
Life of a Dominant Futanari Week 3 Chapter 78/10: Drive to Work

I smiled as the landscape moved with houses drifting by at a reasonable speed. I felt Crystal smiling as she drove, and my smile reflected a little in the window I looked out. "You look like you are in a good mood," Crystal commented, and I nodded.

"Because I am," I told her, turning my head to look at her. "Someone intruded on me playing with Sweety today," I told her, and Crystal quickly turned to look at me before watching the road again.

"Oh?" Crystal asked the question in the air.

"I think he might be a little interesting," I told her, "Although I think I am a little scared of my feelings about it," I told her honestly, suddenly feeling the need to talk about it.

"Scared of your feelings," Crystal asked, and I could see a little concern on her face. "What scares you about your feelings? I think I might need more context if you wish to talk about it." Crystal continued with perfect logic.

"Well," I trailed off, thinking of what to say. I was in a good mood, but I knew that what I did also scared me earlier. "Alex or Sweety, which I prefer calling her," I admitted, "Has a childhood friend that barged in just as she was starting to strip for me today during lunch," I told Crystal, who nodded as she came to a red light. "He was pissed apparently; he confessed to her just before I more or less started to play with her." Crystal started to grin, and I saw the happiness in her eyes as she looked at me.

"Did you cuck him?" Crystal asked with a big grin; then, it became more significant. "Did you film it?" She asked, and I shook my head.

"The moment didn't allow me to do that," I told her with a bit of remorse. "I do have my play this morning to show you when I played with Alex and that sissy Bitch Jake, but I was pissed when dealing with the interruption. I am on my period, and I had cramps the entire morning," I paused as I realized something. "Shit, can we stop at a gas station. I am out of period pills and need to pick up more." I told Crystal with sudden realization.

"Oh, There is one just coming up." Crystal replied, "I will stop there since I didn't bring mine."

"Good," I replied, "Well, He came in with an attitude towards me too," I told Crystal, who chuckled.

"Of course, he did; you were about to fuck HIS girl." Crystal rep[lied with a grin, "He saw her first; you know that makes her his property." The contempt that Crystal spoke with made me frown as I knew that there must be more to it, and I filed that away for later.

"I don't disagree with you, and I told Sweety to pull out my cock to suck on it." I told her, but I shook my head, "Sweety has no problem listening to any and all orders. She is positively in love with being dominated. He became more flustered and annoyed, and I stopped Sweety just before my cock and issued him a bet to be my bitch for a month to listen and follow all my orders. The bet was who had a bigger cock." I smirked, "His bet if he was the winner was that I leave Alex alone." I shook my head with a wry smile in memory.

Crystal snorted with contempt as I told her, "Well, did he at least have something to write home about?" Crystal asked the winner of the bet, not even a worthy question in her mind.

"To be honest, he does have a package down there for someone as small as him," I told her without changing my expression, "It shriveled up like a little bitch though at the sight of my cock." Crystal started to laugh and pulled into a gas station.

"We need to move quickly. You can tell me the rest when we get back in the car," I could see Crystal's haste as she said it, and I knew that Samantha must have put some emphasis on me getting there early. I jumped out of the car with Crystal on my heels. I moved in long strides that I usually didn't show, and I was inside the gas station. I immediately went to the pills area and found that name-brand stuff. I had no choice but to buy it since it was the best working stuff.

I grimaced as I always hated the price for these things, but I should have some left on my card. It was so low compared to just a week ago when Samantha gave me all that money. I frowned and moved to the cash register with the marked-up price of pills inside a gas station. I waited for a moment for the dead inside look from the middle-aged man behind the counter.

"How can I help you?" He asked in a monotone, and I put the pills on the counter as Crystal appeared at my side.

"Just this," I told him, "On Card," I finished as I grabbed my debit card and showed it to him. I turned to Crystal while waiting for the guy to scan the pills slowly and kissed her. My mood was still high, and I did what I wanted to. Crystal seemed surprised but the sudden public display and looked at me.

I turned without another word, and the guy had finally scanned my item without the sense of rush both Crystal and I felt. I swiped my card, paying the price that was demanded, for something that should be supplied to all women, in my opinion. I wasn't going to make a big deal out of it as the reader accepted payment, and I took my pills. Crystal smiled, and I matched her speed as we returned to her car.

"You move fast when you want to," Crystal commented as we were walking back, and I turned to her in the short walk.

