
Chapter 7

The man was tall and thin like a basketball player and had long white hair and a long white beard.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"The name is Kronos. I was once the god of time here, but now that Lilith has taken around this world I have become her right hand man."

"So you sold out?" Father asked.

"Why not? It always helps to be on the winning team. This is nothing for us now. Lilith has destroyed many timelines already."

I began to see visions of the other universes been destroyed by Lilith.

Army after army was broken down and officers were captured and publicly executed on television screens. No one was left to oppose her tyrannical rule as she wiped out one entire universe one right after the other.

Warships were crippled by her energy blasts.

Cities crumble and body pile up in the streets.

People burning in flames like cooked meat.

One universe fall after another against Lilith's unstoppable force.

Lilith had discovered a hidden power in her own timeline and used it the destroy the gods of her own universe and then travel to other universes to do the same thing.

I gasped.

Kronos stood there with his hands on his hips.

"So where is this demon slayer family?" He said with a smug attitude, "Here is the cowboy, now where is the cow pies?"

Even after all of the stuff I had just seen, he sounded like this was all just a game.

"We are the Kyle family!" Reggie called out, "No retreat! No surrender!"

Kronos leaped at me with a punch and I sidestepped him. I guess he chose to attack me since I was the youngest.

"A little slow?" I taunted.

"I'm just getting started boy!" Kronos yelled as he swung at me. "I have always been strong and Lady Lilith has made me even stronger!"

"Is that so?" I said as I continued to dodge all of his attacks. "Well it's too bad she didn't warn you not to telegraph your punches."

I could hear my dad laughing.

Kronos yelled, "Death ray!" and shot a beam out of his index finger.

The beam hit me in the chest and I felt pain run although my body as I fell.

Kronos laughed, "Some hero you turned out to be."

I could hear my parents and aunt screaming my name.

"No!" Yelled Mother.

Kronos jumped into the air and was about to stomp on my body but I rolled out of the way.

"What? How are you still alive?"

I did a kip up and smiled, "The death ray, the same move Ares used. That really hurt."

I went into a fighting stance of orthodox boxing for my fists and Taekwondo kicking stance.

"I will crush you!"

Suddenly Kronos flew at me, but I rolled out of the way just in time as Kronos punched the ground.

The ground cracked as I kicked Kronos' feet from under him and he fell on the back of his head.

"That's better!" I heard father yell.

Kronos got up dazed.

"Listen," I said, "you don't have to do this. We don't have to fight."

"Me surrender to a child?" Kronos growled.

Kronos jump kicked at me and I sidestepped.

I used a series of wing Chun blocking techniques across Kronos' punches.

One quick kick to my knee took me down a little and Kronos hit me with a dozen punches in my gut and face.

I got too confident!

I felt Kronos hit me in the groin and I cried out in pain as I fell.

I heard mother screaming.

I looked up and saw mother grabbing Kronos into a neck lock. Kronos easily broke her grip and back handed her.

That did it!

I leaped into the air and kicked Kronos in the face with a loud yell.

Kronos staggered back a little as a hit him with a combination of boxing jabs and crosses.

Kronos growler as I used a series of spinning kicks.

Kronos charged me like a mad bull. I held my position and waited for the precise moment to deliver My brutal high-kick.

In a split second, I aimed my leg toward Kronos' head.

Before Kronos could retaliate, he had been struck down.

This was my chance!

"Fierce.... Bomb... Ha!"

I had used my ki to remove his intrinsic field, which kept his atoms and particles and science-stuff together. Without it, he would completely disintegrate as his matter disperses instantaneously.

Kronos let out one final scream before disintegrating.

"You lose Kronos!" I yelled.

"Well done my sohn!" said Mother as she pulled herself up from the ground.

"I told you Helena," said Reggie, "No one can beat Will!"

I raised my arm in victory as I felt Kronos' power being absorbed by my own body. What a great feeling!

"Hold it mortal!" yelled a female voice.

I turned my head and saw all three of the Gorgon sisters; Medusa, Stheno and Euryale.

They hair made of living, venomous snakes, as well as a horrifying visage that turned those who beheld her to stone. Fortunately, I had absorbed define power so I was immune to the look of their faces.

"You're no match for our strength." said Stheno.

I couldn't believe it, I had just defeated one of the strongest gods and they honestly think they had chance?

"Stand back mom," I said as I stepped in front of her as she covered her eyes, "I will handle this." Smart move on her part since the Gorgons supposedly had the ability to turn people into stone with their sight.

"We will teach you a lesson boy." said Madusa with an evil grin on her face.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Oh my," I said. "It's the attack of the three stooges."

The Gorgon sisters flew at me.

I jumped up with both of my feet flying forward and kick Madusa in the face as I extended both of my arms so Stheno and Euryale were knocked down with a punch from each fist.


"Damn it!" screamed the mysterious woman in the shadows, "We've lost Kronos?!"

"Yes my lady."

The mysterious woman turned to a man in chains next to her throne.

"Start talking Zeus! Who is male?"

Zeus laughed.

"I saw him in my vision, he is the one who will defeat you Lilith!"

The mysterious woman began to fume.

"You shut up male! No one can beat me!"

Zeus continued to laugh.

"Shut up!"

"He will beat you!" laughed Zeus

"I told you to shut up! Death ray!"

The mysterious woman shot a beam of energy out of her index finger and Zeus was disintegrated instantly.

"That will teach you to shut up!"

Lilith stood up from her throne as she spoke with a loud roar, "I have had enough of this Demon slayer!" Her face was still in the dark. "I will take care of this little drone myself!"

"Please my lady," said Lucifer, "Let me take care of him. Allow me to redeem myself."

"No Lucifer," said Lilith, "We will go together. Gather the army! Let's find the room of nothing and crush that little creep!"
