
Chapter 19: The Unnatural 's

The carnival lights lit the side of some city, reflecting the calm waters. The Ferris Wheel spins with riders watching the full moon or conversing with one another. Among them were Sunny and Will. He was gazing at the moon with Sunny across from him checking her nails.

Will: "So..." This gains Sunny attention. "Why would you follow me? I told you I want to be left alone." Sunny leans back, crossing her arms, gazing at Will, not giving a look back.

Sunny: "Your a little tolerable. It's either Max: the Helichopper parent, Ben: Annoying cousin, and Gwen: The Cousin you love to mess with, but she has a stick up her ass." Sunny hasn't gained his attention while she continued. "I wonder what else you can do.~" She smirks. "Honestly, I'm impressed, but saving a stranger...is idiotic." She has Will's full attention.

"What would you do miss know of all?" He lightly glared while Sunny was unfazed.

"Leave him be." She answered. "I don't understand how you four-function." She raised a brow. "You rather sacrifice your health for a bunch strang-" Will cut her off.

Will: "Those strangers have families." Sunny counters.

"And so do you." She glared. "You haven't realized it yet, but as you continued this 'road of justice.' You and they thrive from a road of unrewarded. I'll tell you this, I'll get a mountain of cash after my efforts then, lose an eye and with nothing." She gazed down at something while Will followed her sight. Benita was at the ball-tossing stand with Gwen and Max, watching her efforts. "You're a smart guy, but how long can you take?" Will was in deep thought but was interrupted at their end of the ride. The Carnival Employee opens the gates, letting them out.

Carnival Employee: "Have a nice night, you two." He smiled while Sunny hugs Will's arms, causing him to silently sigh.

Sunny: "Oh, we will.~" The two approach the Tennysons at a Cotton Candy stand, getting jealous stares from Benita and Gwen while Will separates her from him.

Max: "Do you two want one?" He offered his cotton candy while Sunny grabs a piece. Will refused politely.

Will: "No, thank you." A truck engine and police sirens roar, gaining their attention. They hug the stand letting the pursue roar pass and drift into another intersection.

Civilian: "Ha!" He dives while two teens dive from the pursue; the truck with robbers drives down the boardwalk of civilians getting out of their way.

Benita: "I got it!" She slams her dial blinding the three revealing Grey matter.

Grey Matter: "Aw, man!" She gazed to a high striker and race that way. "Grandpa!" She leaps on the metal block while Max slams the hammer on the moveable block causing grey matter to fly and the metal block to ring the bell.

Gwen: "Grandpa? Where's Sunny?" Max and Will gazed around until gazing at the pursue once more.

Grey Matter lands on the back of the pickup with the two shooters focus on the police. She crawls into the truck frame in search of the breaking until finding it.

Grey Matter: "Yes!" She leaps on the brake line, going to pull, but gravity causes her to hold on. She noticed pink energy like road taking them from the boardwalk.

Driver: "What is this?!" She heard a shout.

Shooter: "Whatever you do, don't-HAAA" He screams like the others. The truck drove off the pink road and towards the calming waters below. Grey Matter jaw drop. The water hits her causing her to crash on the hood of the car. Her ears ring while her eyes slowly close, but a hand grabs her.

Jaws resurface with Grey Matter, and so did the shooters.

Shooter: "Thanks. Come on, boys!" A pink bowl scoops the shooters from the water and drops them on the boardwalk with a medium amount of water gushing out on the side and back.

Driver: "Shit!" Police officers pursue them slowly while Grey Matter awakes with a groan.

Jaws: "Ben, you alright?" He questioned while She waved him off, lying on the palms of his hands.

Grey Matter: "I'm fine, just give me a sec." A voice catches Jaw's attention.

Alien girl: "I don't hear a thank you." A purple figure girl with pink glowing; hair touching the sky. Hovered below to Jaws and Grey Matter.

Jaws: "Who are you?!" He questioned with a glare while she folds her arms and smirk.

"You really are brain dead." Jaws got a closer look at her appearance, and his eyes reach their peak. A police officer looks over the railing at the three.

Police Officer: "Hey, uh. Thanks, Super Buddies, but uh..." He rubs his neck nervously. "Can you...you know...the truck?"