"Fast?" I asked with a grin, "That was a moderate walking speed using my long legs." I told her with a shake of my head. I didn't want to continue on the topic, though, as we reached the car. I quickly got into the car, and Crystal did the same, quickly turning on the car before turning to me before she drove out.

"So, Please, Continue from before," Crystal said, and I nodded as I opened the bottle of pills.

Crystal started driving, and I turned to Crystal, "So after his cock shriveled up in front of me, I fucked Alex's pussy hard in front of him wearing a condom, of course," I told her with a grin. "When I finished fucking her in the pussy and releasing in the condom, filling it up to the brim like I usually do," I watched as Crystal nodded as I said that. I could also see her face heat a little as I continued, "So I gave Sweety the entire condom full of cum into her mouth before I told her to kiss her childhood friend. So he got to taste semen fresh from a condom right from his childhood friend that he has a crush on. It was amazing," I told her truthfully. I was in a much better mood after that and right before the gym. The cramps were stopping after only made it even better.

"Okay, That sounds fucking hot," Crystal admitted.

"While she was doing that, I thrust my cock into her ass and fucked her while she was swapping cum with him," I stated, and Crystal got that look.

"Stop," Crystal said suddenly, and I raised an eyebrow. "If you keep this up, we will be late, and I am going to need a good fuck." Crystal told me.

I grinned, and I shook my head. "Well, I think I could come up with something after I finish work," I told her with a grin, "Wouldn't mind leaving my cock inside you while I sleep," I continued, and Crystal turned her head for a second.

"I will take you up on that," Crystal replied, and I could see the blush of desire on her face.

Crystal was already looking back at the road, and I grinned. I wanted to continue to tell her about what I did. I didn't lie to her when I told her I scared myself. The look that the little cucked bitch gave me as I talked to him in that ruthless demeanor that came without thought. His reactions made me so horny that the thought of his expressions made me hard. Even to this moment, my cock threatened to become steel as I thought of it.

I suppressed the thought, and I felt a sudden turn, and I noticed as I looked out the window that we had reached our destination. Nervousness suddenly overtook me with a large amount of excitement. Thoughts of the day left my mind as I thought about the person that would willingly come into my clutches soon.

I shivered as Crystal started to park her car, and I tightened my grip on the backpack I had tossed into the back without thought. I picked it up and turned to Crystal with an excited smile. "I am looking forward to who purchased my services today," I confessed as Crystal raised an eyebrow that did nothing to cover the desire that I saw in her eyes.

"That is good to hear," Crystal replied with a small smile as she turned off her car.

We both got out almost simultaneously and started to make way into the brick-and-mortar building that looked so unassuming compared to what went on inside as we crossed the parking lot. I noticed a car that looked expensive. I was surprised, but I continued inside, and I grinned as I saw the muscle that Samantha left at the door. There was only one of them, and Howard smiled, "The boss is waiting for you." Howard said, and Crystal grinned.

"I will chat with you later then, Howard," Crystal replied, and we walked into the building without stopping. We moved down the hallway and quickly reached the stairs, and we went up the stairs without stopping. Crystal was looking focused, and I could feel the determination as I saw her desire. I wondered if Samantha would mind if I got a blowjob while we talked.

I mentally shook my head as we reached the top floor. I grinned, and finally, we entered the office and saw Samantha smiling. There was a rough-looking man that I saw sitting on the couch, and I saw my Cumdump sitting next to him. Her perky breasts were barely contained in a tight shirt that pressed her breasts together.

They both turned as Crystal, and I entered one after the other, and I heard Samantha, "Ah, Good, You brought her early as I asked." Samantha said.

"I know it is for a good cause," Crystal looked at my Cumdump with a grin, "She apparently found a new toy that might interest you later, Becky."

I raised an eyebrow, then remembered that my Cumdump had a sissy husband. I almost forgot about the little prick, but I wondered how I could have overlooked him as soon as I remembered him. It was the sheer need she had to be dominated by me, and I saw my Cumdump look at me. I noticed something.

I had seen it only earlier today, and I knew that. I could see the desire, but I also saw an emotion that I wasn't expecting from her—fear, A deep fear that seemed to be directed at me. I could also see excitement, though, and longing. However, it was an expression that she quickly covered up, and I saw a more professional-looking woman despite her more slutty attire.

