
Chapter 17: Grimwood

A large, sharp hand pierces a female figure's gut while its three-toe foot crushes a head into bits, a white light flashes.

No birds chirp. No car hums. Complete silence was the only friend. Will eyes peak seeing the abyss that never ends. He floats, looking back and forth, he grew nervous.

Will: "Hello?" His voice echos to no end. "Anyone?" His voice continues while Will balls up: shaking.

???: "Why are you afraid?" A familiar voice questioned while He looks up seeing, Cosmic Alien. "Is it being alone?"

Will goes to get away, yet he stayed in one place. Cosmic Alien approaches him while his heels click the floor of black. He stood face to face to Will.

"Tell me! Who are you?!" Will questioned.

"I can't tell you."

"Y-you can't tell me?" The Cosmic Alien folds his arms.

"I came to give you a message." Will waits while his hairs stood up. "I am hard to gain but easy to lose. Who am I?" Will thinks for a bit. "Wake up." Will grew dazed. "WAKE UP!" His voice booms while Will bonce from his sheets: Bumping his head against celling, scaring Benita.

Will: "Ah. Ah." He winced rubbing, his forehead once more.

Benita: "Sorry, sleeping beauty. Grandpa asked to wake ya." She drops from the side of the bunk.

"That's fine. Where are we?" He sit-ups while Gwen's voice answered.

Gwen: "Arriving at Grimwood. Glad, you're not wasting your day."

"Who are you?" Will drops from the bunk walking from the sleeping area with Benita behind, looking at Gwen in the booth reading CharmCaster's spellbook. "My mother?" He questioned while Gwen rolls her eyes: flipping a page.

Max: "There's no harm in caring for someone's health." He gazed at the head mirror. "Especially so much we have been through."

Will: "There's no harm done." He sits in the booth with Gwen while Benita enters the bathroom. "So...was that pink thing part of the spellbook?" Gwen flips the page.

Gwen: "I guess?" Will raised a brow.

"You guess?" She gazed up at him.

"What do you want me to say? I mastered a book holding interesting lore and spells all in two days?" Will taps his finger against the booth, thinking.

"Hmm." He tilts his head non nonchalantly.

Max: "Here we are." Will and Gwen stood by Max's side while the RV passed a welcome sign 'Grimwood' "A small town many would love."

Max call-out was right, yet the clouds block the sun: not letting any light hit the ground. Trees surround that town and a Mansion on the mountains.

Gwen: "You got mini right." A motorcyclist with a dark-ocean blue raced by with a (Car) dodge in yellow and black strips following behind. They take the lane that the RV is in, driving past the speed limit and from them. Max sighs. "Street racing, at this time of hour?" She gazed annoyed while Will asked.

Will: "And that is?" Gwen gazed at her blue watch.

"12:52 am."

Max: "That's good we have time." Will and Gwen raised a brow.

"An old friend invited us to a party up in that Mansion there." They grew shocked while Benita appears the same.

Benita: " How many friends do you have? I wouldn't be surprised if one in your contact owns a company." Max chuckles nervously. "Seriously?!"

"Sometimes life doesn't make sense, Ben." He clears his throat. " We are stopping at a Formal Shop. Everything is alright paid for. We want to look our best, yes?"

Will, Benita, and Gwen: "Sure, why not?"


Tailor: "You're looking fly, kid." Will stood on a display box gazing at the mirror at himself. He wore a Dark red dress shirt, black vest with a dark red tie, blacks slacks, and dress shoes.

Max: "You say that again." Max smirks, carrying a suit bag on his back.

Will: "Thanks. Blue I favored more than this, but that a do. No offense." He answers nervously while the Tailor laughed.

Tailor: "It's no problem." He threw his measuring tape over his shoulder while they heard a curtain on their right open.

They snapped their heads to Gwen and Benita, wearing a dark blue and white dress. The Tailor woman fixes her glasses.

Will's heart flatters, and so did the two. His eyes never wavered, causing Benita and Gwen to blush, looking away.

Max: "You two are looking magnificent." He smiles while the Tailor lightly elbowed stun, Will.

Tailor: "You gonna say something?" He smirks while Will shakes his head, looking away with a blush of his own.

Will: "You two look great."

Benita and Gwen: "Well-I-thanks." They look to the floor rubbing their arms.

Tailor: "Well, Nikki. I knew you love your job." He folds his arms with a charming smirk. "You looking for a raise?"

Nikki: " I'm fine, really. The pay is good enough as it is." She reconsiders while the Tailor shrugs.

"Fine by me." A door opens, chiming the bell. Revealing a man that lightly nods, heading for the front desk. "Nikki, would you take care of our guest?" She nods while he behind back closing the door behind him.

Nikki: "Would you come with me." She approached the desk, typing on the computer with the following, carrying their dress and suit bags. "Would you like to be a member?"

Max: "Hmm, Sure." He shrugs

"Your name?"

"Max Tennyson." She nods, resuming her typing. "You heard of a party up on the mountain?"

"The Conwell's." She sighs. "Mr.Conwell took a little convincing from my manager. I'm heading there myself to promote our business to the out-of-town guests. Why were you invited?"

"As of matter of fact, yes." She stops gazing up at him. "Seriously?"

Will: "You make it sound like it's a bad thing." Nikki adds.

Nikki: "Well, they never invited anyone in this town unless Ms.Conwell could try to convince him, but he's stubborn." She frowns her brows. "There you are." She passes Max a business card. 'Dress to Wear' "Thank you for joining."

Max opens the door leading the kids out. He smiled.

Max: "Meet you there." Nikki waved while he left, causing the bell to chime.

(Formal) Will: "Oh, cool!" The same motorbike from early sat in between two businesses in an alley. Will let a car pass and cross the street with the others approaching the bike. "You know I saw babies like these in North Carolina." He admired the bike gazing at every crack and spot.

(Formal) Benita: "When are you into bikes?" She questioned while Will gently brushes his gloved hand across the seat.

"You make it sound like it's a bad thing." Benita shrugs.

"You're only assuming." Will looks at the motorbike once more, patting the seat.