Alien: "I don't know, what's the prize?" She checks her non-existing nails, causing the officer to sweat while Jaws glared. She groans using her powers, setting the wet truck on the boardwalk. "Can a girl get something for her hard work?" She said under her breath while the officer nods.

"Thank you." He leaves while she lightly glared at Jaws and Grey Matter coming too.

Grey Matter: "A little help." The alien smirks.

Alien: "Sure thing." A pillar shoots Jaws and Grey Matter from the water and across the Carnival. They scream until noticing a barrel of jelly beans. They fell in, revealing Grey Matter and LG.

LG: "That girl." He rubs his non-existing nose gaining Grey Matter's attention.

Grey Matter: "You know her?" LG gazed to curious Grey Matter.

"It's Sunny." Her mouth gaped while LG sighs lying, back on some jelly beans. "I'm beginning to wonder your family life revolve around aliens." Grey Matter adds.

"Let's get out of this topic. Look!" She grins, pointing while LG gazed at a sign, ' Guess right, win an mp player and a goth teddy bear.'

LG: "Seriously?" He raised his non-existing brow while Grey Matter shrugs.

Grey Matter: "Sharing means caring." LG asked.

"That seems like cheating." Grey Matter smiles.

"Only when you're not caught." LG thinks for a bit and smiles.

"Aw, what the hell." Grey matter pumps her fist.

Grey Matter: "Hell yeah!" LG gazed at her, causing her to blush.

"I'm just gonna forget you said that." He gazed blankly.


Walking out of the Carnival. The Tennysons with Sunny and Will hanging behind carrying the won bear.

Will: "You have some explaining to do, especially to Gwen." Sunny cracked a smile.

Sunny: "I would love to, but what's the point if I give it to you?" Will glared while she eyed the bear. "What's that? For your girlfriend?~" Will blushed, looking away.

Will: "I don't have one." Edge questioned within his mind.

Edge: 'Yet, you haven't given up on the girl, have you?' Will thinks back.

'Even if we have our moments, she's the first relationship I had. You can say it's hard to let go after that...' He remembers dropping Kat into Null void.

Snapping brought him back to reality to Gwen glaring at him with Benita pointing at the bear with the won mp player around her neck.

Gwen: "You cheated to win." Will smirk as the corner of his lip bounce.

Will: "Technically, I'm using the brain I already have." Gwen glared deepen.

"By the used of Grey Matter." Will adds.

"Photographic memory." He shrugs while Sunny stood up for him.

Sunny: "What's so bad about having a little fun? It's not hurting anybody." Benita supports.

Benita: "Like I said." Max gazed down at her, disappointed. "I'll shut my trap." She said under her breath while Max adds.

Max: "Cheating is not an accomplishment." Sunny counters.

"Do you see all the crappy games in that place? They're just begging for it!" She stood her ground while Will reassures her.

Will: "Hey, cool your; jets." He looks back at Max. "It won't happen again." Max's stare continued until Benita gain their attention.

Benita: "What no way?!" They glance at her gazing through the window of Televisions. Will stood by her with his jaw drop.

"Not tweedle dee and Tweedle dumb." They gaze at one of the television with J.T. and Cash with the soccer team. "I nearly forgot about them." Benita adds.

"You 'nearly forgot?." She shrugs. "Uh, I see; why." Max smirks.

Max: "It seems the Cannons are in the Semi-finals." Benita presses her face against the glass.

Benita: "What?! Aw, I wish I could play!" Gwen comments.

Gwen: "Do that they might give you a dog treat after your performance." Benita ignores her insult while Gwen continued. "You can't hit the ball, dribble it, or even work it to the goal without one of the players stealing it, fat chance." Max walks down the sidewalk while the children watch.

Max: "Come on, let's get some rest before the big day." They followed him.

Sunny roll her eyes getting Will's attention.

Sunny: "Sports is not my thing." Will and Gwen followed up.

Will and Gwen: "Me neither." They entered the Rv by the sidewalk. Max enters the driving seat jumping the vehicle.

Max: "I'll get us close. Get some rest." They followed his order as Sunny close the curtains to the back while Will jumps into his bottom bunk.

Gwen: "Will?" Will hums, looking up at the bottom of the top bunk. "Are you good?" He raised his brow.