I grinned as I stepped up and replied, "Well, it is only my second or first day here. May as well be early."

I heard a chuckle from the man, and he stood up with a grin. "You must be Angela," He said, and I heard something that I hadn't ever heard from anyone. It was a lisp that didn't seem to be natural. "I heard that you are a Futanari?" He continued as I tilted my head as his voice continued to pronounce the wrong syllables.

"Yes, I am," I replied with a slight frown despite myself. "I am Angela Brown or Mistress Futanari. I guess I will be going by tonight," That brought a smile back to my face as I introduced myself.

"So Interesting!" He exclaimed, "I am Paul! I am a designer and very Gay, as you can hear. I think it is exciting that you have both a cock and pussy. You have the atmosphere that Samantha told me about. I like it!" The energy that the big man gave off was more than I was expecting. "Samantha told me about what you want. I think it is fantastic, and I love the idea of the brand. I have a lovely little one for my hubby," He told me with a grin. "I am really looking to working with you, Mistress Futanari." He finished with a grin.

I felt that the big burly man wanted to hug me, and I grinned back, "That is great to hear. I am looking forward to working with you too," I replied. "I would love to work with both you and Cu- Becky as we move forward getting my room together."

"Great!" Samantha exclaimed, gathering our attention. "I thought more about it, and I realized I haven't thought over all the possibilities with you, Angela," Samantha said, gaining my attention. "When I was looking through my contacts, I was only gaining more and more interest in you, not less." Samantha shook her head, "Honestly, without even meeting you, I am started to gather a waiting list for your services. This hasn't happened before, and I wanted you to know that some are willing to pay that premium for your 'sweaty Thursdays," I looked at her, slightly shocked. She chuckled, "You are a wanted woman in many ways, Angela, and there is a line of people who are willing to pay a lot to spend the night with you." Samantha finished.

I grinned, "Well, I already knew that," I told her confidently. "I just wasn't expecting that even my sweaty body was wanted." I finished, and Samantha chuckled in return.

"Okay, You still need to get changed though for your customer tonight, and we need to have this small meeting before I kick Paul, Becky, and Crystal out before we talk about your customer for the evening." Samantha suddenly said her demeanor is saying to get back to business.

"Samantha is right, We don't have much time, and I need to get some ideas off you before I start," Paul said in that same tone that seemed to emphasize all the wrong things that seemed to annoy me very slightly. His high energy, though, and the lisp altogether made me want to roll my eyes slightly. Instead, I moved, sitting on the couch beside Samantha across from my Cumdump and Paul. Crystal sat beside me, and we all gathered around the coffee table in the office.

"Okay, So for the room, I have done the Dimensions, and I triple-checked them," Becky began with a small smile as she looked between Samantha and me. "We will have enough space to make a small more dungeon-type feel in the corner of the room. Samantha has given you a large room, which gives us space to work with. I also looked around, and I thought that we would make a more personal space that doesn't give the more desolate dungeon vibe like you are in a dark basement, something more of a bedroom-type feel. Something that a sporty girl would have with plenty of storage space for toys to play with customers." Becky said, "We will go with a dark theme in the bedroom with Blacks and Reds all over to make it feel like you are in the dark and that you will suck them in. I believe, though, that we will have some mirrors though to enlarge the space since dark colors tend to make the room feel smaller than it actually is, and we need to offset that with something." Samantha was smiling, and so was I as Becky turned to Samantha, "I haven't had time to create a model on my laptop for you to see since I changed my thoughts several times on this, though. I want to show you another day this week if you have time, Angela and I can give the final approval for the contractors once that is done. There is also the brand that you want to go over with Paul that will affect my design of the room." Becky said, and Paul smiled.

"Yes," Paul said, simply gathering my attention, and I turned to the burly man with thick hair. "Becky is right, and if you want to have a brand. You want your customers, both men and ladies, to be thinking about it at the end of the night." Paul said, and I ignored the weird talking from him as the fake lisp I was sure it was and the odd emphasis. "You will need something easy to catch and remember. You also want it to be something that would fit in if a spouse finds it on one of your customers. Something that doesn't ring 'Dominatrix,' or even Brothel." I nodded at that.

I was a Dominatrix that specialized in two things. Being a Woman with a cock and, more importantly, I was someone clean and wanted held discretion at the highest. They would be punished if they talked about me in public, and I would be penalized if I spoke of them to the public.