"I'll get you someday, babe." Something beeps, gaining everyone's attention to Gwen gazing at her watch.

(Formal) Gwen: "Grandpa, how long before the party? It's three pm."

Max: "About three more hours. What would you three like to do in the meantime?" He questioned while Will and Benita gazed at one another with a smile.


In the grim woods, in front of the RV.

Will walks for a bit, flashing his glowing dead veins while Benita and Gwen do the same.

Benita: "So, you're going easy on us?" She questioned while Will adds.

Will: "It's only fair." He smirks, slipping his glove vibrating. His blind-eye pulse. "Will; one. Ben and Gwen; none."

Benita Omnitrix's dial opens while Gwen calms her breath surrounding her hands with pink energy glass.

Gwen: "I hope you have a mute button." Benita slams her dial, yet it was stuck.

Benita: "Hold on for a moment." She grunts, slamming and pushing the dial. "Come on you. Stupid thing!" Will approach.

Will: "Need a hand?" Benita turns her back to him.

"Nope, I got it." She struggles once more while Gwen and Will gazed dumbfoundedly. "Yes." She sighs while Will grips the dial, wrapping it with diamond. "Uh?"

"Better grip. This probably will hurt." He warns.

"Just do it already."

Gwen: "You might want to reframe that." She folds her arms while they quiet her.

Will: "What kind of influence I have on you two?" He whispered, pushing the dial. Benita wince, shaking her arm. "I'm sorry, but I'm gonna go harder."

Max: " You two better not be doing what I think: you doing!" He called from the RV while the three blush.

Benita: "Grandpa!"

Will:" Max! Do you! And play that game!" He looks to blushing Benita while she nods. Will attempts once more while she flashes her teeth. The dial slams down while blowing Will back with a shock wave.

Her head and arms straightened, growing a single eye, she grew taller, growing crystals on her back and torso.

Gwen raced to Will's aid while they gazed at Benita's new transformation.

Gwen: "Who's that girl?" Benita looks at her pink diamond hands and up at the two.

Chromastone: "Come on, I want to give her a go!" She pumps her fist excitedly while Gwen and Will gazed at her each other.

"Just give her what she wants." Will sighs while Gwen took Chromastone's side once more, revealing her power.

Will/Audo: "If your so eager./ Let go, love!" He shouts a color scheme sound wave at the two. Gwen dives from the wave while Chromastone tanks it being pushed back. Her pink crystals glow multi-color, and she fires a beam while Blue runner dodges. That beam destroyed two trees that crashed onto the dirt behind Blue Runner that eyes gazed back.

Chromastone: "Cool!"

A pink disc breeze past Blue Runner; Gwen hurls more while he speeds dodge her attempts.

Gwen: "Hold still!" Blue runner ignores.

Blue Runner: "Than what's the point?" Gwen creates a pink glass wall, yet he ran around slamming into her.

"Aah! Agh!!" She rolls across the ground while Chromastone fires a beam. Blue Runner shifts Red Riot taking the attack. He slides back while his arms: hazed his eyes flinched.

Chromastone: "Is it me, or do I smell pork ribs?" She smirks while Red Riot clicks his tongue, unleashing rage mode.

(Enraged)Red Riot: "Got jokes, huh?" He claps, giving off a thunder-like clap that echoes the skies blowing her back through a tree while the RV lightly shakes. A pink disc hits his head while Gwen rushes.

Red Riot released his rage mode returning back his base form. Gwen hurls her discs while he blocks them. He closes in on her, only for Gwen to leap over his shoulders using the pink energy whip that grabs Red Riot's throat and hurls him over her and onto his back.

Red Riot grunt yet dodges an Ultraviolet beam that hits his: previous spot. He shifts Edge in his agile form while Chromastone and Gwen rush once more.

(Agile) Edge: "Is this all you have?" He sprints, grinning. He Ink-snap to a tree branch dodging their combine beam attack. He perches on the branch looking down the two.

Chromastone: "Oh, what's the matter? Afraid you'll get squash like a bug?"

"If you're going for spider; it's Arachnids." He replied in his smooth tone.

Gwen: "Come down. You know you couldn't take the two of us." Edge raised a non-existed brow.

"What if I don't?" He grins while his long tongue slithers. Gwen glares while Edge quickly snaps his head around.

"What?" She raised a brow.

"Shh!" He gazed around until the RV door opens.

Max: "It's time, go get clean up." The Omnitrix times out.

(Agile) Edge: "We're coming." Edge touches the ground while grey ink surrounds him in a ball until absorbing into his skin, revealing Will. They entered the RV but only for Max to block the boy's way.

"I told you this." He gazed seriously.

"I'm sorry, but Lieutenant Steel is still out there with Venom. This is the only way." Max thinks for a bit until letting Will in. Max gazed out to the woods until closing the door. A purple and black drone above the RV flew away.


Entering the Mansion, the smooth violins and piano hum the clean environment. Their steps reflect the tan-brown floors, Higher-ups like billionaires, Corporations: managers and e.c.t. Chatting eating or drinking snacks and champagne and fruit punch.

Max in his Dark blue dress shirt and vest. With red-flowered tie stood near the children in their formal wear.

Benita: "Wow, they never disappoint." The children, but Max gazed in awe.

Gwen: "Yeah... they're a snack table." Will speeds walk with Benita behind. "And there they go." Will take a bite from a toothpick a block of cheese with Benita. Their eyes water, gazing at the unknown.

Benita: "So, good." She mumbles while Will followed up.

Will: "Stop, don't mention that word." Benita gazed at Will. "It's Exquisite!" The guest glance at the two and looked away while a kid in a black suit approached them. He waved and smiled.

Kid in suit: "Hello." This gain Benita and Will's attention. "Welcome to Conwell's Mansion. You must be with Max." He shakes their hands.

Benita: "Yes, my grandpa. I'm Benita while this is Will." The kid smiles once more.

Lincoln: "Lincoln."

"So, how long did you know my grandpa?" She questioned while Will eats another block of cheese listening in.

"Well, My mother always mentions Max. She wanted to introduce me to him." They gazed at Max and the elderly lady in a deep conversation, chuckling. Gwen glance at them and shrugs.