Will: "Yeah?" Benita cut in.

Benita: "Was that a question?" Will sighs.

"I'm fine." Benita peaks her head from her's top bunk above Will's. "I'm good." They see Gwen's feet touch the carpet, and she climbed in bed with Will. They lay their backs against the wall sitting, beside each other, with Benita joining in.

Gwen: "I don't like it...I think you have to talk to us about it." Will looks at his hands. "I believe it's the only way. It may be scary at first, but trust me, you'll get by." Benita supports.

Benita: "I had a nightmare once. I talk to my dad, and I felt better afterward." Will kept silent while the two looks away.

Will: "You know..." The two gazed at him. "I'm scared who I'm gonna be once I unlock the number of aliens in the future...When I discovered a new alien..."


Will goes to jumped the rail, but it wraps grabs him exposing the corrodium. Will screams bloody murder while Mar's Prowess flickered. A bright light flashes to him lying on his bed until a door opens, revealing Jenny.

Jenny: "Willy?" Will sighs, still on his phone.

Will: "What?" Jenny entered, standing by his bed with a few toys in hand.

"I wanna play." Will counters.

"Then go play." Jenny glared.

"I want to play with you. You big dummy!!" Will gazed at her, done with the conversation.

"I don't play with toys." Jenny drops her stuff on his blue carpet, trying to pull him out of bed. "Fine! Fine! Jeez!" He sits on the floor with Jenny causing her to smile.

Jenny: "Here you are." She hands him a toy horse while she played with a cowboy and clown. "Hello, their partner. I have never seen a fella like you around these parks." She voiced the clown. "Ah, well, you see, I was never in this time." She gazed at Will, gazing dumbfounded.

Will: "What?" Jenny argued.

"You're not imagining, Willy!" Jenny points to the horse. "What is it?" Will rolls his eyes.

"It's just a horse." Jenny adds.

"Think again!!" She points.

"That does-" She points once more with a cute glared, causing him to follow her order. He gazed at the horse, done with it until getting a flash of Hollow punch through the Sunny energy wall. He focuses until the horse; glances at him with a creepy grin. Will staggers back.

Creepy toy Horse: "What's wrong?" It approached Will while he crawled back. "I'm not playable?" Its head unnaturally spins around while its yellow eyes gaze at his.

Will: "The FU-"

Jenny: "~Aw, and I thought this was fun." Jenny cut him off to gain his attention. Jenny flashes her decay teeth; Her skin was grey and old. Her eyes were as yellow and smooth as honey, Will's breath quicken. "Scare of a dark, eh?" The room decay while the roof cracks. She approaches him and brushes her dirty sharp nails across his face. "You shouldn't worry about me." The roof was ripped off while the Female cosmic alien gazed down at the two. "How long can you keep this up?" The giant blinks her eyes while Will's body begins to shatter into dust. "Trust goes a long way even for you, my sweet Willy." Everything goes dark.

-Flashback ends-

Will: "I don't know, who that was, but as this summer continues. I just feel...something waiting for me." He finished. Benita, Gwen, and Sunny that were on her bunk: were on full alert.

Benita: "Well, uh. So you're saying, there's a tutorial of your sister."

"It's weird." He rubs his face. "You know, I think we should get some shut-eye."

Gwen: "Yeah." Benita and Gwen got out of his bed and into theirs. "Night."

Will and Benita: "Night." Will leans onto his shoulder while Sunny eye contact never left his back.


In the morning, the Rv stops at an entrance of Security personal. One of them approaches Max's window.

Security: "Hold." The others use scanners on the outside of the Rv.

Benita: "What are they doing?" She questioned, pulling her headphones where she sat by Will on his phone. Max answered.

Max: "I heard the president is going to be there." Sunny comment in the booth with Gwen reading from the spellbook.

Sunny: "Hmph, figure." The security guard let them by while Max parked the Rv in the lot. He got up, and so did the children.

Max: "Alright, I'll go get us tickets." They exit the Rv. "Feel free to look around." He leaves while the children wander through the lot.

Will: "So, how are we gonna do it?" They gazed at him in confusion. "You know, J.T. and Cash." Benita cringed.

