

At Claudia and Juan Patricio's house,

Claudia goes into her husband's study to get a book she had left behind. She looks through the shelf and finds it. On her way out as she looks around, she sees that the desk is untidy. She goes towards it to tidy it up. Most of the papers aren't that interesting, just old business letters and bills. She starts to arrange them and sees a letter in a red envelope. Claudia becomes very curious.

For one it is a very bright red colour, and no other envelope or anything else came close in color. She drops the other things she was holding neatly in a pile. She takes the red envelope and turns it over as she mulls over whether to open it or not. Claudia then picks up her book, folds the red envelope, and puts it in. She then starts to leave. Before she reaches the door, it is opened and Juan Patricio comes in.


At Antonio and Gabriela's house,
