture.

With their backs straightened like this and their heads held high in pride she felt like she was even smaller standing next to them. They were magnificent and she felt completely out of place. She turned her gaze back toward her father when he spoke, still refusing to look at the other people in the room. She could see in the corner of her eyes that there were two men and a woman. One of these men was Nathaniel Blakeley and would most likely end up married to one of them. She couldn't bring herself to look at him. She had never been so scared to look at someone.

"Meet my wife, Lady Edith Langley, and my daughters, Lucy, Susanna and Livana," Walter said with a proud smile.

Livana bowed with a forced smile when her father said her name. She looked to her side to see that Susanna, who was standing next to her, was blushing and smiling. Lucy was blushing too. He must be very handsome indeed, or the other man accompanying him was, or they both were. Livana looked down at her entwined hands in front of her. Her mother was probably outraged that she hadn't even looked at her father's guests once but she wouldn't say anything in front of them.

She didn't like to meet new people, she never had. She had always been shy. She much preferred to stay alone in the garden rather than spend time with people she didn't want to spend time with or being formally introduced to people she didn't want to meet. She knew the way she was refusing to look at them was impolite but she didn't care. At least, Nathaniel Blakeley wouldn't choose her for sure. And she knew what her mother would say if she could do it in front of them. "Hold your head high." Well, if she wanted Livana to be a proud woman maybe she shouldn't have raised her making sure she knew she was nothing anyone would ever want as a daughter or sister or wife.

This was why she hated being around people. She wanted to be alone, far away from judging eyes. And it was why she couldn't bring herself to look up at her father's guests. She didn't need to see what she saw every day in her parents' eyes. And the usual question she saw in people's eyes. How could she be so different from her sisters?

"It is a pleasure to meet you," a deep voice said. This voice was intimidating. Only by hearing his voice you knew you didn't want to mess up with him.

Livana eventually looked up and directed her gaze at the woman first. Well, her mother must be a little uncomfortable that a women more beautiful than her precious daughters existed and was standing just across from them. She was the most beautiful woman Livana had ever seen. Her red hair was shining and tied up in a loose but elegant bun at the back of her head. Her eyes were rather cold, calculating, but so deep. She was wearing a green gown and she was holding herself elegantly.

Her gaze then travelled to the man standing next to her. His blond hair reached his shoulders. His features were sharp but he was very good-looking. His eyes were of a lovely blue, lighter than her mother's and sisters'. If this was Nathaniel Blakeley, she could understand why her sisters were blushing. She probably was blushing too right now. But she understood that this man wasn't Nathaniel Blakeley when she heard the deep male voice again.

"I would like to have a few minutes in private with each one of them," he said. It wasn't a question.

She looked at the man speaking trying to keep a straight face. He wasn't looking at her and she was glad he wasn't. His eyes were the exact same color as the ones of the woman standing between him and the blond man. Beautiful hazel eyes, something between green and brown. But like the woman, his eyes were not friendly, and the fact that he had a fading black eye didn't help with the friendly look. The power radiating from this man was unsettling. His hair was short and brown. He was tall and looked strong. Really intimidating, but handsome. Livana had to force herself to look away from his beautiful features before he would catch her staring. She didn't want to look him in the eyes. How could a man look so powerful without doing anything?

"Of course. With which one do you want to start?" Walter asked still proudly smiling.

"I will start with the oldest and finish with the youngest," Nathaniel replied.

Livana let go of the breath she had been holding without even realizing it. She suddenly felt Nathaniel's eyes on her but she didn't dare to look his way. He must have noticed how relieved she was that she wouldn't have to be first.

Everyone walked out of the room except Nathaniel and Susanna. Livana didn't look back, she didn't look at the woman and the man accompanying Nathaniel who were now walking along with them either. She didn't even know who they were. They all walked toward the sitting room that was in the same corridor but a little farther down. She was about to walk inside but her mother called her name. Everyone walked inside and the door stayed open.

"When you walk inside of that room I want you to hold your head high. Your posture was awful in the drawing room. Do not look down and have the decency to look at our guests when they speak at least," Edith whispered in a chastising tone. "I thought you would fit for once."

"I'm sorry, mother," Livana genuinely said.

"Don't be sorry and straighten your back," her mother said sternly but still keeping her voice low. "I was ashamed of you and your behavior inside of that room."

"Mother, I-" Livana started straightening her back but her mother cut her off.

"He kept looking your way. He must think you and your sisters are not educated because of you." She was obviously angry at the thought of anyone thinking her daughters weren't educated.

