
Shooting Stars burn brightly in the night sky...

A while later

The group went back to the beach and ate food that randomly popped into existence. Hiro looked at everything before walking to the woods and ripping a branch off a tree. He took out wires and a coat hanger before making a makeshift fishing pole.

He walked to the ocean, grabbing his plate and hooking the food on the hook before casting his line and sitting alone. Zerotwo skipped over and said "What are you doing, Darling?" Hiro smiled and said "Fishing."

Zerotwo put a finger to her chin and tilted her head saying "Fishing?" he smiled and said "Catching fish so I can cook my own food." he got up and pulled the line, ripping a fish out of the water and catching it in his hands.

Zerotwo's eyes sparkled as she clapped saying "Wah! You caught one!" Hiro chuckled and said affectionately "I can't catch one with my mouth though." Zerotwo giggled and puffed of her chest saying "That's right! Praise me!" Hiro threw the fish into a bucket and bowed saying "My Queen, shall I get more fish for you?"

Zerotwo waved her hand saying elegantly with a noble expression "Yes, my knight. Catch me more. I am hungry!" Hiro smiled sweetly and threw out the hook again. There was no reel so he was basically using his hand to simulate another fish with the hook.

He felt resistance and pulled fiercely, ripping another fish out of the water. Needless to say, he was pretty good! Though with super strength and enhanced reflexes, he didn't need much technique. If the fish bit the hook they were fucked, he was so strong that even if the fish was still loose, the hook would grab it and rip it out of the water.

A few minutes later

The bucket was full of fish and Zerotwo clapped happily saying "Yay! More of my Darling's food! Ahhh.." she held her cheeks as drool escaped her lips, Hiro smiled and wiped her drool, waking her up. She looked at him and he put his finger in his mouth.

There was a silence before Zerotwo giggled and kissed him. Hiro returned the kiss and coughed awkwardly, how could he get caught like this!? What an amateur... Zerotwo hugged his arm and they walked back to the camp.

Hiro cleared the table like Ricky from Trailer Park Boys and put the bucket on the table. He took out a knife and slammed a fish on the table. Everybody jumped and looked at him, then at the failing fish.

Hiro's eyes flashed and he chopped down like lightning!


The fish was neatly beheaded and the group gasped. Hiro fileted the fish perfectly, taking all the meat and leaving the bones, tail, and head. He did the same to the rest of the fish and took out spices from a bag, they really came from the system space. He carried a variety of spices and honey, wherever he went now.

He stabbed the filet with the metal sticks provided to them, after cleaning them of course. Then he left the filets on the grill, adding seasoning before making a sauce. The group watching him work and smelled the aroma, Zerotwo reached for the sauce and Hiro slapped her hand as he continued to work.

She pouted and Hiro pursed his lips in amusement. He took the sauce and lightly spread it along the grilled fish evenly. The smell exploded with multiple mouth watering elements, Futoshi's eyes turned red as he started breathing heavily.

Hiro jumped, calm down big boy. It's almost ready, okay?! The kid looked like he was going to eat Hiro himself if he didn't get any. There was a reason Hiro got extra fish, this kid kinda scared him a little.

If they were stranded on an island he would definitely vote to eat Futoshi first. It's a shame they wouldn't have any Farva beans or a nice Chianti...


The food was done and everybody was standing with their plates and smiles. Hiro felt his mouth twitch and he gave Zerotwo her share before saying "Take the rest, you filthy animals." before taking a single stick.

The rest quickly grabbed a stick as Futoshi swiped his hand over, grabbing 3 at once. Everybody got a stick as Futoshi took the rest, devouring them like a wild animal.

Hiro sat next to Zerotwo and took her sticks before blowing on it and holding it in front of her mouth with an affectionate smile, she smiled sweetly and took a big bite before moaning in comfort as the sweet and sour fish tickled her taste buds.

Hiro smiled and ate his filet as well. His nose scrunched up at the flavor, it was good but not amazing. He scratched his neck in frustration and finished the fish before feeding Zerotwo, who was having the time of her life being fed.

It was probably the best part of the entire beach trip. She had already changed from wanting to see the beach to wanting to be with her Darling more and more. Nothing else mattered as long as she was with him. Even if the world was ending, she would be happy as long as he was next to her.