"Do you have any siblings?" Lincoln's smile wavered.

"Sadly, I'm the only." The front double doors open revealing, another two kids and an adult man. Lincoln's eyes were glued to one of the kids while Benita bumps Will's arm going for another block of cheese. His eyes pop from his socket.

Luna in a black dress, gazing around the room until landing eyes on the children by the snack table. They approach them.

Kid in suit: "I thought we're going to be the only one." He asked curiously; while Lincoln scratch his cheekbone, gazing away.

Lincoln: "It's fine, their visitors." He clears his throat. "This is Ms.Benita and Mr.Will."

Will: "You don't have to frame us that way." He advised trying to keep his gaze from Luna while The Kid in the suit chuckles.

"Formal like always." He smirks at Lincoln." This is Luna, a friend of mine." She nods while Benita and Will squint their eyes, noticing her Hearing-aid. Luna shakes Benita's hand while she did Will. Their eyes left each other. "She's deaf and also a mute. Expect awkward silence. I'm Cameron. "

Gwen entered the fray and noticed Luna.

Gwen: "Lu-" Will interrupts.

Will: "This is Gwen. Ben's cousin and a friend of mine." The children turn their attention to her while Luna staggered. "Gwen, don't be shy." He raised his brows like some sort of signal while Gwen gazed dumbfounded.

Gwen: "Hello." She waved; awkwardly while Luna did the same.

A sliver fork clicks the glass wine cup gaining everyone's attention to a man on top of the stairs.

Mr.Conwell: "Welcome everyone, of those new to my appearance. I'm Mr.Conwell." Nikki enters from the door while he frowns his brows but returns his smirk to his guest. "If you're wondering why I called everyone here, I like to celebrate my son's 11th birthday: Lincoln." Everyone erupts of light clapping and smirks while he steps from the group of children.

Lincoln: "Oh, geez." He whispers lightly, waving at the guest.

"He growing up to be like his old man." He smirks at Lincoln, looking away nervously. "And that's why I like to present. Luna Kenworth." He points his hands to Luna, gazing in shock. Lincoln's eyes peak and go to open his mouth, but run from the room and upstairs by his father. "Please continue to where you are." He followed after him while the piano and violin hum the awkward environment.

Will: "That just happened." He whispered while Cameron add.

Cameron: "Saying that is like stopping a moving car." Will nods back while Luna gazed at Cameron, pulling a notepad. She flicks through until showing the word 'Bathroom' "Through that door." He points to the white-painted door on the left of the massive staircase. She leaves. "Hurry back."

Gwen: "You seem to know Luna a little well." She questioned while he gazed back at the three.

"Well, she's the family friend of Ian Kenworth: CEO Manger of Conwell's Corp. He and his wife have been there since the start. And even took her in as her guardians." The three kept in mind while the light dims and slow music began. "May we?" He gazed to Benita.

Benita: "Oh, no, no, I can't dance." She staggered while Cameron smirks.

Gwen: "Aw, don't be a sour puss. It's gonna be fun." She smirks while Will adds.

Will: "Give it a try, don't be afraid to try something new." He adds while Cameron gently grabs Benita's hand taking her to the dance floor while she gazed back at Will and Gwen waving. Will sighs while Gwen glance at him.

"Come on." She grabs his hand while Will whispers.

"Hey! Hey! Gwen!" They entered the middle of the dance floor with couples and others slowly swaying with the beat. "I can't dance." He said; nervously while Gwen smirks.

"Then this makes it a better experience. Grab here." She whispered placing, Will's hands on her hips causing, him to blush while she wraps her wrist around his neck. "The key to this is connecting with your partner. Follow my lead." They step to the right while Gwen's eyes shake.

"Sorry!" He whispered.

"It's fine." They step left to right, with the gentle music. Will gazed at his dress shoes. "Up here." She advised while Will gazes into her eyes. They step with sync stepping, side to side while they turn. Gwen smiles. "You're doing it!" Will grins cheek to cheek.

Will: "I am! I am!" He whispers while they turn once more. Max is in the background sipping a glass cup of punch. He winks while Will gazed back at Gwen, gazing into his eyes. Benita, dancing with Cameron, noticed this.

Gwen: "Will, I have to say something." Her contact never left his. "I love you." She blushes while his heart raced. "Ever since that sleepover, I thought of you. I figured it was some sort of crush, and it'll pass, but you joining and the times you had made this trip different." She swallows her saliva while Will did the same. "But, I noticed you and Ben seeing each other as we do. Heck, even she changed, but she can still be annoying." They turn once more. "I'll wait."

"What do you mean by that?" He questioned.

"Knowing you, rushing things will only grow harder on you. When you're, ready let me know." She smiles while Will does back.

"Thanks, Gwen." He leans in while she does the same.

"Your welcome." A shotgun blast echoes the room freaking everyone out.

Max pulls a handgun from his suit and races up the stairs with the children behind.

Cameron: "You three can't go! Crap!" He follows after.

The three ran down the red carpet halls of windows and doors to the sound. Benita unlocks her watch.

Lincoln: "Dad! Dad?!" They heard his voice turning a corner approaching Lincoln shaking Mr.Conwell against the wall. The four slows down while Cameron's jaw dropped. Blood paints the sand-tan wall while Lincoln gazed back at them with his hands covered in blood. "H-Hey, call for Help!" He cried while his tears pour from his eyes. Gwen was already on while Max approach Lincoln and Mr.Conwell. He checks his pulse and sighs.

Max: "I'm...." He bites his lip while Lincoln's eyes quiver. "I'm sorry." Lincoln's lips shake while his sobs echo the halls.

He clenches his suit, hugging his body while Ms. Conwell raced down the halls barefooted, seeing the commotion.

Ms.Conwell: "Oh god!!" She joins the embrace with her son while Will and Benita couldn't bear to see the pain.

Gwen: "No, one's picking up!" Will and Benita entered the room at the ready, gazing at a pump shotgun aiming at the opened door smoking. They gazed around the darkroom until flipping a switch revealing no one.

Max entered after the two.

Max: "I hate to say this, but It seems we have a murderer in our hands. Ben." A green light flashes while a blue line zooms out.

