
Draconic Physique

"You know, if you keep on pestering me I won't do it," I said with a sigh. No matter how cute she is, it won't save her from all this pestering she did before.

"...Ugh. Sorry."

"At least you learned some manners, that's progress."

"...I do know manners!"

"Right. Tell it to all the times you get all stabby." I said with an eye roll.

My gaze was on the command tablets around me, the reprogramming and addition of option three on the Bloodline Forge was on its way.

Though I commented on Xing Tong because of all the fiddling she is doing.

So much for a 'Star God' if she can't stay still for a few hours.

"You do? Should I recall our first meeting? Or your constant bickering, or what you tried to do the moment I healed you?" While saying that I counted these on my fingers. Each time I named something she twitched a little bit more.

"I get it. Your Kitten apologises." She said that while bowing. Damn, the girl became quite tamed.

"Not the Princess?"

Once again she twitched and grimaced for a second. So she realised that her arrogance is biting back.


"I can't call myself like that when I don't have the power to enforce my will."

"Oh, so I needed to bind you, empower myself with YOUR power, and then gain the power of Reincarnation to make you realise that?"

"Ugh…no? I figured that out early! Okay!? It only takes time to get out of old habits!

B-B-Besides! I know that you're messing with me!"

She huffed at the end.

"Just like you pestering me. So I am messing with you." I said with a shrug, before returning to my command tablet programming.

The girl grumbled some more, she knew I was right, I have more than enough 'firepower' to mess with these 'second generation' elites. 

"I get it, and I apologise, but this is my brother and my mother we are talking about! You have no idea what it means to stand on top of the Primal Chaos AND STILL be useless in front of death." She said with a resigned sigh.

"Peak of Primal Chaos? You? Since when [Divine Master] is the peak of the world?" I asked with an eye roll.

"Ugh… I know, I know…" Once again she sighed with resignation.

"This was before I crash-landed in this strange place where mortals are more advanced than the Realm of Gods."


"Realm of Gods, what a joke. That's like believing in your own delusional hype.

I am quite certain that True Gods would laugh their lungs out from hearing how average humans run around with their legacies and call themselves 'Gods' without making any sort of progress for millions of years."

"...Yes-Yes… C-Can you just return to your work? I won't pester you anymore."



The upgrade was quite simple, it's like a mix of two previous options, the splicing of attributes from the blood and beefing up the potency.

I even went up and switched out the core to a more powerful one made from a Monarch Realm Core. It's more potent and can hold up more command tablets. 

I am certain that I can boost Bloodline Forge's ability to perform as well.

After doing all the prep work I went to the Forge and proceeded to start it.

Once the arrays turned one I proceeded to drop Azure Dragon's Blood which soon was spliced and then proceeded to drop some of my blood.

"Ohh, the essence is merging with the blood."

"Yes, it is added to the blood…"

Though that moment my blood disintegrated.



"I guess I am going back to the drawing board."

"It appears it could not hold the essence taken from Primordial Azure Dragon."

"Yeah. The trait itself is too powerful to be added to this regularly." I said while stroking my chin.

I guess that the potencies don't match.

"So how are you going to solve it?" She asked curiously, so cute. Little Tong'er is trying to be an active participant for once.

"Already know how to."


I lifted my hand and a thin disc manifested above my palm.

"This is?"

"My Equilibrium Art." 

"OHHH, you can use it like that!?"

"It's a Profound Energy art. Why can't I could not use it?" I asked her with a confused look.


"Sheesh Tong'er, Profound Art doesn't mean it's automatically meant for stabbing." 

"But you used it to make me incapable of floating." She said with red cheeks as she is trying to understand what I mean.

"You do realise that this art originally is based on Dual Cultivation?"


This time around she could not control herself and exclaimed loudly her cheeks erupted into dark crimson.

"Exactly. It is based on the fact of two opposing energies mixing and coexisting. This is why my girls cultivate so fast because two extremely potent energies are being circulated and mixed."

"...I-I-I get it…"

"Such a cute kitten thought it had some sort of incredible origins didn't you?" I said with realisation.


"Sure you did. I bet that you thought I had some sort of enlightenment while making something amazing."


"Yeah, you still need to improve your control over your facial expression. You are an open book, Miss Slaughter Kitten."

"Gah!? Another name!?"

"I know right? It sounds cute."


"Can we just return to whatever you are doing?" Xing Tong sounded quite resigned. Well, maybe she will learn not to pester me anymore.

"Sure thing."


I adjusted the Formation Core once more as I added the Equilibrium Arts in the form of Command Tablets. The Crimson Kitten looked confused as hell the whole time while I was doing it.

It's amusing to watch how a Slaughter God who is a genius in her own right is clueless when it comes to this.

"If you can do this, does this mean you could mass produce items which could replicate traits, profound arts, bloodline powers?"