Livana furrowed her brows. She hadn't realized he had been looking at her until the last minute but she had assumed it had been the first time he had even laid eyes on her. But her mother was overreacting. She doubted anyone would think her daughters were uneducated with Susanna and Lucy's perfect posture and smiles. And who was she kidding anyway? It was her fault if she was like that.

She was the reason why she was scared to look at people, scared to see what they would think of her. She was the reason why she always let her sisters be the center of attention. She had always been put down next to her sisters so what was she expecting? What was she expecting from the girl whom no man would ever want to marry? She wanted to scream. Throw at her all the things she had told her. She could even add a new one to the list now. I was ashamed of you. But she restrained herself and didn't say anything. She wished she would have the strength to talk back to her but contrary to what her mother seemed to believe, Livana was well educated and she wouldn't talk back to her parents.

"When it will be your turn to meet Lord Blakeley you will be polite, smile and look at him when he speaks," Edith ordered.

"Yes, mother," Livana said nodding her head.

"Good, now let's join the others."

Edith turned and walked inside the sitting room and Livana followed her. She straightened her back and looked toward her parents' guests to see that they were seated in a sofa in the middle of the room. They were both looking at her as if they had heard the conversation but Livana knew they had been talking too lowly for anyone to hear so she brushed the thought aside. She forced a smile onto her face and the blond man smiled back at her which took her aback. He cleared his throat.

"We were not introduced. My name is Tobias Hardwood, I am Nathaniel's friend. And this is Rebecca Blakeley, Nathaniel's sister," he said still smiling and looking at everyone.

"It is a pleasure to meet you," Rebecca said. A smile appeared on her lips but it didn't reach her eyes.

Livana nodded her head with a smile to acknowledge Rebecca and Tobias. Her mother started to talk but she didn't listen to her. She could finally think a little. Nathaniel was very handsome, there was no denying that, but he didn't look like the man she would want as her husband. If the fading bruise on his face and his slightly cut lower lip were any indication. He looked exactly like her siblings had described him. Mysterious, dangerous and handsome. And she hadn't changed her mind, she was not interested in mystery and danger. Maybe it was just an outside look though, his sister looked quite the same after all.

Before she knew it, it was her turn to spend a few minutes with Nathaniel Blakeley in private. Susanna and Lucy both looked very satisfied with their encounter with him and were now talking with Rebecca and Tobias as if they had always known them. Livana left the room looking one last time towards her sisters and their guests. Lucy was talking and Susanna was nodding her head in agreement while Tobias was smiling and Rebecca looked slightly bored. She also caught her mother and father looking at her silently telling her to behave.

She nodded her head at them and walked out of the room. She wanted her parents to be proud for once. She looked ahead of her as she started walking toward the door of the drawing room. She was so nervous her hands were sweaty. She brought them in front of her and rubbed them on her gown. She reached the door and took a deep breath as the same servant from earlier opened the door for her.

She quickly walked inside before she would change her mind and run away. This encounter could possibly seal her future. She turned around toward the door to watch as the servant closed it leaving her alone inside of the room with Nathaniel Blakeley whom she hadn't looked at yet. She turned back around to look inside of the room. Nathaniel was standing next to an armchair a little further into the room and looking at her. Her eyes met his and her heart started beating so fast that she thought it would come out of her chest. She had to get a grip because soon she would start sweating if she kept being so nervous.

Nathaniel looked at the young woman standing next to the door in interest. He could hear her heartbeats, one of the perks of his non-human condition. He couldn't really tell if she was nervous or scared but her heartbeat was clearly too fast. She was looking straight at him and he couldn't look away. Her eyes were of the most mesmerizing green he had ever seen and they held so many emotions he couldn't decipher them all. They looked like emeralds looking straight through him. He knew she was the one.

She probably had no idea that staring into his eyes like that was disrespectful. No, she didn't know because she had no idea what he was and what his rank in his species was. Still, her sisters has seemed unable to hold his gaze. It was obviously not her case. Eventually, she looked down and a satisfied smirk appeared on his lips. Now that she was looking down her long and dark lashes were resting on her cheeks, such a contrast with her pale skin. He didn't know if her skin was as pale as it looked or not though because she was obviously as covered in powder as her sisters.

It felt like they had been standing like that for minutes but it had only been a few short seconds when she took a step forward to walk farther inside. With the sudden movement, her gown knocked off a big vase that was just next to the door. She hurriedly turned around.

"Oh no," he heard her whisper as she bent down to pick up the vase. Her body seemed to relax when she realized that it wasn't broken and once it was back in its place she turned back towards him.

