
Chapter 15

Dinner was a simple matter. I'm still not too versed in the food of this world yet. The pokemon food was pretty much just like kibble for the most part. They all ate what I put out for them, beef flavour, but there's a bunch of other flavours to buy from, so once I get more money, I'll see about getting other kinds and seeing who prefers what.

My dinner was just two packets of noodles. Easy to make by filling a bowl with Poliwhirl's Water Gun and boiling it over the camp fire. Mine were beef flavour as well. I was quite happy with them to be honest, they tasted pretty good, and I could get three packets for a single pokedollar, reminds me of some of the noodles I got back home.

I would have been disgusted honestly of boiling my noodles in Poliwhirl's water, if the pokedex hadn't contained some nifty little tidbits of information and tips for beginner trainers. One of them being that water produced by Water Gun and the like, was pure, clean water. Not water from inside their body but water pokemon produced somehow from their own energy. Honestly, pokemon were more akin to magic creatures than biological.

"Are you good to help out Poliwhirl for a little bit?" I asked Chansey as I gathered up the bowls and plopped them into the pot of boiled water I had fixed up while we were eating to seep for a bit, "He didn't get to train with us earlier on."

"Chans!" Chansey agreed readily, nodding happily. Poliwhirl happily bound over and gave her a deep bow in gratitude.

"Good to hear," I grinned. Reaching down to my belt I grabbed Beedrill's pokeball, "Before we get around to continuing though, I want to deal with Beedrill and see if he's fine coming with us." If not I'll just have Chansey heal him and have him go on his way after releasing him.

I don't want something with spear arms that can punch through steel as if it were tissue paper on my belt wherever I go. Better letting it go than with something that dangerous around me. I'd rather have it on my side to be honest, it has a great move set, but there are hundreds of Beedrill in this forest, not to mention all the Weedle and Kakuna. According to Nurse Joy, they're the most abundant species in this forest by far.

If Beedrill doesn't want to stay, it'll be a pain in the ass, but I'll deal with it and go for another one.

I made sure my pokemon were ready to act just in case, before I tapped the button on the middle of the pokeball and released the pokemon inside.

Beedrill solidified in the middle of us all, facing me. Its body was pretty battered and there was a bit of greenish discolouring over where Spearow finished him off with Peck, but he doesn't look too bad off. Jeez, Pokemon really do have a pretty amazing recovery rate even without bullshit healing powers like Heal Pulse.

His crimson gem like eyes landed on me and the dual bug and poison type buzzed angrily, wings flickering rapidly.

"Don't try and fight," I said, lifting my arm up, palm facing him, "You're surrounded by the rest of my pokemon." I pointed out.

Beedrill lowered his lanced arms that were raising up and looked around himself, taking in my pokemon one by one, lingering on Spearow for the longest, who waved a red wing mockingly at the bee pokemon.

A buzz of irritation left Beedrill at the taunt and his arms tensed up before relaxing. Looked like he wanted to attack Spearow for his attitude but thought better of it.

Beedrill s eyes returned to mine after a few moments and the pokemon stared at me almost expectantly. Best not to beat around the bush then, "I captured you, and you're strong." I said. Always best to pay some compliments just to soften them up a little, "I want you as my pokemon. I'll be upfront about it and say outright you were the first Beedrill I saw and decided to go for you. I'm happy i did because you're strong as hell. Join me, and I'll make you even stronger."

Silence. Beedrill didn't make a sound and continued to bore into me with those gem like crimson eyes. After a few moments, slowly Beedrill looked to Spearow who gave him another mocking little wave. He tensed slightly before relaxing again and turning back to me. He stared into my eyes again and I held his gaze, not backing down.

Then he inclined his head just once, before dipping down lowly, taking a knee and crossing one of his lances over his chest with his head bowed.

"Glad to have you join the team," I smirked. With Pidgey and Beedrill on the squad, that means I already have two pokemon with the future capability of mega evolution. "Heal him up please Chansey."

The Azoth Kingdom in the Kalos Region, the kingdom from the nineteenth movie, starring Magearna and Volcanion. It's a real place. It was one of the things I first checked up on when I was checking over the regional maps back in the Pokemon Centre. If the plot of the movie is real here, then I can get my hands on a key stone and a bunch of mega stones. I can't remember all of the mega pokemon from that movie, it was a while ago, but I do specifically remember Mega Pidgeot, Mega Beedrill, Mega Salamence, Mega Steelix, Mega Swampert, Mega Aggron and a few others.

That's just power I need more than that stupid old man antagonist that wanted Magearna. I'll need to get way stronger before I can go for them though.

As Chansey finished up healing Beedrill, I pointed to the one last bowl of food left out, "There's some food for you there, so get your fill of dinner and you can watch while we train," I ordered, "You can get a look at what's in store for you."

Beedirll nodded, saluting me with one of his lanced arms and buzzing his wings as he flew over to the bowl and eating.

With that done, Chansey gestured for Poliwhirl to follow her and they made their way to the other side of the clearing, where Chansey conjured her Gravity attack and Poliwhirl began to do push ups under it.

I turned to the last three of my pokemon who were eyeing me expectantly. Well, the two birds were, Rattata was just smiling happily at me. "Right, this is the next part of your training to learn Steel Wing and Iron Tail," I said to them and pointed at a bunch of small rocks piled up in a heap, I'd gathered them just before settling beginning the earlier training, "It's simple enough, I'm going to throw these at you guys, I want you to fill your wings in Spearow and Pidgey's case, and tail in Rattata's with your energy, then smack them as hard as you can."

Pidgey shrugged his wings while Spearow and Rattata nodded eagerly. I picked up a couple of the rocks, holding them in the crook of one of my arms while grabbing one in the palm of my hand and winding my arm up, "Remember, you're aiming to make your limbs filled with the same type of energy as a steel type attack, think hardness and durability," I instructed. I was honestly just talking crap and hoping the instinct of pokemon would help fill in the gaps. "Pidgey, you're up first!" I shouted.

Pidgey nodded his head and I threw the palm sized rock at the little bird as hard as I could.

"Pidg!" he lashed out with one wing and to my astonishment, bright silver light erupted from the feathered limb and the rock I threw at him was batted aside with a lazy slash of his wing. The sheer force behind it though? The rock sliced up through the air like a bullet, so fast I lost sight of in in a split moment.

"Holy shit." I gaped at the small bird. Pidgey merely smirked through his beak at me. I couldn't help but smirk right back as my shock passed after a few moments,and pull another rock into my hand, "Let's see you try that again." I said, tossing the rock up into the air and catching it as it came down before whipping it through the air at him.

It turned out, Pidgey got it down pat with little problem. The attack failed on him a few times as he tried to keep a hold of the energy over the course of the next hour, but overall, it was a massive success. Not so much for Spearow and Rattata. With Pidgey's coaching, they could call on the energy to their wings and tail respectively, but they couldn't hold it long at all.

Poliwhirl spent that time working out under the ever increasing gravity of Chansey's power and Beedrill studied our training intently.

But for the first night of training my pokemon. It was a smashing success. Things were going incredibly well for me so far in this world. I only hoped it continued like this at the same rate. I know where so many rare and powerful pokemon are. Wild starter pokemon, shiny pokemon, extinct pokemon, pokemon that shouldn't exist and hell I even knew where many legendary pokemon were. And once Pidgey and Spearow became Pidgeot and Fearow, and I increased the overall strength of my pokemon and earned some money, I could go try and get my hands on them.