After a while, she finally asked.

"Took you long enough to realise that."


She sighed when she heard my answer.

"You truly want to provoke the entirety of the Realm of Gods." She said with a resigned sigh.

"Oh my sweet kitten, even if I do that, by the time everyone will realise it will be too late."

She could only sigh again, this time she hugged her legs. I could see from her expression that she does know what to think anymore.

"As long as I can get Caizhi from my father's hands you can do whatever you want with Star God Realm, I even gladly help you with its destruction or whatever version of a farm you're going to turn it into."


"What a hilarious way you have put it."

"Is it? You only had a few drops of my blood, and you turned my Slaughter power into something absurd. There are other Eleven Godly legacies with their traits in my Star Realm, the same for Moon God Realm. So I see it as a farm or harvesting of some sort, for you." She just shrugged her shoulders, the way I look at it I can see that she doesn't care anymore.

Her Star God pride is gone, and I was not even trying. All I did was tease and continue to work on my stuff.

"Glad to hear that I have my battle maid's support."

"Ugh… you know what I mean, I will help either way, but there is a difference between giving my all to just doing it." She quickly explained herself to me.

"Yeah-Yeah let me finish this before we can get into the whole reincarnation stuff."

Back at the command tablets thankfully I changed the cores, from Overlord Realm to Monarch Realm, the size in the forge needed to be adjusted but it worked either way.

I was able to add commands which allows me to simulate my equilibrium arts. Not an easy part, but Monarch Cores have the juice needed to alter and adjust the power and potency to equal levels.

So after adding this, it should be possible to add Dragon's God-resilient body to my blood.

~~~~~~Xing Tong~~~~~~

The crimson-haired girl looked with bated breath. This was the moment she has been waiting for! Can he do it? Can he deny the limits set by Heavens?

She never told him that there is a limit of 3 legacies one can inherit.

But so far he never took legacies properly, instead, he made something strange and still got their powers.

Now she waited, he dropped another drop of Dragon God's Blood and saw it getting 'spliced' as he says, and then she saw him dropping his blood in the middle.

That moment she saw the symbol appear in the middle of it, and a large amount of Profound energy surged into the place.

"The Art is adding extra potency to my blood to match the requirements to add Dragon's God attribute." He explained to her while watching the whole spectacle.

Though the whole thing lasted quite a while, it was longer than it was the process with her blood.

Eventually, she got somewhat nervous, as if this failed Xiao Long will eventually run out of Crystals and will need to adjust something again which will waste their time.

The more time they waste the further is her brother and mother's resurrection away!

"Is this fine? Can the forge's output keep up? Do you have enough resources to keep this up?" Xing Tong asked with a worried tone.

"Relax, it should be fine."



'This doesn't help me at all!'

The crimson-haired battle maid continued to worry before the process finally ended.

"And done. Well, I won't be able to do anything for a while after this try."


'Thankfully, no more craziness for a while!'

The girl sighed to herself. The longer she stays in this workshop disguised as a fake warehouse the more she associates her legacy with some common item.

'Xing Tong, look at the bright side! No one else has this kinda stuff in Realm of Gods! You are still Slaughter God! 

Ugh…doesn't make me feel better, why am I even encouraging myself?'

As she was thinking about it Xiao Long proceeded to collect the drop of blood and walked over away and sat down cross-legged before proceeding to fuse with the blood.

The moment he did that there was a surge of Profound Energy erupting from him!

The Crimson Kitten's eyes widened as she felt a surge in the increase of his cultivation. She knows at the very base that increase in cultivation is not the point of this.

So, if it goes up anyway, this means the amount of energy in that drop of blood was huge.

His cultivation skyrocketed by two stages reaching [Fourth of Sovereign Profound] the thick white aura which was around him got even thicker turning light blue in the process.

'The Dragon's God's influence is still felt even if he only took part of it…'

The girl watched this closely, this was a golden opportunity to watch such a thing. She wants to see how this new weird hybrid-like bloodline will come to be.

The whole process lasted for a few hours, by that point the girl was simply floating in the air cross-legged and watching it with a slightly bored look.

All she noticed over time is the original boost in cultivation and change in aura colour, and probably a slight increase in height from the looks of it.

'Well, the dragon race living in the Western Divine Region are tall people.

So it's no surprise he is getting a height boost.'

Some time later Xiao Long finally opened his eyes. 

Xing Tong's eyes glitter for a second! He is up! And appears Dragon God left one more gift! He has light blue eyes now!

Not azure but blue regardless, maybe if he uses more of the dragon blood on himself he might transition to proper Azure.


"Strong? The body became extremely durable, I should get some sort of body refinement art or something."

"Hehehe! I have one just for you! Do you want it?" She asked with an almost gushing tone, she can finally repay him in some way!!!


"Alright then!" 

She swiftly floated over and pressed her finger on his forehead. 

Transferring The Great Way of Buddha!

"Hmm, this is the opposite of Slaughter…"

"Yes, however, your unique physique should allow this to practise, no?" She reasoned with him, there was some worry, the girl hopes this powerful Divine Art could be useful to him!

There is a reason why she can't practise, her legacy is considered 'evil' while the Great Way of Buddha is opposite to that is considered 'Saintly', her power is based on taking life, while this art is considered preserving it.

There is a reason why her brother could practise it, not all Star Gods are like her.

"You are right. I guess it's time I add another opposite to the fold."

'He sounds like it's not a big deal, another thing he can casually get over with… this guy is on another level. He sounds like my brother to some degree who had no fears.'

"Good to hear." The girl slightly smiled at him, which earned a head pat which made her blush return.

'Ugh… don't smile, don't smile, you can get this over!' The red-head chanted to herself but it was pointless…

As there was a small smile on her lips regardless.

