

Aegis looked at the monitor that showed feed from a room specially made to hold persons with strength semblance or, in this case, magic as the entire room was made from Titanium alloy and steel with multiple layers of concentrate.

To the room led more than three titanium doors that had twenty meters distance from each other, so Aegis was not really worried about any escape incident.

Aegis is now looking at Raven Branwen, who tried to use her semblance to escape just to fail as the room was coated in numerous aura suppressors making activation of semblances impossible.

And after she found out semblance was not an answer, Raven tried to blest her way from the room.

What made it even more interesting for Aegis was Raven's use of her magic, as almost every time she tried to escape with the help of magic, the sensors would record it for further analysis.

So, in short, Aegis was enjoying Raven's different ways to escape as he would go to talk to her when she finally gives up.

"Big brother, you seem to be in good spirit."

Weiss said as she was sitting on Aegis's legs and hugging him with an occasional kiss.

After the incident in sparring grounds where Aegis kissed his mother Willow and was then kissed by Weiss, this occurrence became normal as Weiss, and every time was in Aegis presence, climbed on him and initiating intimate acts.

And it would look innocent if not for Weiss not so secretly grinding Aegis's dick with her butt.


Weiss made sounds as she was moving on Aegis, who let her as he was not Against such activities, it was just Aegis felt that when it to comes to Weiss, he shouldn't make the first move as he saw that in Weiss's eyes she must no she wish to be the first one to exceed the final line.

And Aegis would let her judge when she would be ready. Still, that didn't mean he didn't enjoy it himself as Aegis tightened his grip around Weiss's body, making Weiss's body push against his and kissing her as Weiss ground herself against Aegis full erection.


Weiss made sound into Aegis's mouth as her body trembled from the cumming.

"Haaaaah haaaah haaaah."

Weiss took a deep breath and looked into Aegis's eyes with such strong emotions that it would make an ordinary person pull away, but then Aegis was not normal himself, so he just kissed Weiss again, making her melt into Aegis.

"Soon, big brother, I will be ready soon, and then you can have fun with others. Until then, wait."

Weiss said and tightened her hug against Aegis.

"Your first time belongs to me, just like my first time and every time to you, do you understand?"

Weiss asked, but it sounded like an order, and Aegis just simply smiled wryly at her.


Aegis simply said as he again kissed Weiss, who used her tongue to claim the entire Aegis mouth.

Aegis just returned the favor and enjoyed himself with Weiss, but from time to time, Aegis looked at the monitor that showed feed with Raven, who still didn't give up on escape.

"I already spoke with mother, and every female you could have sex."

Weiss said and looked at Aegis, who again saw the same madness in Weiss's eyes that he saw every time he looked into the mirror when nobody was looking.

"They know I will be the one who claims you first. I made sure of it."

Weiss said, and Aegis could already think of how these conversations looked.

"I do not care how many women you will have, big brother."

Weiss said and bitted Aegis's ears as she whispered into his ears.

"But you will always come back to me."

Weiss said slowly with a gentle but dangerous tone.

Aegis just smiled and looked tightened his hug so much that it could hurt Weiss if not for her to exclaimed in arousal.

"Yes, I will, but you will forever belong just to me."

Aegis said, and he knew it was hypocritical to want Weiss just for himself even if he was with others women. Did he care?

No, to Aegis, it was how it should be.

"Oh, you don't need to worry. Anybody who dares to question your claim over me like you have big brother would wish to die."

Gone was a pretense of a proper lady. Gone was the innocent mask Weiss always wore, and in its place was a smile that screamed murder on anybody who dared to question her love for her big brother.

"It is as it always been, and it would be like this forever and ever, no matter who comes and gone, we would always be together."

Weiss said sweetly and kissed Aegis so hard that she draws blood from both of them.

"Forever Together."

Weiss said.

"And forevermore."

Aegis said, and at that moment, it was like looking into mirrors as they saw each other madness in each other's eyes.


Someone said, and Aegis with Weiss looked at Willow, who just watched them with a bemused smile.

"I know that I failed in raising you, but please, when you show your true colors, make it to somewhere private. I was already marked for life be Weiss."

Willow said as she tried not to remember the night after her kiss with her son Aegis. That night Weiss came to her room and made it clear that she was the one who will claim Aegis firsts and that Willow is lucky that she is their mother; otherwise, Weiss would be angrier if someone other than her taken Aegis first tongue kiss.

Willow truly didn't know from where her children became so mad, yes she was not the sanest one with her desires for her son, but that was a long shot from what Weiss and Aegis are.

Jacques was a monster, but he was not mad, same with Winter.

Willow stopped in her thinging and had the urge to pray to every god that her eldest daughter isn't as mad as her other two children and just hiding it.

But then Willow stopped and said.

"Well, sanity is overrated."

Willow said with a sigh as she knew that wishing for her son's baby was not very sane, but then again, she wanted to be a mother again and this time a full one.


Aegis looked at one of the monitor's feed showing Harriet and Neo dueling against each other with so much ferocity that Aegis would think they would kill each other if not for them to stoping any life-threatening blows in mid-sentence.

"What they are fighting for now?"

Aegis asked, and Weiss just tsked as she forcefully kissed Aegis, making him forget about anything else.

Willow just shook her head and looked at what Aegis meant and just sighted.

How is she supposed to tell Aegis that Neo and Harriet fight for the right of third place?

When Weiss made it clear to be first, everybody accepted it and even the ever teasing Neo coved under the madness that Weiss's eyes radiated.

Then it came to who will be second, and Harriet with Neo chose Willow as she is their mother no matter how wrong it sounded.

Then it came to who will be third, and Neo and Harriet both didn't wish to lose. Willow still thought it was rather a matter of their pride as women than a right of third place.

Willow then looked at another feed and chuckled as she saw Pyrrha red as her hair mumbling how wrong it was, but everyone could see she wanted to join but was too shy.

Willow chuckled and was and was about to leave the study when she saw Alexandra looking at her with a deadpan gaze.

"You. because of you, Aegis now fools around with either you Weiss or Neo, and I MUST DO MORE THE PAPERWORK!!!!"

Alexandra said.


Willow just chuckled.

"In brewery is Altesian blue hundred years old."

Willow said and made her way outside as Alexandra made a sound of upper joy.


Aegis just chuckled but made a note to stop fooling around and start working again as he really didn't wish for his enemy to gather more.

"Truly being cockblocked be paperwork, my eternal enemy."

Aegis said as Weiss laughed at her big brother's exclamation.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Nisiriscreators' thoughts