
Chapter five

It was now the dawn of his eighth days in his new life, and he grumbled awake as he struggled to chase off the drowsiness the covered his mind.

"Fuck what time is it?" he grumbled as his wand was smoothly summoned into his hand, and a quick flick of his wrist showed him the contents of the Tempus.

"06:33 8. January 996" were the contents that shone from the tip of his wand, he sighed as he looked down upon Shiro asleep in his lap, "oh how I envy you today Shiro."

He carefully moved Shiro from his lap, onto the ball of moss he used as a pillow.

Getting up from his sitting position and stretching out was an orgasmic experience, the way his bones popped and his muscles stretched out in a way he never experienced in his old body.

He sighed to himself as he thought back to the dream he had before he shook awake, the details were foggy but he vividly remembered the name "Lucifer"

A name that was associated with the greatest Religious demon back on earth, a name that most grannies whispered in fear and priests preached against with fervor and passion.

"Lucifer" he whispered to himself, the name was most definitely not what his name used to be, but it felt like a part of him, a part of his very identity.

"I guess using my old name to identify this new body doesn't seem right, New life, a new name I guess" he smiled to himself as he felt a strange sense of pride as he decided on identifying himself with his new name.

The newly named Lucifer walked out of the cave, wand in hand and warm confidence to accomplish today's goals.

He had been walking for an hour south to his cave, looking for some form of river or water source in hopes of observing the local animal life in this new area., and hopefully some easy prey.

"I better not have jinxed myself.." he sighed as he felt the comforting warmth of his wand reassure him that he wasn't as defenseless as he was before.

The Levitation charm was an extremely versatile spell in his hands, and he had been working on increasing the speed and force he could exert with the levitating objects. and if his attacker came too close, he could use the rather long, sharp wand as a pseudo dagger.

About 20 meters away from the unaware Lucifer, a pair red eyes stared at him with a predatory calm to it, waiting and observing as the strange two-legged creature was slowly walking closer and closer to the bush it was hiding in.

15 meters and the creature's back legs started flexing...

10 meters, the fur all over its body started rising...

5 meters, its nose twitched in anticipation as it caught the sweet smell emitted by the creature.

Lucifer kept on walking, Wand still in hand while he kept looking straight forward. He had noticed what seemed to be red fur in the bush in front of him.

He knew that it was either a predator waiting to ambush him, in which case he had his wand slightly angled behind the bunch locked onto the medium-sized rock, a steady flow of Yang ready to fuel the spark of the only offensive spell he knew into an inferno.

Even though he expected it, he froze when he saw the Creature jumping out of its burrow in the bush. It was about horse-sized, with lustrous red fur covering its body, except its white underbelly and black snout.

He luckily snapped out of his stupor as he pushed his Yang into his Wand, fueling the magic to pick up the rock and propelling it into the Giant Fox´s side. knocking it over so instead of biting half his body off in a snap, it crashed into a nearby tree, breaking it in half with its sheer weight.

"Is everything here on some fucking Titan serum?!" he yelled incredulously, adrenaline pumping through his body, as the normally cute shy fox he was used to got up after shaking off its daze, staring at him with big menacing black eyes, the size of his fists.

Lucifer was shaking, the adrenaline from his near-death experience coursing through him, his body entering a state of hyper-focus as he breathed a calming breath.

"I'm not running away this time, I need this!" he hyped himself up at the thought of the fox´s meat feeding him and Shiro for at least a week or two. and let's not forget its crimson fur.

"Im going to wear your skin motherfucker!" was his war cry as he reignited the spark, and with a swift downward swing of his wand slammed the rock into the fox´s head.

As he registered the fox being dazed from the hit, he started sprinting towards the fox with a speed that would make the fastest Olympic sprinter jealous.

Kicking off the ground four times, closing the 4 meters between them, he lucifer took a deep breath as he did something he would later comment was a ridiculously unnecessary move and not to mention utterly stupid.

He jumped at the last meter, flying through the air with the last syllable of his war cry still being emitted from his mouth, using the momentum of his lunge by swiftly bringing his wind in front of him, its needle-like tip penetrating through the foxes skull, through its brain and with a swift flick igniting the spark and locking onto the fox´s brain, and with a sadistic glee he willed the spark to be fuelled into the familiar flame and roughly pulled his wand out by kicking off the fox´s chest.

With a Pained yip being the only reaction the creature could give off as the hateful prey knocked the breath out if with the kick, now flying away. Its eyes stared balefully at what was supposed to be easy prey.

Lucifer landed on the ground and met the fox´s eyes, and with an unfamiliar glee flicked his wand towards the right, watching in sadistic satisfaction as the giant vulpine head snapped towards the right, emitting a now pained screech as terror started filling its body.

"Ah I see, a bit more fuel is needed!" his eyes steeled as he pulled more Yang from his chest than he had ever done before, leading it towards his right hand, breath ragged as he struggled to contain the raging river flowing from his heart to move up to his arm, and down towards his wand.

"AAAAAAAAAAH" he roared as he pushed the river into the small metaphysical flame in his wand fuelling the spell. said flame grew in intensity. and the locked spell on the vulpine brain intensified threefold as brain matter now exploded out of the vulpines skull splattering the right side of their little battleground in red and white brain matter.

Lucifer stood there panting, wand arm now laying uselessly on his right side completely burned out by the largest strain it had ever experienced. staring with now exhausted eyes, as the body of his adversary fell to its side with a loud thump.

After being absolutely sure the fox wouldn't wake up as some form of undead, he plopped down on the ground as well. utterly exhausted by the effort he went through to slay his first creature in his new life.

Here's 1.2k in todays first chapter!

You guys will notice the chapter length being increased as we go to an average 2-5k words. it all depends on the time I have to write, and if my mindset is good.

I would rather present two shorter chapters that are of somewhat good quality than a long chapter where you guys immediately would notice my heart wasn't in it!

feel free to comment and discuss in the comment. section, I will try to answer most of the questions I see but I won't spoil anything!

And I think it would interest you guys to know that I've planned the next 50 chapters out, and I'm now doing research about a few things to flesh the Lore out a bit.

thanks again for all the support!

xSaintPablocreators' thoughts