
Chapter 39 Kinjou Family

Hi guys, this is the next chapter.


~The next day morning

Kanda and the girls in his room woke up and went for the breakfast after being woken up by the door's knocking from Claris.

One of the maids come at their table while bringing a letter in her hand. Kanda asks her: "For whom the letter is? Who is the one that sent that letter" which she replied: "The letter was written for Manami-sama and there is no sender's name on the letter."

Manami receives the letter before opening and reading it. Gloomy looks starts to surface on her face after she had finished reading the letter.

"What had happened to you, Manami? You was cast down after read the letter. What is the content for that letter?" Kanda asked her when seeing her expression.

"It's nothing, Kanda. It just from my family. There is something had happened in the family and they want me to present there immediately." Replied Manami while giving a smile at him.

Looking at her where she does not want to tell him anything, he just said: "It's fine if there is nothing but if you need help just tell me alright. I don't want you to shoulder the burden by yourself."

She nods her head before saying thanks to him where he just dismissed it casually.

After the breakfast, Manami excuses herself as she need to go back at her family home. She refuses Kanda's help to send her back home which she said that there is nothing will happen to her later.

After Kanda had seen Manami already departing from the house, he uses communication device at his earring where it connects to Raven which he said his instruction to her: "Raven, I want you and your team to investigate where Manami is going and I also want you to investigate about Kinjou Family."

"Yes, sir. We will report to you as soon as possible." Replied Raven before he disconnects the communication.

Kanda goes to the Catia's main ship where he need to talk something with Kuune. He goes with Eris, Aoi, and Melwin where Eris and Aoi goes to the training room while he and Melwin going towards Kuune's room.

When he has arrived at her room, she had been informed about his arrival and already waiting for him.

He enters the room and sitting at one of the seats inside the room before talks directly: "Captain Kuune, I want to request something from you."

"What is it, Ichijou-kun?" Asked Kuune when she sees serious looks on his face.

"I want the access to your ship's control room. Not the command centre room but your artificial intelligence room where it contains most of its secret there." Kanda said that her.

Kuune's face becomes solemn after hearing his request where Melwin has surprised looks on her face. She asks him with stern voice: "Why do you want to go there? What are you going to do inside that room? If there is no concrete reason, I could not grant your request."

"I'm sorry...I couldn't not tell you that, Captain Kuune." He said that while being unmoved from her stern gaze. He continues talking: "I only can assure that I will not harm to all of you as I only need to talk with that artificial intelligence as I can see that its controlling almost all the devices in this main ship."

Kuune loses in her thought where silence starts to surface inside the room and Kanda just waiting patiently for her answer with Melwin where she not trying to ask anything to him.

"Sure, I will let you enter that room but I couldn't let you stay there for a long time. 15 minutes, that's all the time that I could give to you when you entering the room." Kuune said that after thinking for a long time where she limiting his visitor's time which he agreed with her restriction.

After that, Kuune shows him the way to the room that he had requested for. Kuune talks to him while walking: "You know, Ichijou-kun, if there is an emergency that will be happened to this ship like enemy attack, our command centre and the room that will I show you later will be separated into another dimension to prevent them from entering it. Therefore, I hope that you will hold on your promise in not harming any of the systems in that room."

"Of course, Captain Kuune. I promise that with my whole life." Kanda said that solemnly.

"That's good. We know already have arrived in front of the room. You can enter the room and remember, you have 15 minutes only." Kuune nods at him before letting him enter the room as they have arrived there.

Kanda enters the room alone as he already talked to Kuune and Melwin that he will enter by himself which Kuune has allowed him albeit slight hesitation.

~15 minutes later.

He comes out of the room and said to Kuune that he has already finished his business inside and gives his thanks to her where she replied to him that she hope that there will be no request like that again.

Kanda goes to the training room where Eris and Aoi have presented there and seeing their progress to the new changes in their bodies. Melwin goes to her station back with Kuune as she need to finish some of her work while she in the main ship.

When he enters the training room, he can see Dr. Durel had serious look in her face as she looking at the monitor where there are Eris and Aoi inside the monitor.

"Hello, Dr. Durel. How about your observation on them? Any insights that you may share with me here?" Kanda said that while coming closer at her.

