
A trust like no other


Lilou wiped the blood that squirted onto her cheek with the back of her fist. Her eyes were fixed on Zero's severed body lying on the ground, watching the dark mist come out of his wounds. 

"What a troublesome lad," she murmured with a deep exhale while the severed body slowly disintegrate in the air. "No wonder he was so brave to face everyone head-on. He had another card up his sleeve."

Lilou kept her focus on Zero's body just to study what was there to expect. What she learned as she watched his body disappear into thin air slowly was that Zero's body was shallow, like a balloon that was popped. Although he appeared as though the real Zero spoke like how Zero would speak, and even his attacks were fierce, once he inflicted a fatal wound, he would be like a balloon with a leak. 
