

A week after Aegis found out about the strange girl in one of the greenhouses and until now the girl was still unconscious, the doctors already said everything Aegis needed to know and what he already suspected...

The girl was malnourished and abused as the X-rays showed numerous poorly healed bones...

In short, the girl was a mess, and Aegis would already send her to a normal hospital. Still, he didn't, as firstly he did thought she ended in his place be an accident when using her semblance of teleport power something...

But after reviving camera feeds, Aegis found the girl just arrived there in a flash of light. After scans, it showed the girl didn't even have an activated aura, so her semblance is out of the picture...

Then Aegis thought that someone sends her there but who or what?

In short, Aegis had a strange feeling when he was around the girl, and his glyphs felt more vital than when infused with the most potent dust...

Not speaking that he didn't send her away because Weiss find her arrival and her condition too much similar to some fairy tales Aegis read her before bed. Now Weiss thinks that the girl is a princess what comes to her prince in shining armor...

Truly the fair tales rotten his little sister's head...

And Aegis was the one at fault as he was the one who read them to her...

And yes, Weiss means that her brother is that prince...

Not speaking about the fact that scans show that she is old as Weiss...

Aegis gave up how sending her away as he didn't want to make Weiss sad...

"Mother, did you found anything?"

Aegis asked his mother, who was sitting next to the fireplace. She was reviving different appointment applications...

Aegis's mother, Willow, started to work with him in making SDC clean and presentable, as she remembered from times of her father...

"Yes and no, there is just one person from hundred who have experience and was proven trustworthy..."

Willow said, and she sent the data to her son's scroll, who, after reviving them, raised an eyebrow at her but stayed silent...

"Yes, I know, but from what I found, she is perfect even if her attitude has a lot to desire."

Willow said, and truly Iris Goldstein, who under her father needed sell her body on his orders, was a perfect candidate for secretary as she was moving in Atlas high social circles for more than half of her life and had enough connections and dark materials than even them as it was proven that men liked pillow talk and Iris had a LOT of pillow talks with these men who were married...

And Willow already met her Iris honestly said that even if she is attracted to her son, she had enough sex with different men that she will gladly by without sex for the rest of her life...

And at the same time, she admitted she would at least once sleep with someone she genuinely likes, as even if she acted flirty with Aegis, she didn't truly love him, maybe in the future.

Still, for now, Iris said she would like to work for Aegis and help him in every way he needed as thanks to him she was finally free, and Iris was a lot of things, but she was not ungrateful...

Aegis just looked at his mother and nodded as he knew she met with that red-haired and green-eyed woman he saved, and if his mother is sure he can trust her with such responsibility, Aegis will gladly give Iris her chance to prove herself...

"What about you, mother, what you wish to do? It's not like I don't love to spend time with you, but I know everyone must have at least one hobby."

Aegis asked his mother as he knew after she stopped drinking wine, she was starting to get psychically better. The problem was that she didn't have an outlet for her new energy...

Aegis wished his mother would be his secretary, but he knew she wasn't born for that role.

"I was thinking about opening charity."

Willow said and looked at her son carefully as even if she was his mother, Aegis was head of the family. As such, he was the one who holds the power and money of family in his hands...


Aegis asked, and after a while, he smiled at his smothers concerned look.

"Mother, you don't need to ask me if you wish to do something. As I said, Weiss, I will support you and Winter in every decision you make."

Aegis said with a smile as he stood up and made his way to his mother to hug her...

"You don't need to ask mother and just do what your heart desire.

I already made it so that all three of you have free aces to family accounts."

Aegis said with a smile as his face was close to his mother, Aegis didn't find it strange to be so close to his mother, but that couldn't be said about the other...

Willow was moved by her son's words, but at the same time, she was frozen as she again felt the warmth in her heart let itself know about as her sons...

No Aegis face was close to hers, and their lips were just an inch away it was so close---


Willow immediately awakened from her stupor and cradled away from Aegis, who looked at her confused.

"Mother, is something matter?"

Aegis asked, concerned by his mother's sudden action...

"YES! I mean, yes, everything is alright. Why would it be? yes, yes, it alright."

Willow said and wanted nothing more than to run from her son's gaze as she felt her chest burn...

Willow knew this feeling...

She felt like this when she was a young schoolgirl fangirling about her crush...

But this was her son! It was so wrong!

Then why it felt so good?

Aegis just looked at his mothers burning face and glazed eyes and just sighed...

HE knew why...

Even if he hid it, he knew that his little sister loved him maybe too much, and now that he looked at his mother, every piece of puzzle fallen perfectly into itself...

Aegis was not sure what to do as he just gained his mother's love back, and he didn't want to destroy it, but at the same time, he could see how confused his mother was about it...

Aegis just sighed and thought he would overstep this bridge when the time comes...

"Mother, why don't you take a break? You were helping me for three hours already. You should rest, and I can at least like this look at our guest..."

Aegis said, and his mother just nodded her head...