"I apologize, my lord, I tend to be a little clumsy. A trait my parents do not appreciate much," she started rambling but she stopped herself and seemed to regret saying what she had just said.

"No worries, it's not broken. No one will know about it," Nathaniel said amused. She seemed to notice his amusement because she blushed so furiously that it was visible even with all her makeup.

Walter Langley wasn't lying when he bragged about his daughters' beauty in front of everyone. The three of them were beautiful. But the one standing in front of him right now was by far the best-looking of the three. There was something more about her. Maybe it was the intensity of her green eyes and the hidden promise that was held in them. Promise of what? He had no idea. He was pretty sure she had no idea how pretty she was and of the intensity of her eyes when she looked at him like that.

"Shall we sit down?" Nathaniel proposed.

"Of course," she said walking forward into the room. She walked past him and settled in the armchair facing the one he was standing next to. He sat down as well.

"Could you remind me of your name?" Nathaniel asked politely. He remembered her name all too well but he wanted to hear her say it. He noticed the slight change in her eyes even though her face stayed neutral.

It looked like she wasn't really pleased by the fact that he didn't remember her name. He hadn't paid attention to what Walter had said when his wife and daughters had entered the room earlier because he had been too distracted by the fact that the woman now facing him had refused to look his way unlike her sisters whose eyes had found him as soon as they had entered but he had still picked up on her name. He had also noticed the clear difference between her and her sisters, the way she held herself. As if she was almost ashamed. As if she felt like she didn't belong there.

The obvious pride eradiating from her sisters and mother was completely inexistent in her. He was used to observing people's behavior and used it a lot in his everyday life, with his people, he had to.

"Livana. My name is Livana." She looked down at her hands resting on her lap and started to play with her fingers nervously.

"Livana, it's a lovely name. Please, call me Nathaniel," he said and she looked back up at him with a small smile.

"What happened to your face, Nathaniel?" She asked taking him aback. He wasn't expecting such a bold question. No one had asked him about it since he had arrived here but he hadn't missed that everyone had noticed.

"I got into a fight," he replied not giving any details. "I'm the one who is supposed to question you," he added in a falsely chastising tone. Livana looked down and her smile disappeared.

"I'm sorry," she apologized and Nathaniel furrowed his brows. It was already the second time she was apologizing in only a couple of minutes. Did she always assume that everything she was doing was wrong and that she had to apologize?

"It's fine," Nathaniel reassured her. "So, first of all, how old are you?"

"I'm twenty, how old are..." Livana started but she trailed off and didn't finish her question.

"You can question me, I don't mind," Nathaniel replied bending a little forward and resting his elbows on his knees. "I'm twenty-nine." Livana seemingly relaxed a little and a small smile made its appearance on her face again. "Tell me honestly, who do you think I am most likely to choose if I choose one of you?"

"Mmm," Livana looked to the side and bit her lower lip thinking. "I don't really know. I would say Susanna. Even though I would not be surprised if you ended up choosing Lucy. They are both really beautiful women."

Nathaniel looked at her for a few seconds without saying anything. He had asked this exact same question to her sisters before her. The answer to that question could reveal a lot on a person. Susanna had answered that she did not want to sound pretentious but she thought she could be the one he would choose. Lucy had blatantly said she thought he would choose her. He appreciated confidence in a person in general, but not in this particular situation.

"Thank you for your honesty," Nathaniel smiled. He was about to ask something else but someone knocked on the door.

Before any of them had the chance to say anything the door opened to reveal Walter. Livana stood up so Nathaniel did the same.

"Do you need some time alone with your sister and friend to think a little?" Walter asked standing by the door. "Or maybe you would prefer to give an answer in a few days only?"

This was obviously his way of telling him that his private meeting with Livana was over. Not so subtle.

"No, thank you. My choice is already made. I would like to announce it now." Nathaniel replied and he noticed Livana's eyes opening wide in surprise. She hadn't been expecting to know what his choice would be so soon it seemed.

"Of course, I will ask everyone to come back here." Walter walked out of the room as soon as he was done talking, leaving Livana and Nathaniel alone once more.

"Isn't it a little precipitated?" Livana asked after a few seconds of silence. They were still both standing in front of their armchair.

"Is that what you think?" Nathaniel asked looking into her emerald eyes.

"Yes, unless your decision is to take none of us as your future wife."

"And why is that?"

"You are choosing your future wife. This is not a light matter. You are choosing the woman with whom you will spend the rest of your life, the woman to whom you will be linked to in front of God and forever, the woman who will carry your children. And you are not only sealing your fate, but also the one of the woman you will choose. This is a choice that requires a man to give himself time to think," Livana explained looking straight into his eyes.