My thoughts were chopped off as Paul continued, "So we want something that seems exclusive but can come from a club. At worse, we want it to seem like it might be from a strip club, but even that isn't good. We also do not want it to be something that seems that it could be from a casino depending." Paul continued, and I nodded along with his thoughts. "We also need to disguise it as something since we also want it to spread among the upper circle."

I could see the challenge that Paul was having with that when he said it, but I couldn't help but ask, "Then wouldn't it be best to make it seem more like a casino?"

"Why do you think that?" Paul asked.

"Well," I said, gathering my thoughts. "With what Samantha just said, how in-demand that my services seem to be in. I might increase and increase in price to the point that we might want to make it look more like that I am a gambling problem, so they have some escape instead of cheating." I told him, "I think a spouse will have an easier time getting away with ten thousand spent on a casino than on a cheating partner," I explained.

Samantha nodded, and I could see her thinking, as did Becky and Paul. I felt Crystal slowly rubbing my thigh, and I felt her hands slowly reaching the waist of my gym outfit as Paul nodded, "Yes, I can see where you are coming from on that." Paul said and turned to Samantha, "That is up to you," Paul said, "I can think of ideas in both ways, but you are the boss, and although the final decision is Angela's by your words. I know when it comes to this part, you have the first and last say."

Samantha leaned back and nodded. "You are right, and I think Angela has a point. The amount of interest is going up, and with the maximum of two appointments a week that Angela is giving me, I am sure that interest will increase as long as she is good. The price for some time with her will then increase, and who knows what will happen after that." Samantha granted, and I could see her thinking harder.

Silence reigned while the boss thought, and Crystal's hand found its way into my pants. Her hand sneaked past my panties, and I leaned back. I noticed Becky watching, and I could see the jealousy on her face. She started to blush as she noticed my gaze and looked away, almost ashamed of her jealousy. I noticed Paul smiling at me, and I wanted to raise an eyebrow.

"Okay, let us make the club look more like a secret casino-type thing. If this gets as big as I think it might, it might be a good misunderstanding." Samantha said decisively. "Okay, We will go with that, and Paul, I would like to see a preliminary design by the end of the week or so. I will also give you Angela's number. "Angela, can you meet with Paul sometime this week to talk with him in more length? I would like to do it now, but I need to kick everyone out of here so I can talk to you about your customer." Samantha followed up.

I nodded, "Um, I can't do lunch tomorrow. I have a special treat, and Thursday is volleyball practice." I said, thinking, "How about..." I trailed off and realized that I would have to make time at lunch. My mother wanted to talk to me, and I delayed that more than I could, and I looked at him. "I hate to say this, but the only time I do have is Thursday at lunch. I would need you to sit down with me and talk then since, other than that, I think I have a full schedule that I cannot escape from. Other than maybe Saturday and Sunday." I finished.

Paul nodded, "You want me to come to see you on Thursday?" Paul asked.

"School parking lot or a nearby place, but I would prefer something where no one can overhear what we are talking about," I told him, and he looked surprised only for a second before nodding.

"Discretion is a key factor. Here," Paul said, thinking, "Don't make yourself anything, and I will cook you up something fabulous before picking you up. Instead of a restaurant, I will make a packed lunch that is easy to eat inside a car, and we can go over some things. That work for you?" Paul asked, and I couldn't help but nod.

Although the way Paul talked annoyed me with his odd pronunciation and the lisp that felt fake, he felt genuine. "That sounds nice. I will see you then," I told him, and Paul stood.

"That is fabulous. I will get started right away. I think something simple is the best way to go about it." Paul muttered to himself and left the office, closing the door behind him. I was surprised when suddenly, as I felt a hand touch my cock his head poked in. "Ladies, Sorry I lost myself in thought, but I was sure that with my departure that Samantha wanted to talk to the young woman before she went to work." Paul reminded me, and I looked at Becky as she pouted. Crystal mirrored that pout, and suddenly the hand slipped up my stomach as she released my cock with a pout.

Becky got up along with Crystal, and both left the room, and I got up and changed the couch I was sitting on. I grinned, and Samantha smiled as the room vacated itself from everyone else. Samantha took a deep breath, and the silence lingered only for a second longer as we heard the door close.

