
Luna falling from the stairs

When Ethan had left, Luna immediately went back into the house. She walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge. The pregnant woman felt less full but was reluctant to eat rice. Suddenly she wanted to eat a full chocolate cake that she used to buy and eat with her husband.

"Ira, are you busy?" asked Luna when she saw Ira enter the kitchen.

"No, Mrs. All work is done," answered Ira.

Luna had a smile on her lips, intending to ask Ira to help buy her favorite chocolate cake. it seemed that the sadness of leaving Ethan had been healed. But instead replaced with food cravings.

"Can you buy me a chocolate cake? I Will ask Mr. Tony to escort you later."

"Mrs, if I go, you will be alone at home. The security guard is off today because his mother is sick." Ira didn't have the heart to leave Luna alone.

"It's okay. The shop isn't too far away anyway." Luna looked at Ira's doubtful face and tried to reassure her.