Will gazed at the shotgun with Max.

Max: "You see that there." Max points to a black box with a red dot on it. "It's a sensor. Someone place it here. For someone, and I'm not sure that's our guy."

Will: "What do you mean?" He questioned while Cameron entered standing, behind the two.

"Without the sheriff or anyone to help gather DNA. We gonna have to do it old school."

Cameron: "It's impossible! The killer could've been long gone!" XLR8 comes back, giving Cameron a shock.

Max: "And that, we gonna have to do." He gazed seriously.


Sitting in a room with two brown couches by a fireplace and pool table sat Will and Max while a Man with a goatee sat across from them.

Will: "So, you're Malcolm Rich." Will questioned. "The-"

Mr.Rich: "Movie Director." He adds while Will writes on his notepad.

Max: "What are you're relations with Mr.Conwell?" He questioned.

"I met him during the awards. He is an asshole, but he's tolerable when you get to know him."


Ms.Blake: "He's quite serious when it comes to his family." An Elderly woman answers while Will wrote that down.

Will: "So, you're saying he's an honest man willing to stick up to his family?" He questioned while She warmly smirks.

"Without a doubt."


Ms. Conwell rubs her head while Max and Will gazed at each other.

Max: "Emily, you don't have to do this." He replied: reassuringly while she gazed up, wiping her tears shedding.

Ms.Conwell: "I'm alright...." She seats; there for a few minutes gathering, her bearings. "He's always paranoid even when we mention inviting others." She looks up at the two. "And what you have seen before the party. He...doesn't understand." Will raised a brow.

Will: "Understand what?" He questioned while she gazed her red puffy eyes at him.

"I'm sorry for going off-topic." She sniffs. "What else would you like to ask?"


Mr.Redfield: "What makes it hard to like the guy. At times he doesn't invite the hard-working people that gave him this roof over his head, the land, and even the resources for him to enjoy things like these." A buff man with bushy beard answers while Max looks at Will, writing that down.

Max: "Now, I'm sorry for digging too deep." He frowns his brows. "Do you have any grudges against Mr.Conwell?" Mr.Redfield laughs and slapping his knee.

"Seriously?" He raised a brow. "I may have my issues with Mr.Conwell, but taking someone's life is nowhere from my intentions."


Max and Will exit the room entering the front hall where all the guests and Luna stood.

Max: "We found out. His character, but the killer, is still loose, so on my watch list." He points to Luna that staggered. "I don't like doing this, but you were the only person to leave the room before the shooting." The adult that came with them or more as a butler stood by Luna's side, taking her shoulder.

Butler: "Making a claim like that is foolish." He glares. " Ms.Kenworth wouldn't do since thing."

"Mr. Nolan-"

"It's Bale." His glare intensified while Max sighs. Will supports.

Will: "As much I don't like what we are seeing. This is all we can do. We need more pieces of evidence to push this. All we ask for you to cooperate." Luna looks to Bale that gazed down at her. She reveals her notepad. 'It's ok.'

Gwen: "I can watch her." She steps up, gaining everyone's attention.

Mr.Rich: "Wait, I like you pursuing the culprit in all, but I'm having second doubt about you four." He points to Benita and Cameron on the steps, comforting Lincoln. "Since you four got here, He's gone. This doesn't add up."

Nikki: "I'm gonna have to agree." She steps in. "I haven't been to places like these, but I see no articles or news on a matter like this."

Max: "I can understand your views, but I'm trying to help." He answered, Mr.Rich and Nikki, gazed never left while Ms. Conwell exit the crowd.

Ms. Conwell: "Max would never do such a thing. He stood by our family since the start, and we stood by his. We're family." Ms.Blake steps forward, gaining other's attention.

Ms.Blake: "She speaks the truth. She, Ian, and I would talk about how good you did to the family. Without you, the Conwell's will not exist."

Nikki: "What they do?"

"You can say he inspired Mr. Conwell when times get rough." She smiles at Max while Nikki and the others think for a bit.

"Ok." Max rubs his hands. "I want everyone to stay where you are. We have a Mansion to explore." Max glance at Will. "You take the stairs while I take the bottom. Be careful." Will nods while Luna and Gwen pass them and into the room: they held the interrogation. Luna and Gwen quickly gazed at him before entering and closing the door shut while Mr. Bale stool by the door on guard.

Max and Will split up. Will head for the stairs while Benita stops him.

Benita: "Everything is locked up: No one in or out, but something is not right." This grabs Will's curiosity.

Will: "And that is?"

"The sheriff station...it's empty. Today's Tuesday, and they're opened until 11:00pm. After the shooting, I left at ten-fifteen: Plenty of time, especially with XLR8." Will rubs his brows.

"The more we uncovered this, the more unsettling it gets." He whispered under this breath while climbing the steps.

Lincoln: "Let me come with." He stood on the steps looking at Will halfway. "That room with the weapon...is my dad's."

Cameron: "You dealt with enough." He counters, but Will answered.

Will: "Come on, the second you don't feel good. You're out." He gazed to Benita. "Stay here." She nods while she and Cameron watch them climb the steps.


Entering the room once more. Will left the door open, seeing the bloody wall in the hall.

Will: "So, that was your father's gun?" He questioned while the two gazed at the triggered trap.

Lincoln: "Yes...he took me hunting in the woods like these. Catch Squrriels, bucks..." He stops while Will gazed worriedly.

"I get the picture." He gazed around the room. A desk sits in the corner of the room by the wall. Will checks the desk while Lincoln kept his gaze at the gun. He pulled the two draws gazing at paperwork. He pulled a slip.

House Estate.

Thank you for your patience, Mr. Conwell. 225,384$ is taken off for the repair fee.


Will: "Lincoln." He gazed from the shotgun. "This Mansion was damaged?"

Lincoln: "Ah, yes. My father had us go on a family trip. We came back damaged like the giant hole from the ceiling, debris everywhere, luckily the Mansion stood, and the repairs took time, but it got there." Will gazed back at the form.

???: "I wonder who could do that kind of damage." A dark voice rings within his head, causing Will to gaze about.

