
Chapter 190

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


-Headmaster Dumbledore's Office-

'What does the Headmaster want to talk to me about? I don't remember doing anything to get his attention... Well, at least not something he's aware of' I thought, ignoring the fact that I've been tormenting Lockhart since the beginning of this school year and that the Headmaster probably knows it.

After walking a bit through some secret passages, I arrived in front of the Gargoyle that guarded the entrance to his office and spoke the password.

"Truffled Apples," I said, and the gargoyle moved away to show the stairs leading up to the office.

When did I finish going down the stairs, a door was waiting for me, but I just looked at it knowing that the Headmaster was in the office already feeling his magic and having already seen him with ATLAS.

I also knew that the Headmaster liked to surprise people who came to his door by pretending to be 'omniscient'.

"Come in Ethan" I heard him speak from inside the office, and wasting no time I opened the door and walked inside.

The office hasn't changed much since my last visit. The only thing different was that there were more knick-knacks on the shelves.

"I hear you'd like to speak with me, Headmaster?" I said, sitting down in the chair across from his desk, nodding slightly at Fawkes.

"Yes" he said, but then he took a bowl from his table, "But before that, would you like some Lemon Drops?" he offered.

"Thanks, but I already ate some sweets in my common room" I declined.

"Oh yeah, you were probably celebrating Ravenclaw's victory in today's match" the Headmaster nodded, "Well, in that case then there's more left for me" he said, popping a Lemon Drop into his mouth.

"Sooo... Why do you want to talk to me?" I asked, looking at the Headmaster curiously.

"Oh, I was just curious to know how your Christmas break went," he said looking at me with a knowing smile.

As soon as he said that, my eyes widened for a moment, but I quickly went back to maintaining my calm demeanor.

'Heh, I should have expected that the Headmaster would find out about my visit to the Flamels' I thought, smiling as I shook my head wryly.

"Well, my vacation was a lot of fun... I think the best word to describe what it was like would be magical" I said with a smile.

"I see" the Headmaster said with a small smile.

He then got a serious look, and putting his hands together and putting them in front of his face as he leaned his elbows on the table, he asked me, "Tell me Ethan, why?"

"Why what?" I asked back without understanding.

"Why did you risk so much just to get the philosopher's stone?" he said, and I stopped as I looked at him lost in thought.

"Why not?" I asked my own question.

"Because the stone was already under strong and secure wards" the Headmaster said, and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"But I managed to get the stone... And I was 11 years old" I said.

"Yes, but you've probably already discovered the mirror's secret, right?" he asked, and I nodded slowly, "So you know the stone was never in any danger of being stolen, so I repeat my question. Why?"

"Because at that time I didn't know that the stone would be kept in the mirror, and I didn't even know about the enchantment secret" I replied.

"Ethan... You are one of, or even the smartest Ravenclaw student I've ever seen. I'm sure you discovered the secret to the incantation I placed on the mirror the moment you received the stone, and at that moment you could have put the stone back in the mirror" the Headmaster said, and I hid some of the pride and satisfaction that rose in my chest at hearing him call me the smartest student in Ravenclaw.

Looking at the Headmaster, who was patiently waiting for my answer, I stopped to think.

As I thought, I heard a light and calm song, and looking to the side I saw that it was Fawkes who was singing.

Smiling slightly at Fawkes, I turned to the Headmaster with a serious look.

"The truth, Headmaster, is that I chose to take the stone because I didn't have any trust in you," I replied, and both Headmaster Dumbledore and the former Headmasters and Headmistresses in the portraits who were pretending not to pay attention to the conversation looked at me in surprise.

After I said that, the Headmaster started looking at me silently, thinking about something.

"You said you didn't trust me, right? So now you do?" he asked me, and I shrugged.

"Trust is something very important and hard to get" I said, "I respect you, and I know you're a good person... But that's not enough for you to earn my trust"

"But something must have changed, as I'm sure you wouldn't be telling me this if you didn't have at least a little trust in me," he said, and then looked at me over the top of his half-moon glasses, "What has changed?"

From the beginning of our conversation, I could feel that the Headmaster was confused, curious, and a little happy for some reason I don't know, but as soon as I said I didn't trust him I could feel a little disappointment and sadness.

I knew the Headmaster was someone who liked to keep secrets from others, and he was a chess master treating many people like pawns, even against his own will, but when I said I didn't trust him I wasn't telling the whole truth.

I knew that if there was anyone at school, hell, even in the entire wizarding world that I could count on in bad times, the Headmaster was definitely that person.

I only said that thing about trust because I wanted to see how he would react, and his reaction and the feelings that came from him didn't surprise me.