"Are you afraid I will seal your fate?" Nathaniel asked taking a step forward. Livana instantly took a step back, the back of her legs hitting the armchair.

"Mine or my sisters', it doesn't matter to me. I still believe you should think thoroughly about it before making any hasty decision." Livana said with an unsteady breathing. Was she scared? Was she uncomfortable? He didn't know, he couldn't read her eyes right now. Maybe it was her way of protecting herself, but her eyes that had held so many emotions a few seconds ago were now completely devoid of any.

Before he had the time to answer anything he heard people entering the room. His eyes were still buried in Livana's, trying to find an answer that wasn't there anymore. After a few seconds she looked down and he was supposed to feel satisfaction at that, because it was in his nature, but he didn't. He wanted her to look back up into his eyes, but she didn't.

Livana kept her eyes down as she stepped away from the armchair. She looked up at everyone else and walked toward her sisters and mother who were standing in the same spot as earlier. She positioned herself next to Susanna and turned around to face everyone else. She looked to her right to see that Susanna was a little nervous. Her posture was perfect as usual but she was biting the inside of her cheek in an almost unnoticeable way. Lucy on the other hand seemed completely relaxed and serene.

She looked back at the others to see that Nathaniel was whispering something in his sister's ear and she was nodding at whatever he was saying to her. Tobias seemed to be listening in but she doubted he could really make out what Nathaniel was saying because from her spot she couldn't hear a sound. She had no idea who Nathaniel would choose but it was probably what he was talking about with his sister right now. Rebecca looked over at Lucy and Susanna and then Livana but her gaze wasn't giving anything away. Walter cleared his throat and Nathaniel straightened back up ending his whispered conversation with his sister.

"Are you certain you do not want to think about your decision a little longer?" He asked looking at Nathaniel. Livana knew her father, he was obviously afraid that the reason why Nathaniel didn't want to think about it any further was because he would choose none of them.

"No, thank you Lord Langley," Nathaniel said with a formal tone of voice, rather different from the one he had used with her. "Do you want me to announce my choice to you in private or now?"

Her father looked at his wife for a second and then back at Nathaniel Blakeley.

"Now will be fine. Whether they hear it from you now or from me later is the same," Walter answered with a polite smile. Nathaniel simply nodded keeping his eyes on Walter.

"All right, I would like to take one of your daughters as my future wife," Nathaniel said seriously, he wasn't kidding about this it seemed. On the other hand, a smile appeared on her father's face as he noticeably relaxed.

"I am very happy to hear that. Which one will have the honor of becoming your wife?" Walter asked pleased.

Livana felt angry all of a sudden. As if the reality of it all was dawning on her right now. Her sisters and she were standing there, waiting for a man to choose one of them. Was that a way to treat them? As if they were cattle. They obviously had no choice in the matter and their father was pleased and waiting for a man to choose one of his daughters to link his life to hers forever. It wasn't only anger but also disgust that she was feeling now. All of this would only benefit their father. He only wished to have an alliance with a Lord owning as much land as Nathaniel Blakeley, maybe he was hoping to acquire some land of his own with this arrangement.

But what about the one Nathaniel would choose? What if it wasn't the life she wanted. It was not the life Livana wanted at least. The same life as her sister's, Judith. Being an unhappy wife and carrying child after child for her husband whom she didn't even love. Livana wanted a love marriage. Not an arranged one. But her father cared way too much about money and his alliances to let that happen. Even if Nathaniel didn't choose her, her turn would come eventually. When she would be the last one left to be married, when she would have witnessed the unhappy lives of all her sisters, her turn would come.

"Your youngest daughter, Livana," Nathaniel said not even looking at her to see her reaction, his eyes were still transfixed on Walter. Livana furrowed her brows and slightly shook her head. She wasn't sure she had heard that right. Maybe she was paranoid and she had heard wrong.

She looked to her right and the first thing she saw was Susanna's blue eyes looking at her with disappointment. Her heart started to beat faster. She looked at Lucy who looked upset but was trying to hide it. And then she saw her mother. Her eyes were telling her to behave as she probably could see the panic in Livana's ones. But she didn't look angry or disappointed like her sisters, maybe a little perplexed as if she couldn't comprehend Nathaniel's choice, but that was it.

Maybe he had gotten their names mixed up.

"There must be a mistake," Livana said lowly and Nathaniel eventually looked her way. "I am Livana."

"There is no mistake," Nathaniel said sternly.