"What? What is it?" Lincoln questioned while Will hands the paper to him, reaching for the last drawer.

Will: "It's nothing." He pulls the drawer, but it stayed in place. He looks back at Lincoln. "Can you keep a secret?" He questioned.


"Can you?" Lincoln slowly nods while his arm bulks up, and his gloved hand pulls on it until pulling the entire draw out, Surprising Lincoln. He watches his muscles grew non-existing once more. Will scans the drawer of papers and folders.

Will: "Bills. Work. Bills. Boo-" He stops himself.

Rival- Be Gone (ft.Caravn)

Lincoln: "What? Something in-" He stops gazing at something so horrifying. Lincoln picks up the book reading the title. 'Coming out of the Closest for you're son's' He lip shivers. "What-WHAT IS THIS?!!!" He booms, clenching the book tight.

"Lincoln, slow-" Lincoln hurls the book across the room, clenching is his hair.

"He never cares for me! Why would he read something like that?!" He booms once more, glancing his teary eyes to Will's.

Will: "I'm sorry." His eyes watered, and so did Lincoln. Lincoln grunts sprinting out the room. "Hey!" He raced after Lincoln down the hall. "Slow down, I like to talk this out!" He shouts while Lincoln locks himself in a room. "Lincoln?!" He hears a window open. Will burst through the door using Red Riot's arm but only halfway through because of debris blocking the doorway. He sees Lincoln climbed down his window using a rope of clothing. "Lincoln!" He growls and slips through. Will gaze out the window seeing Lincoln run in the foggy dark woods. "LINCOLN!"


Will ran down the woods of leaves and branches. He gazed around the barely noticeable environment. Sprinting like a mad man. He leaps over a log. His nose bleeds.

Will: 'Why now of all times?!' Suddenly his leaps and rolls to his feet. He gazed back, seeing electric wires. 'I didn't do that." He glances in horror.

???: 'I did.' The same voice wallows, causing Will's heart to race, but he continued the chase.

'Who the hell are you?!'

'Don't remember me?' Will kicks from a tree and begins swing branch to branch, Surprising himself.

'Wildmutt?!' He swings, landing on a branch, and leaps at each one with ease.

'Close, but no.'

'Cosmic Alien?!' Terrified Will leaps from the breach and across the large gap. He grabs a branch while bits break from his grip and land on the ground below. Activating a bear trap.

'The silent school bully. No.' Will leaps once more landing, on the ground. He pants, standing up gazing, back the way he came. 'We...are Edge.' Will eyes pop from his socket.

Will: "This gotta be some-"

Edge: 'Less talking more, running.' Will runs once, more scared out of his mind. 'You must be wondering?' Edge head morphs from his shoulder, gazing at Will's eyes with a toothy grin. "How am I doing this?"

Will: "I sure like to know!"

"I don't." Will stops.

"Lincoln! Lincoln!!" He calls.

"All I can say is that the powerful one saved your friend's life. GhostFreak is it?" Will looks to Edge. "Don't remember, do you?" Will eyes dilate.


In the RV, Will gets out of the bunk from Gwen with a blank gaze. He stood up looking, at Benita that was smiling down at her hands. Her pink and dark eyes glance at his blank.

(Ghostfreak) Benita: "Damn." She whispered. "Hey, Will. why are you up so early?" She questioned while Will stood like a statue not, blinking an eye. She clears her throat nervously. "Well...I'm going for a walk." She drops from the bunk while Will snaps to her face while his blind eye glows. "HAAAAA! HAAAAA!!!" Benita gazed horrified, screaming at the white glow while GhostFreak fazed from Benita, escaping the RV while Benita drops into his arms while he set her in bed.

(Cosmic Alien) Will: "The only time I'll help you." He whispers while getting in the bunk.


Will stops.

Will: "Ghostfreak has her?!" He panics.

Edge: "Don't know what her plans really. She could've escape because he careless yet, she had to try him." Will's heartbeat multiplied while his breath quickened.

"R-Rushmore." He clenches his chest, remembering his near-death.

"Could've died, yet He gave you; a chance with a price, of course." Will drops to his knees in sweat. "He likes me to give you a message." Will listens closely. " Hold your two lives, dear. " Edge absorb into his shoulder.

His heartbeat slows down while he wanders the woods once more, thinking back on the conversation while looking for Lincoln.

???: "Is the job done?" Will hid behind a tree while a hooded figure answers.

Hooded Figure: "...It is." She said with dread. Will eyes shake. "Leave my family out of this!" She points while a Robot too tall for a human approaches her while she stumbles, crashing onto her back. It leans over her while its red eyes pulse.

Giant Robot: "You better be glad! I pledge my legions to Lord Megatron!" He shouts while the figure hid her face. "Once my leader finds no use for you humans, he'll colonize the very planet we stand on!" He points his metal giant finger at her.

A hand grabs Will's shoulder, he snaps to Lincoln, silencing him. They gazed back at the two while Will whips out his phone and begins recording.

Hood figure: "That's fine!" She shouts while Lincoln's hands shake. "You and you're 'Lord' Is working for one from the very start!" The Giant robot staggers. "The way I see it, you're 'Lord' is just us humans lap dog." She grins under her hid hood while the robot arms shift into a canon until it snaps its head towards Will and Lincoln's direction.

Evil Bot: "You were followed!" Will and Lincoln held their ground behind a tree. "Come out! Your portable device has your location." He aims; his cannon arm while a purple drone appears behind Will and Lincoln, forcing them out of hiding. "You boys shouldn't be out of this time of night." The hood figured jaw drops while Lincoln and Will kept their hands up. The Purple drone snatches Will's phone and crushes it shifting into a human-size Robotic-bird without a face. The giant robot canon hums while Will's nose bleeds. "I think the lord wouldn't mind taking care of this problem." Suddenly a giant blue laser hits his shoulder. He grunts miss firing, causing Will and Lincoln to crash on their backs while the Robotic-Bird takes flight.

The Evil Robot turns back, seeing another with yellow and black strips as a paint job: charging into battle with a canon of his own.