Benita: "Let's keep an eye out." Will nods nervously. They entered into the field, watching the Cannon's warm-up. "Hey, wher-AH! HAHA!!!" Someone gave her a wedgie while someone else kicks Will in the balls from the back. He falls on his knees.

Will: "Ah...shit." He falls on his shoulder, holding them while J.T. hangs Benita on a fence giving her the ultimate wedgie.

J.T. and Cash laugh at their demise.

Cash: "Oh, you don't know how long I wanted to do that!" He smiles as Gwen helps Benita off the fence while Sunny snickered.

Gwen: "And who are you?" She glared while Cash smirks.

"I'm Cash, sweet pea.~" He kisses her hand while Gwen shivers, pulling back.

Benita: "It's nice...meeting you two here." She rubs her butt: wincing while J.T folds his arms.

J.T.: "I can say the same, Tennyson." He noticed Sunny. "Who's she?" Sunny answered.

Sunny: "I'm just in the ride-along, but It would be interesting if I have someone to talk to.~" Sunny winked causing, J.T to blush.

They noticed the opposite team's players entered the field while Will slow got up.

Benita: "So, who are they?" She questioned while the team in red practice drills in perfection.

Cash: "You're telling me you got here, not knowing a single clue of who we're going against?" He questioned, annoyed while Benita shrugs.

"Yes?" Cash looks to J.T while he rubs the bridge of his nose.

J.T.: "They are called the New Bloods." One of their soccer players kicks the ball to another that bounces from their chest and kicks it to another. "They dominated the last few teams in this season." The Soccer goalie caught the soccer ball with one hand and threw it back while the children gave mixed emotions.

Will: " Yeah, you guys are screw." Will comment while a soccer ball flew by. "Hey, watch-" He dodges once more. A barraged of soccer balls hurl past the children. Gwen shouts.

Gwen: "Are you guys out of your minds?!" She side-steps, losing balance, but Benita grabs her shoe her pulling it back to earth soil.

Cash: "Are you dorks, retarded?!" He falls on his face while Will took the dive. J.T. force Sunny to take a dive while he shields her. A voice causes them to stop.

New Blood Coach: "Alright, take a break!" He gazed at his clipboard while Max appeared gripping the fence.

Max: "What was that?! You're trying to take their heads off!" He glared while Sunny pushes J.T. off.

"I'm sorry about that. I'll be careful next time." His eyes lightly widen while he got a call. "I gotta go and take this." He leaves while Max questioned the children.

"You alright?" Gwen answered.

Gwen: " I was nearly killed, but I'm fine." She pats herself like Sunny. They gazed at each other dumbfounded.

Cash: "Those guys are crazy." He noticed a soccer ball on his left while Max advised.

Max: "Don't do it, son." Cash kicks the ball while a New Blood player caught the ball without looking. Shocking everyone.


The Tennysons and Will are currently watching the game unfold. Max stood up from his seat, pumping his fist.

Max: "Come on, you have this!" The audience cheers alongside him while J.T. switches upon a New blood player and passes it to Cash. He raced to the goal where the goalie stood guard. "Hit it!" Cash kicks the ball only for the goalie to side-spring and catches the ball. Falling on his shoulder.

Cash: "You gonna be shitting me?" The New blood goalie kicks up and goes to hurl the ball, but the speaker cracked the cheers.

Annoncer: "Time! New Bloods: 34 Canons: 12!" He clears his throat while Max sits down with a sigh. "You kids did great out there!" The players disburse from the field. "Make sure to stay hydrated! And ready for the final!" Benita comments.

Benita: "Well, we suck." She folds her arms while Will adds.

Will: "There's no arguing with that." Gwen closes her laptop.

Gwen: "I found something, but we gonna have to get back to the Rustbucket." Sunny questioned.

Sunny: " And this is part of this 'game'?" She flexes her fingers while Gwen rolls her eyes, standing up.

"Come on." They followed her down the steps and through the hall of fame. Will and Sunny gaze around at the display of signed soccer balls, uniforms, and Soccer Players.

Will: "Huh...Eden Hazard." Will comments while Benita raced down the hall.

Benita: "I'll be back. I gotta use it!" Sunny follows behind. Max goes to answer, but Sunny cuts him off.

Sunny: "Me too!" Max sighs, getting Will and Gwen's attention.