~~~~~~Xiao Long~~~~~~


{You have created [The Great Way of Buddha] art!}

After taking a deep breath I opened my eyes, and the first thing I saw was dumbstruck Xing Tong. Though her dumbstruck was on a completely different level.

She was just staring at me, without responding.

"W-What freak are you!? How is this possible!? It takes several days to weeks to even months to comprehend the basics!" 

'Yeah, it was easy, the only thing that is needed is for my system to pick up the routines.'

"Yeah-Yeah, I know. Regardless, it appears it has worked, my body has responded to the new duality."

"Oh? So this means!?"

"Yep it appears to balance this out properly my body learned the Slaughter aspect of Profound energy on its own."


"Great! So anyway, what now?"

'She ignored what I said completely.' I chuckled to myself. Though she needed more time than Ying'er to start ignoring things she doesn't grasp.

"We do what you want."

"YES! I mean Yes." 

I snorted before walking over and collecting the Formation Core, the arrays turned off and we proceeded to walk towards the stairs.

As we were walking I mentally opened the Profound Arts window and checked the latest addition to the fold.

[Great Way of Buddha] (1/10) {0.12%}

[Physique Art]

[An art created by a True God from the Primordial Era. This art uses the very nature's energies to nourish one's body, by the time this physique is trained to peak one will be indestructible at the end.]

'Yet, the dude died of the poison just like the rest.'

As I was thinking about the absurdity of this Godslaying something-something poison I noticed that the percentage is going up on its own.

'If this continues I will cap this art… but can I? For a peak one needs Primordial energy and the body of a True God?'

Then I recalled that to practise this you need the physique or blood of a god.

Right, is my stuff even considered 'Divine'? Well, I guess the potency of the blood does fit the criteria to cultivate this.

"What is it?"

"Nothing, I noticed that my cultivation is going up on its own now."

"That's the Great Way of Buddha for you."

"Hmm, yes, thanks for the art, I might develop something from this." I nodded at her with a smile, this made her blush return as she looked away from me.

'So cute, real tsundere.'

"Ugh! Stop smiling at me like this!"

"Heh, you are just too cute!"


Once the pair arrived at the Cultivation Tower, Xiao Long summoned the Reincarnation Wheel.

"T-This is it?"

"This is the medium I use to perform the [Samsara Arts: Wheel of Reincarnation]."

"Did you just say Samsara Arts? As in multiple Arts?" 

"From my understanding of the Mirror, it's possible to develop multiple distinctive arts from Reincarnation, Karma and Destiny manipulation."

"I-I-I see…sadly I have no idea what to say about this." Xing Tong was freaked out, to say the least, if he could manipulate those forces, then who could potentially stop him? 

If he makes his Destiny something like:

'It's my destiny to become a True God', then how would one stop it?

"Don't worry, here." He pulled out a couple of rings and threw them at her.

The Crimson Kitten quickly caught them.

"This is?"

"You will be pouring your Profound Energy into the Wheel, this way we could slash the amount of time needed to activate it."

"Oh! Okay!" 

As she said that she placed the rings on her index fingers. Before proceeding to walk over and start pouring energy into the wheel.

"...I can't even sense the bottom of this…" She quickly complained that the Wheel is like a bottomless pit.

"You won't, for at least the first couple weeks it will feel like that."

"Right…I don't even want to comprehend how you came up with this. But, since it works I have no complaints." As she said that she continues to feed the Wheel of reincarnation with her Profound energy while Xiao Long proceeded to do his thing as he has put the Wheel to start absorbing the energy on its own.

When Xing Tong realised that he was not doing the same thing she could only sigh. Of course, he won't do the same thing!

Nope, The Young Master proceeded to work on rings which will corrupt people, the formula of it.

This was the perfect opportunity as his golden Goddess could release this ring into the wilderness for him. More specifically close to Mighty Heavenly Sword Region.

Good place for a test run!


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