Their giant blue lasers flew by destroying, trees left and right until one crash between the hooded figure and the curious children. The hooded figured escapes while Lincoln goes to follow, but Will grabs his hand.

Will: "There's no time run!!" The robotic bird gazed at the kids forcing Lincoln to sprint from the upcoming battle. Their dress shoes crush the leaves, yet their canon fire drowns them.

Lincoln: "What is that?!" He shouts while the two keep their heads down.

"Why are you asking me?!" Without the two noticed the Robotic-bird dives to scoop them up, but the Yellow and black bot crash into and in front of them, causing them to slip on their backs.

Dirt and leaves rain on them while the Bot rolls to his feet. The Evil Bot glares and approaches them.

Evil Bot: "What are you Autobots doing all the way out here?!" He charges, shifting his canon to a blade while the AutoBot eyes the boys. He cartwheels above them and leaps, fainting a kick with a punch to the jaw.

The Evil Bot stumbles, slashing at the yellow and black, Autobot dodging swiftly while the boys get out of dodge. The bot side-steps behind its attacker, and palm strikes its blade: Shattering it.

Evil Bot: "Agh!" He growls while the boys ran far from the deadly battle.

The bird-bot crash in front of them: shooting a red beam. Will and Lincoln's life flash before their eyes, but lean dark-blue feminine bot slides, taking the hit to the shoulder and fire at the bird that took off once more, shifting into the drone. It escapes into the foggy night.

The Yellow and Black Autobot grabs the evil bot punch: throwing him on his back and ending him with a heavy hitter knocking him unconscious.

Feminine-Bot: "Ow." She gets up, towering over the boys like a giant holding her battle wound while the boys gazed up at the two.

Lincoln: "I dealt with a lot today! Who are you?!" He shouts while she gazed at the sweating Lincoln while Will was cooler; than the sea.

She's got a call pressing her finger on her ear.

Feminine-Bot: "Optimus?" She questioned while the Autobot carried the defeated: over his shoulder, approaching the Feminine gazing at the boys walking past. "Understood." A green giant wormhole the size of the Autobots causes the boys to stagger. "Come, my leader like to have a word." She enters while the Autobot gazed back at them while they hesitantly enter after. The wormhole closes while the Autobots and children continued the long walk. The tunnel shimmers in a different color scheme while the children gazed around in awe.

Lincoln: "You think this is a good idea?" He whispers to Will.

Will: "They could've killed us if they wanted. They even saved us." He whispers back, gazing at the bots ahead of them. "I don't know how long I can't shift, but I'll protect you."

"I hope your right." The yellow and black Autobot gazed back at the two leaving his robotic face.

Autobot 1: *Beep* He tilts his head while the boys gazed dumbfounded.

Autobot 2: "Bee, as much you like to talk. I don't think they understand you." She winced while Will asked.

Will: "You understand him?"

"When you're Partnered with someone, unlike your language. You tend to learn." She walked without turning her back while Bee gazed at her beeping once more. "He likes to know why to two were out there." Lincoln and Will glance at each other while Will answers.

Lincoln: "It's alright." He gazed reassured to Will while Bee turns his gaze at the two.

"Well, his father was murdered a few hours ago." Will said with dread while Bee frowns his metal brows.

Autobot 2: "I see..." She keeps quiet. "Have you found who done it?"

"No, we're gathering evidence as of now." Lincoln's handshake. "We would like to know what you're doing here, and if I'm wrong, you're an alien correct?"

"Oh, no." She said with a hint of sarcasm. "I'm the bike you just harassed not so long ago." Will blush with his jaw drop while Lincoln raised a brow.

"W-wait! Wait! I was just-" He shouts while she glances with a smirk.

"Admiring a beauty like me? Oh, wait, no! What was it you said? 'I'll get you someday, babe.' " Will was a blushing mess while he lost eye contact.

Bee: "*Beep*" Bee lightly glare.

Autobot 2: "Unclug your bolts. I'm joking with the kid." They exit the warp entering an underground base of orange rock. The children gazed around until they stagger by a sudden voice.

Autobot 3: "Children." An ambulance robot grabs his face and sighs. "Three is enough as is." Autobot 2 adds.

"I'm beginning to wonder if we're some daycare beacon."

"I wouldn't be surprised." He said with dread while Will and Lincoln kept shut. They stood from the teleporter while two Autobots entered. A slim but taller red and a blue pickup truck. Bulky green truck. They entered: with three other humans, A kid, a mid-teen rock girl, and a Teen.

Autobot 4: "Acree, I heard what happened. Are you ok?" He questioned while she sits on their size table, slowly relaxing her arm.

Acree: "Better than ever, Optimus." She smirks while the Ambulance Autobot checks her arm while Optimus gazed at the two.

Optimus: "You must be wondering why you're here?" Will folds his arms.

Will: "Let me guess, the evil bots are working for the human's group that initiated a deal to put a hit on a wealthy man." He raised a brow while Optimus nods.

"You're partially correct, but they're more that we feared." Lincoln jumps in.

Lincoln: "And that is?" He questioned while Optimus head towards a giant computer. The Humans followed with a Bulky Autobot while Bee went somewhere else.

"You see there's, an organization named the Forever Knights." He types on the computer revealing evidence. "They forge a pact with the Decepticons to intimate Jack Conwell, but their plans proved futile." The kid adds, gaining everyone's attention.

Kid: "And knowing Megatron, he wouldn't do this if there's a valid reason." Optimus continued.

"We did some deeper digging and found Mr.Conwell was a provider of another organization: The Plumbers." The Ambulance- Autobot adds, taking a look at Acree's wound.

Ambulance- Autobot: "And I must say, they spin even past my intellect." Acree cringed. "Oh, stop you're whining."

Lincoln: "The Plumbers?" Will sighs, gaining everyone's attention.

Will: "A friend of mine is one. He and the others are defenders of earth from species out from this planet. He's even here as we speak."

Teen: "And that is?" He questioned Will while he sighs.

"At the mansion and probably looking for me." Optimus continued once more while Lincoln looks visibly confused.

Optimus: "They decided another plan, but that's unclear." More documents appear while the Teen punk-girl calls.