Max: "This trip has been eventful." Gwen and Will glance in worry.

Gwen: "I'm sorry about this." Max waved with a gentle smile.

"I'm fine...It's just your aunt surprised me and all. I'm grateful you all brought her into the circle of ours." Gwen questioned while they walked through the lot.

Gwen: "Grandpa...What am I?" He raised a brow, getting Will's attention. Max questioned.

Max: "What do you mean?" Gwen continued.

Gwen: "Ever since Luna left me Spellcaster spellbook, I felt something or someone different. Its urge wants to crawl out of me...to release my full potential." She gazed up at him while Max thinks.

"Sadly, I don't know, but I'll look into it." A motorcyclist approaches them, causing them to stop. "I'm sorry about that..." A familiar voice cut him off.

Motorcyclist: "The girl? Where is she?" Will's eyes brightened.

Will: "Acree!" Acree cut him off.

Acree: "How much I like reunions, This is not the time; she's in danger." Bulkhead in his truck form pulled up behind her, opening two doors.

Bulkhead: "Hop in." Max and Gwen entered Bulkhead while Will shifts Rogue getting on Acree. They took off into the amber leaves of trees.

Rogue: "Is Megatron and his goons are back?" Acree doesn't answer. "Acree?" They drove past a tree while Bulkhead answered.

Bulkhead: "Let's say; they go way back." Gwen cut in.

Gwen: "I'm not sure this is irrelevant or not, but..." She paused and continued. " The New Bloods: this team hasn't lost a game, and base on their report cards, theirs no history whatsoever." Bulkhead comments.

Bulkhead: "The New blood eh, Sound like a bunch of vampires." Max adds.

Max: "My thoughts exactly." Acree and Bulkhead slow down by the rail tracks. Rogue, Max, and Gwen got out while Bulkhead and Arcee shift into their humanoid form.

Acree: "We'll go the rest of the way by foot." Acree advised while Rogue shift back to Will. They walk along the tracks, and Max breaks the silence.

Max: "You know." This gains Bulkhead and Gwen's attention. "I dealt with aliens, but nowhere near this level."

Bulkhead: "So, you must be Max." Max raised a brow. "The kid talked highly of you." Will cut in.

Will: "How can I not?" Bulkhead adds.

"What made you and The Plumbers stop something like this?" Max answered.

Max: "When it comes with peace down this line of work. It seems to put you at a standstill." BulkHead grunts, whispering under his breath. "Yes?" Acree butt in.

Acree: "Don't mind him." She gazed at Will. " You know Ralph and Miko can't stop thinking about you." Will raised a brow.

Will: "They have?" Acree shrugs.

"Oh, yeah. I have never seen kid-turning 'alien' like some lucid dream-" Will cut her off.

"Ok, I get the point." Acree silences him.

Acree: "This the place." They gazed at an abandoned Train station. "Stay close." Her arms shift into blasters while Diamondnite followed up. They reduced the weight on their steps towards the giant metal door as the entrance.

Diamondnite goes to listen in, but a few baseballs pierced through the door. Bulkhead called out.

Bulkhead: "Kid, get back!" Acree tackles Diamondnite from the door that burst from the hinges. Max and Gwen gazed into the train station: seeing the new blood players attacking Sunny and Chromastone.

Chromastone: "Never knew smashing tin cans is so satisfying!" She blasts beams at the New Blood Players revealing the revelation. Cash and J.T. leap on her back, trying to choke her out, only for a pink energy whip to wrap around Cash's throat: pulling him from her back.

Sunny: "Line up, weaklings!" She grins, using Cash's body to destroy the five challengers. Chromastone pulled J.T. from her back and hurl him just like Sunny. J.T and Cash crashed into one another, dismantled and sparking every now and again.

Chormastone smirks to Cash and J.T. strapped to the table from the finished battle.

Cash: "Did it just smile at us being dismantled?" He sweats while Bulkhead's head called out.

Bulkhead: "And I miss all the fun." They turn to the Bots and the Tennysons and Diamondnite.

J.T.: "Christ!" Chromastone lasered the straps while Sunny gazed interestedly at Acree and Bulkhead.

Chromastone: "The torture train of doom has sadly, delayed. Thank you for supporting us." She joked while The bullies escaped the table. Giant lasers flew by the entrance while Decepobots Bulkhead sized race to assault. Everyone took cover.

