

One Year. It's been a whole one year ever since Megano And his kind Arrived in this world filled with man eating giants. One year Ever since Megano Began his new chapter of life.

One year ago, Through the use of The Allspark, Megano was able to summon Ruffian or previously known as laserbeak, Who acts as Megano's Scouting Personnel. A week later, Megano was then Able to Summon Devastator, Who then Splits Into Nine Constructicons That Immediately started building an underground city just like What Megano Ordered them.

During this whole Year, Megano Watched as the Constructicons Dug below the surface and started Expanding From There. The ground Below was Hollowed out, Mud thrown outside To Free up space at the working area. Then, they started Laying the foundations Using the Metal Ceeated from Mining Iron Veins And others. With the help of Ramapage and skipjack, Finding Mineral veins became much easier.

Then, Megano watched and watched, Not realizing Almost one whole year Has already passed. The Underground city was now almost complete, Metals clinging to the soil above their heads to prevent the soil from collapsing. Houses of Various designs and houses stretched As far his vision can Take him to.

The whole Underground city was Pretty much bigger than Shiganshina, The district that fell when the Titans Broke Into the destroyed gate That the colossal Titan Yeet-ed.

While builsing the underground city, Megano orders Ruffian to scout the Human settlement Not far from them. Obeying his orders, Ruffian took off for the scouting And came back in the afternoon.

Ruffian reported that Upon arriving near his destination, He immediately Lais his sight on a very huge Wall. Taller than Devastator that Megano summoned before. Ruffian then proceeded ans saw a Ruined city with a few Titans Walking around it.

Ruffian Watches the Dead city for a few Minutes before moving Forward towards another wall That he saw, An inner wall If He guessed it correctly. It was then when he saw a Giant, Skinless Titan Appeared In a flash of lightning. The Humongous Titan then blew the gate of the Huge wall that Ruffian saw, letting the Other silly, Mindless titans Beneath it to set foot inside the settlement.

Then, something happened that Greatly interested Ruffian while Scouting from the skies. Ruffian reported That he saw The giant Vanished after a Burst of steam, Surprising ruffian when the Act happened right before him. Ruffian Thought that his optics might be faulty But When he Magnified his Vision further, He saw a tall human With black hair Sneaking Away with A gear of somesort on its Waist. Then, The human did something that the humans he saw back on earth Can't do.

The gears on it's Came into life as Thick, Grappling hooks Shot from the Grips The human was holding, Before he Swings away like a certain hero Ruffian Saw Back on earth.

Megano listened to his Report and Came into a conclusion. The time when Ruffian gave the report, Maybe about Almost a Year After his arrival here, Was the time When The colossal titan appeared to Invade trost. The human, Bertolt, Was probably the one that Ruffian Saw during his report.

The ruined city That Ruffian Mentioned Was probably Shiganshina, The District that took the First invasion of the titans. The District where Armin, Eren and mikasa Lived During their childhood.

Ruffian Asked Megano if He's going to help the humans but Megano immediately shut those Suggestions down. Megano has two reasons for rejecting it. One, Messing with the Canon might cause Some Unexpected consequences Both for the Humans and His kind. Especially when everything was going smooth Over his side. Unwanted and unnecessary Contact with the Eldians of this island and The Shifters From marley Might destroy his plan, which was something that Megano Hated to Happen.

Two, He's just F*cking unwilling. Megano and his Kind was starting to grow, And helping The Humans Might Pull him into many Troublesome things like Politcs, For example. Moreover, Helping them Doesn't Benefit Megano no matter how much he thinks of it.

Helping the Eldians Will Antagonize the Marleyans, Which might Bring them trouble if Zeke Started Throwing Titans at them from the skies while helping the Marleyans, On the other hand, Will obviously antagonize the Humans from inside the walls. Their ODM gears, Given the sizes of the cybertronians, Was Very Annoying to deal with.

And that was One year ago. Now, Things Had changed. For Megano's Kind, Of course. He Activated his system and just as expected, The Blue, Holographic Interface immediately appeared In his Vision.

Just like the progress with the underground city, His Menu In the sytem went Massive changes during this past one year.


• Name: Megano ( Neutral )

• Race: Cybertronian

• Faction: None

• Weapons: Photon Hand Cannon, Type 02 Retractable Blades, Steel Combat Knives, Double Barrel Shotgun, MK 4

Machine Gun, MK 1 Hurricane Missiles.

• Alt Mode: Star Fighter "Black Ghost"

• Summoned: Laserbeak( Ruffian ), [ Dreads - crowbar, Hatchet, Crackcase, Dreadbot, Berserker ], Wheeljack, [ Wreckers - Leadfoot, Roadbuster, Topspin ], [ Dinobots( Cybertronian Knights) - Slug, Strafe ], [ Devastator - Mixmaster, Scavenger, Overload, Scrapper, Hightower, Skipjack, Long Haul, Payload, Rampage ], Blackout, Scorponok, Soundwave, Ravage, Laserbeak, Brawl, Grindor. Sideswipe.


