
The loli's new strength

Hiro and the group appeared in front of a house. Hiro took out Samehada and it had a field day absorbing all the mana in the air. Zerotwo took in a deep breath and said "We're back, eh?" Hiro grinned and said "It's only been 7 years."

Zerotwo sighed and Hiro held her hand saying "Let's go see what's going on." Isabella jumped up and down saying "Ahhh! I want to see Natsu and the rest!" Mittens cried "Happy, Carla, Lily! Mittens is back!"

Hiro chuckled and walked towards the giant building in the middle of the city. He said "My love, why don't you got to the new guild first, get Isabella and Mittens registered..." she smiled and said "Taking care of business?"

Hiro cracked his knuckles and said "Some ants forgot the terror of the Oni." Zerotwo giggled and said "Don't over do it~" Hiro grinned and revealed his fangs as he said "Of course not." he walked towards a building with an Ogre mask on it as Zerotwo brought Isabella and Mittens away.

Hiro flicked his wrists and Stormbreaker and Leviathan appeared in his hands as he chuckled and kicked in the door of the guild.

Everybody inside looked over with an angry expression saying "Who the fuck are you brat?! Don't you know this is the strongest guild in Magnolia, Twilight Ogre?!" Hiro chuckled and said "Then I didn't get the wrong place~"

He pulled down his shirt with the blade of Leviathan as he said "Our guild owes you money, I'm here to return the debts..." he raised the axes and said coldly "Property Damage to the guild, abuse to the members, absurd interest fees..."

His eyes glowed "You're all sentenced to Death!" as he slammed the axes down and his Will exploded over the entire city. The entire city shook and the Twilight Ogre guild, along with everyone inside, was instantly vaporized to nothing, not even leaving ashes behind.

Hiro stood in the air above a crater and snorted at the destruction, Leviathan and Stormbreaker hanging down by his sides, crackling with lightning and freezing the air around it, making a mist effect.

Hiro looked over his shoulder at the guild members, the ones that stayed and the ones that were stuck on Tenrou Island. His eyes and horns glowed as he grinned saying "We're back." the guild members erupted into cheers and lunged at Hiro, hugging him tightly.

Hiro returned the axes to Sun and into his ear as he said "Alright! Alright! Hey! Who touched my ass!" the guild was loud and cheerful, laughing the entire time.

A while later

Isabella got a Fairy Tail mark on her leg like her mother and Mittens got one on her back, Mittens showed the rest of the Exceeds and they all danced in a circle. Isabella was running around looking at all the people excitedly, lunging at Lucy and hugging her, crying in joy.

Everyone was smiling and happy.

Hiro was drinking with Gildarts, Laxus, Makarov, Erza, Natsu, and Grey, Mirajane was listening in on their conversation as well.

Makarov said seriously "You're in big trouble." Hiro was stunned and said "What did I do?" The members who were frozen grinded their teeth in anger and Laxus punched him in the face shouting "YOU FOUGHT THAT MONSTER ALL BY YOURSELVES?!"

Hiro flew into a wall and hung his head. Natsu grabbed his collar and roared in his face "We're a family! What are you sacrificing yourself for!?"

The guild went quiet and everybody looked at Natsu and Hiro.

Hiro didn't say anything but a cracking sound broke the silence. The space on Hiro's back cracked and exploded, shattering to nothing. Makarov grabbed Hiro and ripped his shirt off, revealing the big '⁕' scar mark on his back with the Falna on top of it.

Everybody paused and Hiro got up, putting on a new shirt as he said "It was more than you could handle... Even we barely escaped alive." Gildarts' arm extended and pulled Hiro to him as he said "Are we family or not. I don't need a kid like you to sacrifice himself for me." Erza said seriously "Me neither." Natsu added "And me!" Grey said "Same here." Laxus clicked his tongue, Makarov grunted angrily, Mirajane added firmly "I don't want that either."

The rest of the Tenrou team chimed that they didn't need him to protect them either. Isabella was silent and Zerotwo was off to the side, she wanted to say something but Hiro didn't let her.

Natsu grabbed Hiro's collar and said "You do something like that again..." his fists shook as he added "And I'll kill you myself!" the rest of the guild nodded and agreed, Hiro smiled and felt a little emotional.

He teared up and smiled with closed eyes as he said "I won't!" the entire guild grinned and celebrated, cheering and drinking while laughing and singing.

The group pulled Hiro in and said "What happened?!" Hiro said seriously "We fell into a space time rift and went to another world." Lucy said "Like Edolas?" Hiro said "Something like that." Natsu shook him saying "Come on! Tell us! What was there?! Floating islands?"

Hiro said "Ninjas." Natsu was stunned and Happy looked over stiffly, stars lit up in their eyes and they shouted excitedly "NINJAS!?" Hiro nodded "Ninjas." Isabella said "Natsu-san! Natsu-san! Look!" Natsu and Happy looked at Isabella, who made hand signs and said "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!"

With a 'poof' there were 2 Isabellas.

Natsu and Happy foamed at the mouth and fell over with star struck expressions. The rest of the Guild was awed and Isabella performed a show using all the Jutsus she knew, which was all of them that were in the Jutsu scroll.

Naruto ate the Fire Breath Jutsu and said "Hey! Pretty tasty!" Mittens was the same and pulled out ninja clothes from her backpack, she had a set for everyone. Soon there were 4 ninja cats flashing around saying "Nin-Nin!"