Livana's chest was frantically rising up and down. This couldn't be happening, not already. She was only twenty. Her vision blurred as her eyes filled with tears. Angry tears. Terrified tears. It was unfair. She should have a choice in the matter. She wanted to say no, scream it, but she couldn't. She had to behave. She could feel her mother's eyes on her, a constant reminder that she was supposed to behave, stay composed, not let her desperate tears pour down her face.

She knew Nathaniel was looking at her but she couldn't bring herself to meet his gaze. She hated him. She deserved to have a choice. She hated her parents for taking that choice away from her. She hated him for choosing her and taking the choice away from her as well. Could he feel her hatred for him in that moment? She had no idea. It felt strange to hate someone that much, she wasn't used to feeling that way towards anyone.

"Good, I am delighted that our families will be linked thanks to your union with my daughter." Walter was still smiling. Obviously he was happy and it didn't matter at all for him which one of his daughters Nathaniel chose.

She wanted to run out of this room and far away from here. Her world that hadn't been that strong already was now crumbling down. She felt like she was going to explode.

"May I leave the room, Father? I am not feeling well," Livana said trying to keep her voice from trembling.

"Of course," her father answered. He was all too happy with the turn of events he probably didn't care whether she was in the room or not anymore.

Livana picked up her gown and hastily walked toward the door. She could feel Nathaniel's eyes following her and before she walked out of the room she finally let herself meet his gaze for a few seconds. She couldn't read his expression or his eyes. She had no idea if he was happy or mad or indifferent. She thought she saw him almost imperceptibly flinch when her eyes met his but before she had the time to think about it she was already out of the room.

She'd been seated here for at least an hour. Looking at the flowers around her, touching the grass with the tip of her fingers. It was calming to be here, she felt a little better now. She loved being here, outside. She could hear the birds singing and it was the most beautiful sound she had ever heard.

"Liv? Are you out here?" She heard James shout from the house and a smile appeared on her lips. She'd seen him getting back home approximately half an hour ago from afar and she had known it was only a matter of time before he would come looking for her.

"I'm over here," Livana shouted and a smile appeared on James' face as he spotted her. He walked toward her and sat down next to her on the grass.

"I knew I would find you out here," James said with a kind smile. Livana smiled as well, she loved to see her brother's smile. But her smile disappeared as fast as it had appeared.

"Do you know?" She asked bringing her hands on her lap and playing with her fingers nervously.

"I do," James replied turning his gaze towards her.

"Are they still here?" Livana asked even though she knew the answer already. If they had left she would have seen them leaving from afar just like she had seen her brother coming back home.

"Yes, they are about to leave though. When I arrived they were talking with mother and Father about the arrangements for the wedding such as a date and-"

"Already? Did you hear if they want the wedding to be soon or if we would take our time?" Livana asked cutting James off.

"I'm not sure. From what I caught, it seems they want the wedding to be pretty soon but Nathaniel Blakeley insisted on arranging a couple of meetings so you could get to know each other a little better before the wedding," James explained.

"How sweet and thoughtful of him," Livana said sarcastically and James chuckled.

"I take it you're not pleased with his choice of fiancée."

"No, I am not pleased. And it's not making it any better that I wasn't expecting it at all."

"I'm not surprised. You're a beautiful woman, Liv. The fact that mother and father cannot see that and choose to focus on what they like to call your flaws does not mean others won't see past them to see your beauty," James said truthfully and Livana was taken aback. He had never openly said to her that he didn't think like their parents or sisters. She had always known but hearing it was different. It felt good.

"Thank you, James."

"You're welcome. I'm only saying the truth," James said. "Oh look, they're leaving."

Livana turned her gaze away from her brother to look toward the main entrance of the house. She watched Nathaniel, Rebecca and Tobias walking out of the house and the doors being closed behind them. They talked among themselves and walked toward their carriage. When they reached it Tobias climbed inside first. Nathaniel extended his hand to help his sister climb inside when his eyes met hers from afar. They were so far away that she could barely make out his features but she knew for sure that he was looking at her.

Her heart fastened in panic when he dropped his arm and took a couple of steps towards her but he stopped when Rebecca caught his arm. She said something to him and he looked away from Livana to look at his sister. He replied something and she shook her head pulling on his arm. He looked back at Livana for a few seconds before turning around to face the carriage again. Rebecca let go of his arm and climbed inside the carriage and Nathaniel followed her.

"I thought he would come here," Livana said in relief as the door of the carriage was shut.

"We should go back inside. Father and mother probably have a lot of things to talk to you about," James said standing up.