Teen punk-girl: "Wait! Zoom in on a document on the right lower corner. " Optimus does so while She reads. " It's a inherit letter. 'Thank you, Mr.Conwell, for your service. We would like to inform you that the work is completed.' " Will and Lincoln's eyes widen. " 'The next of Conwell's Incorporation is Mr. Lincoln Samuel Conwell.'"

Will: "Now, it's coming altogether." He gains everyone's attention while he looks to the floor in deep thought. "Mr.Conwell is approached for an offer to provide for the forever knights, but he turned them down." He continues once more. "He figured the worst if they stayed in that mansion, so Mr.Conwell took him and his family on a trip dodging a destructive attempt to murder them." Will continued. " After that, he grew paranoid selecting the trusted few to join his son's party. He invited his friend 'Max': even if he's retired, he knows Max is the one to turn to at the time but was cut short." Will sighs once more while Lincoln looks away.

Bulky Autobot: "What happened?" He questioned while Acree answers with Bee entering the room.

Acree: "He was murder in cold blood this following night, Bulkhead." The teen grabs Lincoln's shoulder while everyone gazed at him, feeling sorry.

Lincoln: "I'm ok. Please, continued." Will does so.

"There hoping since Mr.Conwell wasn't being cooperative. They could lean on his son."

Ambulance-Autobot: "Yes. Yes, I see it. But this doesn't explain Megatron's motive."

Bee: "*Beep Beep*" He moves his hands while the Autobots and kid eyes widen.

Will: "What? What he say?"

Kid: "They found a kid with a watch that can turn into different species of alien: That could be the next key to revive Cybertron." Will staggers. "He also said, your one too." This gains everyone's attention.

Mid-Teen punk girl: "He's alien? Psst, seriously, this shrimp?" She questions while Will brow bounce.

Will: "They're particularly right." He's sighs. "It is better I show you." He gazed at Acree's wound. "Here goes nothing."

Will hunch over. His skin grew black while a sky-blue, glowing line follows. His skeleton melts while his hands stretch.

Update stood among them while the Ambulance-Autobot gasps.

Update gazed at its hands and jolts.

Update: "The last time I shift update, he was green." He talked with a filter.

Ambulance-Autobot: "By the all-sparks." Update approaches Acree looking up at her.

"Do you mind?"

Acree: "What are you doing?" She questioned.

"Just trust me on this." She does, leaving her leg out while a puddle of update leaps on her leg, engulfing her. The Autobots stagger to help, but Optimus raise a hand to stop them.

Update reveals Acree's face once more while she looks down at her black and sky-blue body.

Teen: "How do you feel?" Acree looks down at her hands, clenching them with a prideful smile.

Acree: "Better than ever, Jack." Update pops from her shoulder while the kid and Punk-teen girl was in awe.

Update: "This here is Upgrade: My friend alien, but my version Update." Acree's hands split revealing, electrical whips and canons and down the line. "I can make jet packs, canons, axes, swords, and almost anything." He leaps from Acree, turning back to Will while she glances at her wound that soon seems to non-exist.

Teen-punk girl: "Oh! Oh! What else can you turn into?! A fish?! A bug?! A TANK?!!" Will backs up frighten.

Bulkhead: "Miko." He warned while Will gently pushes Miko back.

"Well, yes, but this is not the time we must get back to the mansion." He said seriously.

Optimus: "Rachet." Rachet begins activating the warp.

Rachet: "Already on it, Optimus." The robots shifts into vehicles.

Optimus: Blue and red pickup truck without the trailer. Bulkhead: A thick green truck. Acree: A blue Sport-bike. Bee: Yellow and black striped mustang.

Bee door opens for Lincoln while Miko jumps.

Miko: "I want to come with!" Bulkhead argued.

Bulkhead: "Stay here, Miko." His voice rings from the radio while Will goes to go around Bee, but only for Acree to stop him.

Acree: "A kid, where are you going?" She questioned while Will points to Bee (Vehicle).

Will: "I'm just going...seriously?" He questions in shock.

"I'm not going, anywhere am I?" Will squeal like a girl racing over to Acree(Vehicle), hopping on with a massive smile on his face. "Jack, I think I found your twin." Jack smiles.

Woodkid- Run Boy Run (Nick Neumenko)

Jack: "Go, easy on him." Will looks back dazed.

Will: " I think you mean the other way around?" Optimus calls while a warp opens.

Optimus: "Autobots, Let's rollout." The bots zoom into the warp while Acree does a wheelie scaring Will.

Zooming down the colorful warp once more. Acree drops her front wheel zooming behind the other Autobots while the wind hits Will's face.

Will: "SO...COOL!!!"

Acree: "I'm dis-engaging autopilot." She said; calmly while He gazed in shock.

"Please don't! Woah!" Will wiggle the handles, falling behind drastically.

"You gonna fall if you don't do something." Will shakily got the handle to stay straight while he lightly pulls the handle back, causing the bike to jump. "Be gentle." She said; shyly while Will took her advice without realization. He zooms catching up, slowly.

Will; "YEAH! WOOOO!!!" Acree wheelie while Will was having the time of his life, Lincoln gazed out Bee window while her wheel settles down near Bee (Vehicle). Will dirty formal wear flicker with the wind like his hair. He quickly glances at Lincoln, looking down. "Hey, Lic, something the matter!"

Lincoln: "Yes, Mr.Will. Have you found out my Dad's killer?" Will thinks.

"No, I'm hoping Max got the rest of the evidence!" Lincoln adds.

Lincoln: "If not...I think I know who is." He sits back against the seat with a glare while Will gazed troubled.

Bee: "*Beep Beep*" Acree translate.

Acree: "Hold on!" They came to the end of the tunnel, crashing their wheels against the road heading for the top.

Optimus: "BumbleBee, Acree: We'll meet you there." They zoom past Optimus and Bulkhead.

Bee and Acree are racing to the top, noticing the gate.

Acree: "Bee." Bee beeps and crashes through the gate. The two drift to the top in front of a fountain by guest cars and Max RV. Will and Lincoln get out while the Autobots transform back into their body forms.

Will: "Wait here." The two raced to the doors and bang against them.

