
Chapter 172

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


"So you and Penny can see the magic, and you call that ability Magic Insight?" I asked, with Nick nodding at me.

"Yes, this is a skill that we 'developed', and it's very, very rare to actually find someone with that same skill, especially someone so young," he said.

"Well, maybe I'm just very special," I said with mock arrogance, making Nick roll his eyes playfully, "But you know, when I first read your books, I was glad to see that you and Penny seemed to see the magic the same way I did, but I didn't expect it to be that literal"

"Hahaha, I know how you feel. Even though we've lived for so long, the amount of people that Penny and I have encountered with this skill are very few," Nick said, and a thought flashed through my head.

"Is one of those people the Headmaster?" I asked.

"Oh no, Albus has already tried to learn this skill of ours, but it's not something you learn, it's something that awakens in you. Unfortunately Albus couldn't awaken the skill, but thanks to his attempts he got a better understanding of magic, to the point of being able to feel it" Nick said, and I nodded in understanding, as I already knew about the fact that the Headmaster was a little more sensitive to magic than other wizards and witches.

"But you know, I can understand why you'd think Albus would have that ability" Nick started to say, "With this thing about the greatest wizard alive, the dark lords defeater, he's expected to have an ability as incredible as this"

"Yes, and then there's the fact that his eyes are always twinkling" I said, with a little grimace.

"Hahaha" Nick laughed good-naturedly, "I understand you, those twinkling eyes sometimes irritated me too"

Nick then looked at me and started to think. After a while he put his hands on my shoulders and looked at me with a serious face, but with a calm smile on his face.

"You know, Ethan, every wizard and witch who has the Magic Insight has always been involved at the center of some important event in the world, both wizard and muggle. Penny and I think awakening Magic Insight is a way for magic to tell us that wizard who awakened it will do big things in the future" he said.

"And the Headmaster wasn't one of those people," I muttered, making Nick sigh.

"I know, I also expected Albus to have this ability. But Magic Insight doesn't choose a hero or a great wizard, it chooses someone who will change the world, whether in a positive or negative way" As soon as Nick said that, I looked at him questioningly.

"This may surprise you Ethan, but I've seen more bad people awaken Magic Insight than good people... But usually whenever there was someone bad with that skill, there was someone good to stop him, and that's the case with Albus"

With that phrase from Nick, I looked at him with wide eyes, realizing who the person he is talking about is.

"Are you implying that—"

"That Grindelwald had Magic Insight? Yeah, that's what I meant." Nick nodded.

"Well, fuck," I muttered, and Nick nodded.

I then sighed, planning to think about it another time.

"You know Nick, now that I know this ability is so old, I started to think the name it was given is a little bad," I said with a mischievous smile on my face, trying to change the subject.

"Hahaha, I know, but that was the name everyone decided to use, and now we can't change it anymore... Or maybe we just don't want to" he said, but then he looked at me, "And speaking of name , what was the name you gave your Magic Insight?"

"Magic Vision" I said proudly.





"And you still want to judge the name we gave?" he asked with a blank face, to which I shrugged.

I then put my hand on my chin in thought.

"Hmm Nick, how did you realize I had Magic Vision on? I know when the skill is activated it just makes my eyes a little bright, and I trained hard to hide this bright, so there's no way you could have seen it" I asked, since even the Headmaster couldn't feel or see when I used this ability.

"Simple, I recognize the signs when someone is using Magic Insight" he shrugged, "Call it a sixth sense" he said with a small smile, and I could see him looking at me with his blue eyes twinkling.

Looking at me with Magic Insight on, I could see Nick's eyes widen slightly.

"Mon Dieu, I always knew your magic was dense, but apparently I was underestimating you," he said.

"Hehe, thanks" I scratched the back of my neck a little embarrassed by the compliment, but then I thought of something, "Hey Nick, I can't see my magic very well because it's in my body so can you tell me what color it is? and it characteristics?" I asked.

"The color of your magic?" Nick asked confused.

"Yes," I replied, and then I saw Nick grimace.

"Ethan... All magic that is seen with Magic Insight is the same color," he said, and with that we fell into an awkward silence.

"Oh" was the only thing I managed to say.

"Ethan" Nick called me, looking at me with a straight face, "How does your Magic Insight... Err, your Magic Vision work?" he asked.

I had already realized that my Magic Vision was probably not the same as Magic Insight, so I started to be cautious, mainly because sharing my abilities with others is not a smart thing to do.

However, I could only sense Nick's confusion, curiosity, and concern for me, and my instincts were telling me he was trustworthy, so I decided to tell him most of the things I'd discovered about my Magic Vision.





"Well, that's interesting," Nick said, tapping a finger on his chin as he thought, "From what you've told me, I can say with 100% certainty that your ability isn't Magic Insight... In fact, all I can say is that Magic Insight is a weaker and simpler version of your Magic Vision"

When Nick said that, I puffed out my chest a little proudly, because who wouldn't want to know that they have a powerful ability that is the final version of an ability that many important witches and wizards have had?

"Hehe, and I thought I could give you some tips on how to use your Magic Insight, but now I know I'm not worthy of it," Nick said, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly, "In fact, you would be the one who could give you some tips on how to use Magic Insight"

"Well, what counts is the intention, right?" I asked, smiling at him.

"Yes" Nick said, smiling too. He then looked at his pocket watch, "Oh, we got too involved in the conversation. Probably Penny and her mother are thinking that we ran off to terrorize some poor innocent soul."

"Hmph, no person is a poor innocent soul if I say they aren't," I said, looking at Nick with an arrogant and powerful look.

"Of course, Oh mighty lord, holder of the Magic Vision skill" Nick said sarcastically, bowing slightly to me.

"Glad to see you know your place, old boy," I said, and then Nick and I looked at each other for a few seconds before we both started laughing.

"Hah, it's been a while since I had this fun," Nick said, standing up and wiping a tear from his eye.

"Well, then I guess as a nice guest, I have to teach the old man here how to have fun, right?" I said, and then started laughing evilly as I rubbed my hands together.

'Should I stop him?... Nah, what's the worst thing he can do?' Nick thought, shrugging as he turned to leave my room, ignoring the young man behind him who was letting out some maniacal chuckles.



(End AN: Hello my cute readers!

Usually I'm the one who asks for recommendations for Fanfics and Novels, but this time I'll be the one to recommend two fanfics for you.

Madara in the Avatar World by KojiSan;


These are two new fanfics that I really like, so I recommend you read them.

Probably many of you have already read some CORNBRINGER fanfic, so you should already know that they are good.

And KojiSan is a new writer, and he and his wife are working together on this wonderful fanfic about the world of Avatar. (Not the blue men)

Thanks for reading!)