Acree: "Scarp!" She and Bulkhead fired their blasters, thinning out the reinforcements until a Giant Spider-con with the appearance of snatch Chromastone from the group. Chromastone screams while that Bot returns to the ceiling.

Max: "Chromastone!" Max, Sunny, and Gwen fired while the Spider-bot hanging from the ceiling dodges their attempt with a smirk.

Spider-Con: "Nice meeting, you again." She smirks while Acree glared, pouring hate. The Spider-Con blast a hole: climbing out of it. "Enjoy the fireworks.~" She escapes leaving a beeping device on barrels of gasoline.

Bulkhead: "Move!" Bulkhead booms while everyone forced their way out dodging: the beams: charging at the Vechicons. Acree raced from the group, planted her steel boot across the face of a con. BulkHead cleared the way for the humans while the Station explodes, blowing everyone onto their backs or chest.

Nova: "Ugh!" His vision shakes while the Vehicons falls back. He gets to his feet, hearing a bike roar from them and around the blown site.

Bulkhead: "Acree!" He called, looking hopeless while Sunny snaps Nova to reality.

Sunny: "Come on, Hotstuff! It's getting away!" Nova shakes his head.

Nova: "Right!" Nova raced, shifting Highroller and into his vehicle mode, racing after Acree.


Racing down the tracks.

High Roller noticed Acree(Vehicle mode) racing after, Spider-Bot knows as Airachnid, using her spider-legs on her back, keeping a high momentum.

Airachnid: "Ah.~ And who is this? You're new partner?!" She fired at her pursers that dodged the rapid-fire. Benita grunts trying to escape her grasp.

HighRoller: "Ben, hang in there!" He shouts, dodging lasers once more.

"How cute!" A few jets flew past over their heads. "Finely." The jets flew back, aiming their blaster at her pursers. They fired a storm of lasers while the two dodge: driving opposite sides of the tracks.

HighRoller: "Acree!" He called while Acree stayed silent, doing her best to push up. He growls and pushes up. Dodging the lasers and missiles clashing from their hitbox. He grew closer to Acree as a missile lock on him. Highroller shifts Update while a Missle clash behind him, causing Update to fly at Acree.

Update: "AAAAH!!" He swings his arms, falling onto the bike causing, Acree to snap out of it. "The Calvary is here!" He melts into the Acree, causing it to glow a neon blue. Blasters form from the side of the bike, blasting at the jets overhead, causing them to explode or roll from the attack. "I don't know what's up, but focus!"

Acree: "Alright!" She agrees while Airachnid raised a brow interested.

Airachnid: "You're something I never heard of." She smiles while Acree grew futuristics boosters. It ignites rocketing after Airachnid gaining closer by seconds. "Scrap!" She rains lasers at the bike, dodging, and it wheelie. Acree slams the head of the wheels on the pebbles below, causing her to front flip towards Airachnid, shifting back to her bot form, landing a blow to Airachnid's jaw.

She crashes against the tracks while Acree gains rocket boosters on her back and steel boots. She maneuvered from the ground while she aims her twin blasters and others that form from her shoulders at her target.

Update: "Let the girl go." He announces, showing his circle face from Acree's chest. Airachnid tests her jaw lying on her butt with Benita in hand.

Airachnid: "I love to, but you'll turn me into scraps." She smirks while Benita watched the situation go down. Update glared while silence answered.

"...I'll let you go for her freedom." Acree protests.

Acree: "Dead Chance!" Airachnid's grip grew tighter on Benita, causing her to scream. Update shouts.

Update: "STOP!!" Airachinid's purple eyes pulse while her grin turns into a smile.

Airachinid: "You know...humans are frail creatures.~" Benita screams.

Benita: "HAAAAAA!!!" Airachinid contiuned.

"They don't live as long as us...but-" Acree grunts.

Acree: "Fi-" Update cut her off.

Update: "Do it." Acree and Benita staggered while Update revealed his relaxed face. Airachinid tilts her head. "She's below me." He replied calmly while Benita's heart crack.

Airachinid: "Uh, huh?" She raised a brow, not believing the words coming from his mouth.

"You and I may look different, but we're the same, you and I." Airachinid asked.