"First," Samantha began, "I would like to apologize for the last time. I have been having some things come up on my end. I will also admit that I have had more calls about you than I would prefer. When I put out my feelers looking for your first client, I got WAY more interest, and it has been stressing me out." Samantha leaned back and sighed audibly. "I think you will be pleasantly surprised that I did a silent auction for your first night here."

"A silent auction?" I said dumbly in my surprise.

"Yes," Samantha replied simply, "The amount you will get tonight is more than you expect and more than I expected." Samantha turned and pulled her laptop off the desk and put it on her lap. "Tonight will be going to a woman, much to my surprise. You have plenty of male attention, if not more men. But, this woman has flown in from Europe this week. She is very interested in being with a Futanari. So I will ask you," Samantha said suddenly serious, "Do you mind having sex with her?" Samantha asked.

I leaned back on the couch, and it felt weird that sex was expected this time. I thought about it and didn't mind having sex with her, but it felt strange that it was expected, and I didn't know how to feel about it. "I don't mind, but I will dominate her, and she has to earn it. If she has a problem with that, I have a problem with her. Even Crystal earns my cock in her pussy, and she is my girlfriend." I was solid on this, "She can pay me a million dollars, and I will insist on the same thing. I want her to earn it under me." I told Samantha, reiterating my position, and it felt right.

Samantha watched me and nodded. "That makes sense," Samantha said and nodded, "I also was expecting that since you are in my business. If she has a problem with that, then she can go. I will back you up on this and talk with her." Samantha then turned her laptop around, showing me a picture of an older woman with long blonde hair. I could see some signs of aging around the eyes, but I could also see that she took care of herself.

"This is Sophia Pederson. She is a very wealthy woman from Finland. But what she does isn't important unless she tells you herself. She is in her mid-forties and still is attractive, in my opinion. What do you think?" Samantha asked, and I knew it was a loaded question. I nodded, looking at the simple portrait, and I smiled.

"Older isn't bad," I told her with a sly smile, "I can only begin to imagine her under my feet, though. I wonder if she told you any of her fetishes?" I asked with a slight grin.

Samantha nodded, "One of them will be obvious no matter what since it will be rare if it isn't. But Sophia is into Futanari's, obviously. She is also slightly into feet and anal; Actually, she is usually into Anal and likes having a Strap on in her ass, to be fair. That is one of the reasons why I asked if you didn't mind having sex with her." Samantha explained, and I nodded, leaning forward.

"I don't mind it, but I think I will play it at the moment. I want to see her reactions before I dismiss or give the complete okay." I told Samantha. "Put me in a room with her with various devices to tease women. I wonder how this little darling will react to my teasing."

"Good," Samantha nodded, "I never expected any less from you. I am not going to lie, Angela." Samantha continued suddenly, "I have bet a lot on you. If you backed out now, I would be in a pile of shit a mile high. Please let me know if you want to back out before doing it. That way, I have some way to dig myself out." Samantha said seriously, and I raised an eyebrow before nodding.

"Don't worry," I told her as I stood up, looking at the laptop, "I think I will have fun with this woman. I wonder if she will cry out in another language?" I asked as I stood. I suddenly paused as I thought of something, and I looked at myself, "Should I shower?" I suddenly asked Samantha, who grinned.

"Yes," Samantha replied, "She isn't into sweat. When I talked to her about the more sweaty Thursdays, she wasn't interested."

"Okay, How long do I have, and which room am I going to?" I asked.

"You have," Samantha paused and turned her laptop around. "We are a little later than I expected, it seems. You have forty minutes to get ready." Samantha finished, and I frowned and quickly went to the door.

"Seems I need to get ready. I will talk to you after," I told Samantha and headed into the hallway but didn't see anybody. I didn't have time to care, though, as I headed to the dressing area, already taking off my shirt as I went into the showers.

I felt excitement as I moved and quickly headed into the showers hearing nobody as I entered the stall.

It was going to be a fun night, and I couldn't keep the grin off my face despite the request I wasn't expecting.



Hey guys,

So as an Announcement I just released three books onto Amazon. One is I Sissified My Step Bro book 2 which is available on Kindle unlimited if you are interested in helping me out a little financially and like my work you can check it out.

The Second book is Called The Devil and the Goddess (A Futanari BDSM Erotica Love Story) I believe it is one of my best short stories yet check it out if you are interested.

The third book I just released is the Seventh Week of Life of a Dominant Futanari. This book is 240k words and the longest book in the series and if you enjoyed the previous weeks then you will love this week. 
