
Chapter 120

Hilda took a deep breath, before shaking her head "No…it's fine, ignore that, like I said before, you've got your own journey to deal with, I'm just venting at your stupidity," she replied before taking her hand away and looking me in the eye, "So, what have you got to say for yourself?" she raised an eyebrow, even as she cracked a yawn.

"It wasn't as bad as it looked," I shrugged, "Beyond Gyarados taking me by surprise, I wasn't in that much danger."

I left out how I actually injured myself more when I fought back. That would just make her more worried. Besides, it was kind of embarrassing.

"It sure looked like you were," she pointed out, "But…you're okay then?"

"Totally fine babe, no need to worry and all that," I gave her a grin, "Better than fine actually, I've just got my hands on even more rare and powerful pokemon."

"…Of course you did," Hilda rolled her eyes, but I just bore it with my grin widening, "Promise me you'll be more careful though, if that was what you got up to the same night I left you, I can't imagine the crazy shenanigans you'll pull next."

…Well, I definitely won't be telling her I plan on attacking a villain who has an army of forcibly evolved mega pokemon at his beck and call. And a floating castle thing that can fire off energy blasts that could wipe a small village off the map.

Who also if I remember right is a grand advisor to royalty. Of a foreign region of the one I now have citizenship with.

I can't promise that, so I kept my mouth shut.

"…You've got to be kidding me," Hilda gave me a deadpan look, catching on very quickly. She knows me pretty well by this point, huh? "At least tell me it's not as dangerous as fighting a Gyarados and then a Dragonite."

I looked to the side and whistled innocently.

"How do you even know of something this dangerous? What the hell did you get up to before becoming a trainer?" she shook her head in dismay, "I'm not even sure what to say about this."

"I'll be fine," I assured her, turning back to give her a grin, "Trust me, I don't plan on taking on anything I can't handle."

Surge was a wake up call for me in that regard and I won't be taking any chances. As it is, right now, I could probably just return to the gym circuit, sell off a bunch of what I've gained and gain all the money and revenue I want and take things as they come.

To be perfectly honest…I've accomplished what I wanted really. When I think about it objectively, I've got what I need for a ton of cash. I've literally gone viral, which would work as a brilliant stepping stone if I win the Indigo League and get to challenge the Elite Four and Champion.


I looked at the frizzy haired, bedraggled, yet no less beautiful older girl over with an appreciating gaze.

I've got the girl. Almost. More or less. Kind of. I've got my foot in the door and just need to seal the deal really.

That should be it. I should be able to get the 'THE END' card and ride off into the sunset with my happy ending.

Only, just because I get my titular ending, doesn't mean the world stops spinning.

The real tribulations approaching, haven't even come close to starting yet. The next few years, will be filled with world ending threats and terrorist organizations popping up all over the place.

Just because I've more or less achieved what I want, doesn't mean I have the power to keep it.


"Yeah, I'm not gonna take your word on that considering…" Hilda trailed off and gave me a weird look, "What's with that look?"

"Just thinking how pretty you are." I shrugged.

"…Considering my hair is a total mess, my eyes are killing me and I didn't wash my make up off last night, I'm calling bullshit," Hilda snorted, "How's Snivy, have you used her yet?"

"Not yet, I will soon though once I rotate my team," I replied, glad for the topic change, "What about you, how's Dragonite?"

"A total sweetheart, I honestly wasn't expecting him to listen to me so well," she smiled, "And so powerful too, we battled my pal Cheren to get a feel for each other, we were having a two on two and Dragonite completely creamed both of his pokemon, and they're not weak at all, Cheren made it to the top sixteen in the Unova League just last year!"

Huh…that was actually kind of impressive, "Well, he is a Dragonite, and a mature one at that." I pointed out.

His move pool was utterly insane, and I might have called my Dragonite a runt, but he wasn't weak at all. Far from my strongest right now for sure, but easily on the level of strong gym pokemon despite being a young runt. I'd give him even odds on taking down Surge's Electivire.

"I know, and I still can't believe you literally caught one for me, you really do lack common sense," Hilda shook her head again, but despite her words, "Oh, by the way, you aren't allowed to be alone with my cousin Rosa."

I blinked, that was odd, "How come?" I asked.

"You're just not," she affirmed, "You two will just be too much of a bad influence on each other."

"Is this because I flirted with her?" I cocked my head to the side.

"No," she denied, "It's because I don't want to deal with you two screwing now that she's got it in her head that you'll give her a rare and powerful pokemon like a Dragonite if she sleeps with you."

"Hey, if she's up for it, I won't say no," I grinned at her, I made a show of pulling on my tank top and looking down at my bare chest, "I don't see your name anywhere on me, I'm a free man right now. Though, I wouldn't just give something like a Dragonite to just anyone you know?" I pointed out.

Hilda narrowed her eyes, before smirking at me confidently, it was kind of hot even with her bedraggled state, "I'm going to break your back next time I see you."

I blinked, "…Isn't that my line?"

All my stories are way farther ahead on my Pa---tr---eon if you guys wanna read ahead, the link to it is in any of my story summaries.

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