"You know Headmaster... You're an amazing wizard, and I know you think of everyone's good before your own... But I think the main factor that made me change my mind was Fawkes," I said.

"Fawkes?" the Headmaster repeated in surprise, turning to look at his feathered companion who had his head under his wing scratching his right side.

Feeling a gaze on him, Fawkes stopped scratching and looked at us slowly, with one of his feathers he'd just plucked in his beak.

"?" Fawkes made a noise as he cocked his head to the side in confusion.

"How did Fawkes change your mind about trusting me?" the Headmaster asked confused.

"Well, I know this might sound a bit cliché... But I trust Fawkes to the point that I'd leave my life in his hands... or claws, and that's not just because he's a Phoenix" I said, and the Headmaster looked at me surprised and a little curious, "And if I trust Fawkes unconditionally, why wouldn't I trust his companion?" I said, and Fawkes, who heard what I said, vibrated before flying from his perch to my shoulder.

Reaching my shoulder, Fawkes started rubbing his head on my cheek conveying feelings of joy and satisfaction, causing me to chuckle lightly.

The Headmaster who was watching all this just opened his mouth in surprise, before closing it and letting a small smile appear on his lips.

"Heh, I didn't know you two were such good friends" he said, but then he looked at Fawkes critically, "But I should have suspected someone was corrupting him, and that someone could be you."

As soon as he said that, I looked at the Headmaster confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Before I answer that question of yours, could you tell me if you recognize this package?" the Headmaster asked, taking a small package that was wrapped in green gift wrap from one of his desk drawers and placing it on the table.

"Oh" was the only thing I could say, and Fawkes on my shoulder covered his face with his wing in shame.

"So I see you recognized it" the Headmaster said with an amused look on his face.

Realizing that I was caught in the act, I did the only thing I could have done in this situation.

"It was all Fawkes' idea"


"Yeah, it was your idea," I said, ignoring the scandalized look I was getting from the Phoenix on my shoulder.

The Headmaster who was watching a boy and a phoenix argue only looked at the scene with an amused look.

After I managed to bribe... I mean, convince Fawkes to take the blame, I turned back to the Headmaster with a question in mind.

"How did you find out I was the one who took the stone?" I asked, since I was pretty sure that neither Fawkes nor the Flamels had tell anything to him.

"Well, I just needed to bring out my inner Sherlock to solve this little mystery" the Headmaster said with a proud look on his face, "Nick sent me a letter saying he had recovered the stone, probably after you returned the stone to him, and no, he didn't mention his name, he just said that his 'benefactor' had paid them a visit and that he is someone amazing and kind-hearted, just as I had predicted," he continued.

"Hmm, I'm used to being called awesome," I said with a hand on my chin, but what I got was a blank stare from the Headmaster and a peck in my ear, courtesy of Fawkes.

"Ahem, as I was saying... After I found out that this 'benefactor' had paid them a visit, I just needed to find out which student had traveled to France on this vacation"

"And then you found out I went to France and with that you solved the mystery" I said, but the Headmaster shook his head.

"No, because coincidentally on this vacation at least 10 students went to spend Christmas with their families in France" he said with a wry smile.

"So how?" I asked, now curious, and in answer to my question he just looked at the prank present on his desk.

"Fawkes may have many skills, but being discreet is not one of them" the Headmaster said, "And I also realized that of all the students who went to France, you were the most skilled and the most likely to have broken the rules to steal the stone"

"I think… that makes sense," I said, looking slightly at Fawkes, who looked away as he… whistled?




"So I guess next time I have to choose my partners in crime better," I commented.

"Next time?" the Headmaster asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh look! It's too late Headmaster, I think you'd better go to sleep" I said, getting up from my chair startling Fawkes who flew back to his perch.

"My dorm is right next door, and I'm the Headmaster... I should be sending you to your dorm," he said, with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, in that case then I'll be on my way," I said, letting out a long, drawn-out yawn. I then went to the door and opened it, "Until our next meeting Headmaster... Oh, and don't open this present" and as soon as I finished talking I walked out, leaving behind a Headmaster who was looking at the place where I had been with an amused look.

"Hmph, do you still have any doubts that this kid would do well in whatever house he was in?" the Sorting Hat that was quiet all this time, asked the Headmaster.

"Hehe, he's definitely a very interesting student" was the only thing the Headmaster said, his eyes twinkling.



(End AN: I'm still on my wonderful journey of re-reading all the books in the Harry Potter franchise, and I have to say it's an amazing experience.

I read the books a long time ago, and reading it again makes me very happy. The first time I read a Harry Potter book was in my school library, and it was the Chamber of Secrets.

Now I'm starting to read the Goblet of Fire.)