Thinking of this, she scooted close to him and leaned her head on his shoulder. Hiro smiled and threw the skewers into the 'fire', but really they went into his system space. All of them did, along with the knife and everything else.

To others there was a raging fire as they were introduced to the pleasures of Pyromania, throwing things into the fire crazily without end. Zorome even threw his tube into the fire and it popped, blowing the fire out like a flower as it burned crazily.

They were having fun and Hiro was collecting all the things, these crazy kids were really his lucky star. They even through the grill into the fire. Who does that?! The grill was now Hiro's property.

Hiro was clearly leading these kids to be scourges of society.


Zerotwo said "I'm going to swim again, Darling." Hiro said "In the dark?" Zerotwo hummed and skipped off, Hiro watched her go and the rest started talking about how great Papa was. Hiro scratched his neck really not wanting to hear how brainwashed they were.

Zorome said in awe "Papa and the others are so amazing! Just think about it! They used to live outside but not they live in brightly lit cities! And we protect them! We're useful to them! Isn't that great?! Maybe one day we'll become adults too!"

Hiro scratched his neck and stood up to walk away. Goro said "Where you going, Hiro?" Hiro looked up at the sky and sighed "Are you really okay with living in a cage? Like animals?" Mitsuru asked "You don't like the lifestyle and environment Papa gave us? Are you que-"

Hiro cut him off and said "Papa this, Papa that. Who fucking cares?! We're all birds in a cage! Trapped forever! Becoming adults? We all become adults! It's called aging! It rains when our master decides to make it rain, have you ever seen snow? Have you ever watched people pass by? Have you ever felt the wind blowing against your faces?"

The group was stunned and Hiro said "Of course not. Think for a single moment, everything is given to you, everything you do is according to what someone else says. Are you even a real person? Don't forget, I gave you names when you were just numbers. What has 'Papa' ever done for you? Oh, right, I'm sorry. I forgot, he has locked us all up in a cage with food and clothes."

He put his hands together and said sarcastically "Thank you, Papa. Ugh, my lord and savior, my god, I love being a trapped animal. Next time, beat me when I'm disobedient. Like a dog." he took his hands down and looked at the ground saying "The sand, the beach, the city... There's more life in an abandoned city than inside the Plantations. You're grateful our master took us out for a walk..."

He turned around and looked at the stunned group saying "Where did all this food come from? What about the fire? I know for a fact none of you know how to start a fire, and I'm the only one that cooks, so where did it come from? Was it magic?"

He clicked his tongue and said "You know exactly where it came from but your thankful. Thankful that were being watched like test rats in a lab." Kokoro said "What are we supposed to do, we don't know anything else..."

Futoshi agreed saying "Yeah, Papa gives us food. Isn't that good?" Ikuno was silent and Mitsuru said "You don't like what Papa gave us, then don't use it." Hiro laughed and shook his head saying "Why do I even bother, you don't understand at all. None of you do." before turning around to walk away.

Zorome said "What's his problem?" Ikuno finally said "Don't you find it weird how everything was perfectly ready for us when we got back? Obviously someone is watching us and set this up while we were gone. How does the breakfast appear every morning? I don't see anybody else in the residence, do you?"

Zorome said "No... But obviously the adults are taking care of us. That means that we're useful, right?" Ikuno shook her head and went to the book she was reading. The rest feel silent, when did they think of blasphemous thoughts? Never was the answer but from Hiro's forceful prying the seeds of doubts started to germinate in their minds.

Hiro walked to the beach and sat down, hugging his knees and watching Zerotwo swim.

She swam to a series of protruding rocks and sat on them, looking over with a beautiful smile. Hiro was dazed, her smile under the shooting stars that passed by, left a permanent picture in his mind. She looked like a real angel at this very moment, an angel just for him.

He ran into the water and swam to her before climbing up the rocks, he looked up and she spread her hands out, looking down at him and she said warmly "Come to me, Darling." Hiro climbed up and held her in his arms as they looked at the shooting stars together. Not wanting this moment to end.

Snuggling together and holding hands, looking up at the shimmering shooting stars blazing across the sky leaving long trails in their wake, they both made a wish in their hearts 'Stay with me forever... Darling/Angel.'

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Monkey_Godkingcreators' thoughts