
chapter 22

Prudy's POV

"You signed me up for rehab?" I can't believe she didn't even think of asking me.

"Prudy c'mon, you know you need it."

I'm leaving hospital just now and this is the information I find first.

"That's the problem with you Kiara. You think you know what is best for everyone! Did you ever stop to think if I wanted to go? Your black ass always wants to make choices for people when you can't even make sane ones yourself!" I need to walk away from her and I hurry to the side of the road to call for a cub.

"My black ass?" She follows me to say.

"I said a million things in that statement and you chose to hear that bit." I laugh sarcastically at the way she was acting. She didn't even catch the part that she was wrong about signing me up for rehab without asking me first.

"Yes! That is insultive!"

"Oh, really? Talk about my white ass then we can be equals. You cannot be comfortable with your skin color, you will always perceive everything as racist or insultive. I just got out. Now let me be! I need to think of how to get out of the mess you've put me in. Did you stop to think this will affect my school life? Oh, yeah. You don't care." I try to move away from her and she holds my hand. I turn and she looks into my eyes.

"I was trying to help. You are broken!"

"Oh, I am." I jerk my hand off hers.

"I am broken, I am a crack addict,I don't date. Yes I know that, you wanna add something new Kiara?" I stare back at her eyes sharper than I was at first.

"You wanna talk about you one bit? Let's discuss what you are. Uuh?"

"Don't make this about me."

"Then mind your fucking business!" I grab the bags she is carrying and walk away, fast this time.


Abbie's POV

Prudy bangs the door to our room and everyone sings a silly "welcome back" song. She undoes the decorations by the door and throws in her bag.

"I'm tired, I need to sleep." She starts to walk past.

"Prudy, that is rude! We put this up for you and that's all you got to say?"

She suddenly turns to face me and I jump slightly.

"This is what you all do. You never think of anyone but yourselves. Y'all lame brains want to have fun and spend money on people's misfortunes. I never asked for this. I didn't say you should set up some lame ass party. If I wanted to party I'd go to a fucking club."

"You don't think we know that?" Everyone is staring. What has gotten into her? "You don't ask for surprises!"

"I don't want surprises! Does everyone in UCLA know I ODd now?" She lets out a slight sarcastic laugh. "Of course why not when you signed me up for fucking rehab! Do you know how many drug addicts are in this school? Do you know how many die? Millions yes you picked me for your silly charity. What do you wanna prove?"

"That we are your friends and we want what's best for you?" She picks her bag up and starts to walk when I shout after her. "Prudy, some people care. And these people are called friends. The people in here would have felt your absence if you died that night. That is why they wanted to help. If you didn't wanna go to rehab, you should have tried not getting yourself in this mess that we trying to get you out off. That is what friends do. They help each other out! We are not perfect, we don't know what you really are going through , we will never if you not going to tell us. We're here because we love you Prudy!"

"I don't wanna be loved! I am not changing so deal with it and more I'm not going to that lame rehab you signed me up to. I don't know why you assume everyone wants your attention bubble girl. You wanna strip for people, go ahead ,we don't all love that kind of attention!"

Okay, that hurt.

"Unbelievable! Let's go, everyone, I don't need this." People start to murmur and I want to leave last when Sally holds my hand and I jerk it off. "Don't touch me!" He holds his hands up in defeat and walks out. I feel bad for him, he didn't deserve that but neither did I when he totally ignored me when his friends came up to us. He is waiting by his car when I get to the parking lot and I walk to the passenger's seat , which was already open for me.

Where was I even going with this dude?

I push that thought behind my mind. I can't believe Prudy insulted me like that when I was clearly trying to be friendly.

"Hey..." He looks at me worry written all over his face when he takes his seat on the driver's cabin. "You okay?"

"Drive." I manage to say and he lets out a heavy sigh and locks the door. He turns on the stereo to play Justice by Justin Beiber and drives off the school grounds.

"You hungry?" He asks concern evident in his voice.

"Hungry? Angry. Whatever, how could she? She knows how much that day haunts me and she had to go ahead and use it against me. Who does she think she is? She's so caught up in her head she can't even realize when she's hurting people! We were trying to help!"

"Hey," he halts the car by the side of the path we were going through.

"I'm sorry it turned out that way. She's stressed up. She's scared. That's how scared people behave. You cannot just hold that against her and, she's your friend, you can't stop helping her because she said something that hurt you when she was clearly hurting. It's not fair you know?"

Who is this guy again?