"Oh...it's Ichijou." Said Durel while taking a glance at him before looking back at the monitor again. She continues: "Just like you have said to me before, their limit have been increased where they can do stage 2 training that I have been planned for their training. In my estimation, Eris needs 2 weeks to reach stage 2 training while Futaba needs 1 month to reach there. However, they already have reached stage 2 in 3 days for Eris and 5 days for Aoi when they first starting the training. It's so defying to see their improvement like this."

"Of course, I'm proud of them though I need to advise them so they will not rushing their training as it may bring harm to them." Kanda said that with pride before looking serious as he continues with his talking.

"That's right. Although I have already informed them that they need to tone down their training but they said that they need to reach your level as fast as possible when I had shown them your training manual before." Durel nodded before talking to him.

They continues talking until Eris and Aoi finally coming out from one of the simulation rooms inside this training room. Both of them greet Kanda when they see him talking with Durel which he returns back their greeting.

When Kanda spends his time with Eris and Aoi as they take a break before continuing their training again, he advises them to take their training slowly as he want to prevent them from breaking early because they training too hard.

His communication device had rung suddenly which he quickly takes it and listen the report from Raven about her findings on Kinjou Family. His face slowly becomes grim as he continues listening to her report before gives his order: "Raven, I need two people from your team to monitor Manami secretly and respond to me immediately if something has happened to her."

"Yes, sir." Replied Raven short to him.

"Next, I want you and rest of your team to get any evidences in Kinjou Family's involvement in 'those things' so we can show that to the public later." Kanda gives his next order to her.

"Affirmative." Replied Raven before Kanda disconnect the communication.

Aoi talks to Kanda after he had finished his conversation: "Kanda, who is the one calling you just now? And why your face changes during your conversation?"

"It's from Raven, I have given her team a task to monitor Manami while investigate the background of her family as I feels suspicious why her family suddenly informing her to go back at the family's home." Kanda said to Aoi's inquiry.

"Do you find anything about her family, Kanda?" Eris asked him next.

(A/N: Starting here, this is just a fabricated story from me to make relationship between MC and Manami become even stronger just like Eris and Aoi.)

"Yes." Replied Kanda short before continues: "Her family had long relationship history with CIA where almost of the family members have involved in that organization and married with the person in the organization."

As Kanda can see his story had attracted them, he continues: "However, their connection with CIA has broke during Manami's grandmother generation where she refusing the marriage between her and one of the son of CIA's higher-ups. Her grandmother's father furious with her decision and cause her to be exiled from the family where she had lived with her husband which is work as a teacher. Kinjou Family's status with CIA becomes deteriorating as the CIA's higher-ups make the main family members' lives difficult and surpress them completely."

Kanda stops for a while to sip a water before talking again: "When the main family members have found out about why CIA higher-ups have done that to them which is Manami's grandmother. They send their forces to capture her but they couldn't found her and her husband so they target her husband's family which forces her husband to come out but he ordered her wife to stay hidden. A week later, Manami's grandmother has found out that her husband and his family have been brutally killed by Kinjou's main family. Therefore, she took her daughter which is Manami's mother far away from them where she came to Okinawa and stay forever here."

"Is there anything had happened to her family to cause her to go back, Kanda?" Asked Aoi to him while there is worried expression on her face.

"In Raven's investigation, she had found out that Manami's mother had been captured by those people from the main family where they demanded that Manami to come back if she wants her mother to be alive." Replied Kanda to Aoi.

"Why are they doing that, Kanda?" Eris asked him next.

"Well..." Kanda stops to think for a moment before continues: "I guess they need something from her as she already deeply involved with us here especially to your people, Eris. Maybe they need something from the Catia but they too afraid or too arrogant to meet you so they need Manami to do their jobs."

"Those cowards people...how dare they threaten Manami by holding her family. If there anything that we could help her, Kanda." Aoi said that angrily before asks him again.

"For now, we need to wait for a while. Don't worry, I have already assigned some people to monitor Manami and they will inform me later." Kanda said that to her where she just nods at him.

After that, they had been joined by Melwin and Kuune where they have brought some food inside the room. Manami and Eris continues their training after taking some food with everyone in the room. While Kanda still eating the food that had brought by Melwin, his communication starts to ring again where he answered the call before he immediately raises from his seat and said: "Is that true? Ok, I will arrive there soon. I need you to standby there and protect her if she in a danger."

He has grim looks on his face and he starts to going out of the room after saying his farewell to Kuune and Durel. He called Eris and Aoi from their training where they immediately go with him back to their house at the Earth.