A few weeks later

Hiro was sitting in the trashy guild, drinking while Isabella, Wendy, and Romeo were sitting at a table talking. Hiro looked over and felt his eyes twitch as he said "Macao... Get your pervy kid away from my daughter!" Macao got in his face and said "Ehhhhh!? You should count your blessings, bub!" Hiro knocked heads with Macao saying "Ehhh?! You want a beating, 'Master'?"

Macao lunged at him shouting "Don't say it so sarcastically!!" Hiro grabbed him and they got into a dust brawl.

Hiro threw Macao out of the dust and shouted "Bastard!" Macao crashed through the wall and got stuck halfway.

Hiro got up and dusted his hands off with a grin and posed, flexing his muscles. The others in the guild rolled their eyes and Hiro sat back down saying "Izzy, front and center." Isabella ran over and looked at Hiro cutely. He clicked his tongue and said "Don't go on any jobs for a bit. I'm gonna teach you new magic."

Isabella jumped up and down and said "WOOHOO!" before running off, Hiro sighed and patted the counter saying "See you guys tomorrow~" before leaving with Zerotwo, Mittens, Isabella, and Samehada.

They went to a small house in the woods not too far from the guild and Hiro walked inside before stomping on the ground. The entire floor sank down and brought them to an underground area with a few doors, labeled 'Sleep', 'Kitchen', 'Time Room'.

Hiro dragged Isabella and Mittens inside the Time Room and Zerotwo followed along.

Hiro took out the Grimoire and flipped the pages saying "I see that you've been practicing your Arc of Embodiment." Isabella nodded and said "Everyday." Hiro nodded and said "Very good. Today I will be teaching you Sun Dragon Slayer Magic."

Isabella gasped and said "Like Wendy?!" Hiro pursed his lips and said "How could Wendy compare to my little princess? But yes, you will become a Dragon Slayer. You already have the Cat." Mittens cheered and Isabella was excited.

Hiro read the Sun Dragon Slayer Magic before touching Isabella's forehead as he transmitted the magic to her brain. He 'gifted' it to her as well and only relaxed after hearing the prompt.

He closed the Grimoire and sent it back as he said "You will be going through an entire year of training to get used to your new magic, same thing as before. Fight me and your mother, Mittens can help. We're going to go at it for an entire year."

Isabella jumped up and nodded as her hands glowed brightly and became extremely hot.

Hiro smiled and said "Alright, let's start." Isabella charged at Hiro and threw a punch covered in light but not flames. Extremely hot light.

Hiro dodged and beat her with a pool noodle, smashing her flying. Zerotwo giggled and flashed behind Isabella waving her own pool noodle. Isabella spun in the air and stacked her fists before blowing out a beam of light orange light.

Zerotwo dodged and said "Pretty strong, eh brat?" Isabella giggled and Mittens covered herself in lightning before shooting lightning bolts, having gotten her own Exceed magic! It was Lightning Magic. The electric Neko!

The family sparred for an entire year straight.

When they finally stopped Hiro smiled happily and gave Isabella a 20 yr experience token saying "Use this on your Sun Dragon Slayer Magic. Just crush it and think about the magic." Isabella crushed it and her eyes glazed over.

Zerotwo and Hiro smiled happily, looking at their daughter, who was already extremely powerful. Zerotwo teared up and said emotionally "She's growing up so fast..." Hiro smiled with watery eyes, saying "It's life, Angel." Zerotwo almost cried saying "She's going to leave us soon..."

Hiro hugged her shoulder and said "It's okay." despite his words he was crying as well with a big smile on his face, extremely proud of Isabella.

Hiro made Isabella rest and pulled a bunch of Ultra Mystery Chests, going back down to 15 from 25.

[Congratulations! You've received Wolverine Regeneration!]

[Congratulations! You've received Fiery Eyes of Truth!]

[Congratulations! You've received 10 yr experience token x 5!]

[Congratulations! You've received Ultimate Mystery Chest!]

[Congratulations! You've received Limit Breaker!]

[Congratulations! You've received Third Origin Release Permanent!]

[Congratulations! You've received Third Origin Release Permanent!]

[Congratulations! You've received Poseidon's Trident!]

[Congratulations! You've received Full Prestige (1)]

[Congratulations! You've received Full Prestige (1)]

Hiro gifted the Full Prestige and Third Origin Release permanent to Zerotwo before gifting Wolverine Regeneration and Limit Breaker to Isabella.

He merged the Byakugan with the Sharingan and merged the result with Flaw Vision and the Fiery Eyes of Truth, making True Fire Eyes.

The True Fire Eyes melted into his own and disappeared, leaving his eyes the same, but his vision was completely different, he could see farther, zoom in, see statuses, etc. Everything he could do before but 100x better.

Isabella came back to earth and smiled happily saying "Baba! I'm stronger than you now! HAHAHAHA!" Hiro chopped her head and smashed her into the ground saying "Now yet, you're not..."

Isabella rubbed her head and said "Owwie..." Hiro smiled and they left the Time Room, going back to the surface. Hiro went back to the guild and sat down at the bar, while Mittens and Isabella went to tell Wendy and Romeo of their new strengths.

Zerotwo talked with the girls and Makarov read a letter saying that Gildarts was leaving and he made 2 orders as his Guild Master status. One was accepting Laxus again and the other was making Makarov the 6th guild master.

Everybody laughed and Makarov said "That's it! Hiro is the 7th Guild Master of Fairy Tail!" Hiro spat out his drink all over Lisanna's face and said "WHAT?!"

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Monkey_Godkingcreators' thoughts