"And that is?" Update continued.

"Pain." He answered. "The Feeling of toying with someone is exotic, really. Why do you think she's looking at me that way?" Airachinid gazed at Benita that's eyes never left his. "For months, I played into the nice guy bullshit, and for what? For more to play with." Benita shakes, causing Airachinid to blush while her grip tightened, causing Benita to wince. "My life was boring, but without them...There's no entertainment." His voice grew cold while Acree goes to say something, but ink covered her face. "Go on, crush her. She's no used to me." Airachinid eyes never left his while her grip increase causing Benita to scream once more. Update stays unfazed while she increased her pressure.

Benita: "AHAA!! HAAAAA!!!" She shakes, screaming her head off Airachinid grins.

Airachinid: "You're-" A green shockwave blows her hands open, setting Benita free. She falls, but Update(Acree) catches her while he released hell upon Airachinid. She quickly transforms into a helicopter, taking off dodging the lasers being; released after her. She was soon redeem gone while Update(Acree) drop onto the track. Update un-bond with Acree with Benita in his arms. Benita squirms while Update staggers.

Update: "Ben! Hold on!" He set her down while she shouts.

Benita: "IS IT TRUE?!!" Update counters.

"You know it's not." Benita points up at him.

Benita: "I WANNA SEE YOUR FACE!" Update shifts Will. He goes on to explain.

Will: "It's not-" Benita flashes her fist. " I'm sorry, you know I don't want to hurt you. You have seen what's she's capable of. I didn't have any other choice." Benita bites her lip dropping her fist. She goes to leave, Will grabs her wrist. "Ben." She pulls from his grasp: not looking back.

Bulkhead in truck form approach them and stop. Max, Sunny, and Gwen got out while Ben is heading their way. Gwen raced to Benita.

Gwen: "Ben, are you-" She walks right past everyone while Bulkhead transforms back in his bot form, looking back at her. Will pleased with Gwen pouring sadness from his eyes.

Will: "Gwen...please." Gwen looks to him, dazed before following after her.

Bulkhead: "Did she traumatized her?" He lightly glared.

"I did something, I regret." Everyone, we're all ears before Acree folds her arms with a glare.

Acree: "The boy is cunning. He hurt the poor girl." Max lightly glared.

Max: "Will." Will goes to explain himself.

Will: "She had Ben, and she wasn't the type to listen. The watch saved-" Max cut him off with a sigh.

"I'm trying...I'm really am." He rubs his stressed face. "Those bots?" Sunny stood by Will's side.

Sunny: "From the Forever nights." She folds her arms while Will sat on the track. "I heard from Ben what happened to the boy: Lincoln. They seem to be no joke if they have that kind of technology, but I like a challenge.~" She smirked while Bulkhead's eyes lit up.

Bulkhead: "Alright, Doc. Putting it on speaker." He taps his non-exist ear while Rachet clears his throat.

Rachet (Speaker): "Are you reading me?" He questioned while Acree answered.

Acree: "We're reading you clear." She folds her arms while Rachet continued.

Rachet (Speaker): "Is the girl safe?" He questioned while Will answered.

Will: "Yes." Rachet sigh relieved.

"Gooood. Good." Miko called out.

Miko: "Hey, ya shrimp!" The environment grew quiet while the wind whistles by. "Please continue."

Rachet(Speaker): "The sample from the boy. It's finally in, but I can say this is extraordinary." This gains Will's; attention. "I don't know how long he had it, but it seems his DNA is rewriting itself."

Bulkhead: "What?" He questioned while Rachel continued.

"Boy, do you hear voices? Visions? Or Paranoia?" Will goes to answer, but Edge appeared from his shoulder.

Edge: "Your spot on." Bulkhead stagger while Rachet grunts.

Will: "Rachet? Tell me the truth. How bad is it?"

Rachet: "Only forty percent of you're DNA is coated in some black fluid." Edge answered.

Edge: "Virgo." Will gazed at him. "You haven't noticed it have you? He's testing you." Will staggered.

Will: "So, he-" Edge cut him off.

"Trying to kill you, yes." Everyone grew quiet. "We are becoming one, but he wants to be one." Will's heart raced. "All I can say is be careful. He's patient, but time is running out."
