

"Are you purposely trying to get on my nerves?!" I couldn't help but shout half an hour into tidying up with Kane.

Initially, I had thought that two people were better than one, so I forced Kane to come sit on the bed beside me after a hostile glare. Although I was a little surprised at how docile Kane's response was, I knew now that he was just trying to spite me later. Now that the time have come, Kane have somehow managed to make even more of a mess of the things that were already sprawled over the master bedroom.

Originally, I had already folded four piles of clothes and handed them over to Kane for him to place into the wardrobe, thinking that such a task wouldn't be difficult even for a noob. Unfortunately, I was instantly proved wrong when Kane stood up and somehow managed to trip over a piece of clothing on the floor, causing my well-folded pile of clothes to be in a complete disorder again.