• Name: Allspark

• Rank: Mythical

• [ Ability 1 ]: Grants the user the ability to turn Non-sentient Technology related machines into Sentient Synthetic Beings Called Cybertronians.

• [ Ability 2 ]: Allows the user to Summon One Random Cybertronian Being from all Factions-Decepticons, Autobots, or anything In between the two- Once per week.

[ Cooldown: 1 Week ]

• [ Ability 3 ]: Hatchling Creation - Allows the Allspark User to spawn Protoformian Hatchlings Once Per day. It takes a whole 2 weeks for a Newborn Hatchling to become a Full grown Cybertronian.

[ Blueprints ]

• Scapel - The Doctor ( 800/800 )

• Scorponok ( 5/5 )

• Laserbeak ( 6/6 )

• Ravage ( 5/5 ) - Reedman ( 5/5 )

• [ Insecticons - Recon Mosquito ( 100/100 ), Stealth Centipedes ( 50/50 ).

• [ Description ]: Long before time even came into existence, The Allspark, Covered in Cyberglyphs ans Extraterrestrial Designs was already drifting across the Darkness called space. It was said that the Allspark was created by the true creator, A being with mysterious Origins.

That's right, Both the Status of Megano and the allspark Changed During this One whole year. The Allspark, The Artifact In Megano's possession, acquired Another ability Called "Hatchling Creation". Just like what the Description Said, The Allspark Allowed Megano To Spawn Protoformian Hatchlings One Per day.

During this One whole year, Megano placed All The Protoformian Hatchlings Spwaned by him on the Hatchling Facility, A Building Located at the Center Part of the city. There, Protoformian Soldiers That went through the same process will either Tend to their needs or Guard the facility. Some were Tasked to Act as the Underground city's Police force, Bearing The Red and Blue Eyes Similar to Barricade From "Transformers: The last Knight" Where They all have four Optics, Two Per sockets.

There's also this [ Blueprint ] Feature.just like the other skills, Megano was also able to Spawn One "Pet" Once per day. Which, However, Applies only To the insecticons and scapels. Blueprints like Laserbeak, Ravage and Scoponok needs To use Transformium to create. Transformium is a type of Metal unique only to Cybertronians for the transformium Itself can only be Created by The Allspark. Alongside With transformium, The Allspark also Serves as the unlimited source of energon For Megano's Subjects.

This transformium, The metal that the Allspark Can create, Needed Tons Of metals To which the Allspark will need to absorb before being able to produce Said transformium.

After Numerous Summonings that megano Did During this one whole year, He summoned Many Cybertronians that appeared in the movie like Wheeljack The Inventor. Que Or wheeljack's Appearance Helps Megano Get himself upgraded. Both Armor and Weaponries.

The Dreads Which now served as the enforcers Throughout the whole Underground City. Crankcase, The Leader of the Dreads, And Berserker Became one of the most feared Cybertronians both by Autobots and Decepticons. Ever since their appearance, The Conflicts and tensions Between The Decepticons and Autibots Lessened Drastically.

The Wreckers, Which currently Acts as His Race's Main Mechanics. The wreckers also Serves as one of The Underground City's Main combat Force due to their Experiences And Battle Capabilities.

Megano also managed to summon Two of the Cybertronian Knights, Slug And strafe. The two Was currently Stationed at Megano's Palace, Serving As Megano's Personal Guards and Mounts. At first, The two we're against the idea of being Megano's Mount but after being defeated By Megano through Strength, Although slightly reluctant, Both Knights agreed to be Megano's Battle mount. However, They will only Let him mount them In a battle.

He also managed to summon Soundwave, Blackout, Grinder and brawl. Speaking of soundwave, When Megano summoned him, He was stunned when he saw Another laserbeak Perched on the decepticon's Right Arm. Megano Clearly Remembered Ruffians Shock when Soundwave sais that "His" laserbeak neved left his side When Megano Asked Him If "His" Lasedbeak Ever Left his Side.

Nevertheless, Soundwaves arrival Allowed The city to Have A couple of Defensive Dual Auto turrets On each Corner of the city with the help of Wheeljack, The wreckers And Soundwave Himself.

Blackout and Grindor, On the other hand, Took the initiative to be part of Megano's Airforce. With their Sikorsky MH-53J Pave Low III helicopter ( Blackout) and Sikorsky CH-53E Super Stallion helicopter (Grinder), Serving as The City's Airforce Are very necessary.

Brawl Himself Volunteers to be One of the City's Main Ground force alongside the dreads and Protoformian Soldiers.

And finally, Sideswipe. The most Agile Combat instructor That Megano Had ever seen. When sideswipe Learned How Weak And Inexperienced the City's Ground forces, The protoformian Soldiers are, He Immediately Volunteered to be Their Combat instructor. Megano, On the other hand, Was more than happy to accept sideswipes proposition.

Now, Together with His Present and Maybe even the future Army, Megano will Conquer this planet, And make this world as their Race's very Own Cybertron.
