
Ella: Why should I return to London?

Doctor Paul was pleased with the progress and changes for better health by Ella. Her physical condition is getting better, even in the seventh month of treatment. Ella no longer needed a nurse to be beside her. Although Ella's memory still hasn't come back.

With Zoe helping Ella to make sure Ella takes the medicines she has to take.

Alan Smith had never come back to Smith Castle. The last communication Ella had was a conversation on a Video Call.

Alan Smith says he regrets not being able to always be with Ella. But he also compliments and is pleased with Ella's continued recovery.

It's been eight months, and Ella feels a good change in her physical condition. Her health is much better than before, and her movements are not as stiff as before. Even Raymond had taught her some basic martial arts techniques.

"Ella..? here you are."