Will/ Lincoln: "Hey! Max! Gwen! Anyone!/ Open the door!" Someone opens the door revealing Max holding his gun.

Max: "Will! Lincoln! Come on!" He closes the door shut while everyone gathers around. Max hugs Will while he hugs him back. "Where you two been?!" He looks to Will while Ms. Conwell hugs Lincoln.

Ms.Conwell: "Don't ever do that, again! Youngman!" Lincoln adds with dread.

Lincoln: "I-I know, mother."

Will: "All I can say is. Do you have any evidence?" Max shakes his head.

Max: "No, this criminal is professional." Benita, Gwen, Luna, and Cameron enter past the crowd with Mr.Bale behind.

Gwen: "Where you been?!" She apporach, but Will stops her.

Will: "While we're out, I found a few tips." He announced. " "Mr.Conwell denied an organization that led to his house being destroyed and his death." Everyone whispers under their breath. "That organization can't be shared, but all I can say is 'Knight' The reason he picked the chosen few was someone or them was spying on him in Grimwood itself." Everyone; but Lincoln and Will gazed at Nikki that stagger.

Nikki: "Me?! I would never do such of thing!" Will gazed Blankly.

"Let me finish. How can someone plant a sensory gun at that time of night, even during all this? Everyone, but Luna wasn't here, but I believe she didn't do it." Luna and Mr. Bale smile warmly. "It has to be someone close: That can be in and out without batting an eye." He slowly glances at Ms.Conwell that stagger feeling hurt. "I believe we have her."

Ms. Blake: "No, that can't be true. She loved her husband dearly to do such appalling thing!" She defends while Ms. Conwell tears rain. "Right? Emily?" Ms.Conwell shakes while Lincoln glared.

Lincoln: "Just said it...Mom." She looks up at her son.

Ms.Conwell: "I'm...sorry." Her lip shakes, causing everyone's heart to dint. "Believe me, I didn't want to."

"BUT YOU DID!!!" He booms, pointing at her face. "All my life, I love you two dearly..." Lincoln's face twitches while his tears pour. "I came to you...I trusted you."

Ms.Conwell: "They were...gonna kill us all. If didn't do it-"

"I would never forgive you...Emily." Ms.Conwell shake, sobbing while everyone watches silently with mixed emotions and dread.

The celling breaks, revealing a deception that crashes on the top of the steps glancing with a smirk frighting everyone.

Starscream: "Hmph, this is a dead party." His eyes land on Benita Omnitrix. "You girl. Come with meee!!!" Acree drops from the hole onto Starscream's back, landing blows to his face creating sparks.

Acree: "Get out of here!!!" Starscream grabs her fist and hurls her towards the crowd, everyone split, but Benita and Will. She crashes them.

Gwen: "NO!" Everyone gazed in horror, only for Acree to realized.

"No. No." She gets up while a yellow light flashes getting Starscream's attention.

Benita's face shifts metal while her eyes grew green.


Will does the same while a white and black helmet reveals a visitor covering his eyes. They both grew tall while Benita's paint job was green while, Will White. They clench their metal fist revealing, a new transformation. Will: White sports car. Benita: Green Sportbike.


Autobot Will= HighRoller

AutoBot Bentia= TwinDrift


Twin Drift, the double of Acree with a green paint job and eyes, was on top of Highroller, looking up at her.

Highroller: "Y-you tried to save me." She smiles down at him.

"You wasn't turning you big doofus."

Starscream: "Interesting.~" He grins, leaping from the hole while Acree curses.

Acree: " Scrap! Come on! " She climbs the steps and leaps through the hole with the two following: trying to get their balance.

They touch the roof: and gazed at the fight in the front yard.

Bulkhead mace fist punches Breakdown from his feet and onto his back, grinding across the green grass.

Knockout and BumbleBee block and counter one another until Knockout uppercut while BumbleBee side-steps and hooks, causing KnockOut to stumble to the side while wiping his chin panting.

A black jet and a sliver plane with spikes on the edges flew past and over their heads.

Knockout: "BreakDown!" BreakDown transforms into a truck driving into woods while Knockout boasts to Bee and the others. "We'll meet again." He shifts into a red sports car and taking off.

Acree: "Everyone, ok?" She, Twindrift, and Highroller crash onto the open grass on the side of the Mansion.

Bee: "*Beep*" He raised a brow to the two while bulkhead stood by his side.

"I'll take that as a yes. It's the kid with the watch and the boy." The two gazed in shock.

Bulkhead: "This night can't get any weirder." Twin drift gazed up at Highroller that was a few inches taller.

Highroller: "I'll feel you in later. Where's Optimus?" He questioned while his voice fills their ears.

Optimus: "Here." They turn to Optimus, approaching while the doors, open revealing the guests and the others. Everyone gazed in shock while bulkhead rubs his face with a sigh.

Bulkhead: "Talk about undercover."


Optimus and others; go to leave the warp while Acree crouch in front of Will, looking up at her.

Acree: "Well, sorry about the party." She looks at the damage.

Will: "With the money they got it's, covered." Bee was the last. He turns back and beeps.

"It seems I gotta go. I hope you get a bike like that some day." She smirks while Will does back.

"With what happened earlier, you got my mind racing." Acree plucks his hair. "Ah! Hey!"

"Doc orders." She gets up and looks back. "Don't worry, when Megatron and his goons, show we'll have your back and his." She enters the warp with Bee while it closes, vanishing within thin air.

Will head to the RV while the guest vehicles leave. He noticed the Tennysons, Luna, Cameron, and Mr.Bale watching Lincoln's conversation with Ms.Conwell by the front door.

Lincoln: "I can't forgive you because you're a murderer." She looks away. "But, I forgive you because you're my mother." He hugs her while she does so back. "I'll be leaving." She staggered. "With Cameron." He gazed at him while he nods. "With the action, you have done, I don't know I can see you. So, I'm staying with him for the time being."

Ms.Conwell: "T-that's fine." Her tears pour while she forced a smile.

"This doesn't mean goodbye; it's more of a break." He climbed down the steps grabbing Cameron's hand while Mr.Bale opened the door of a black car. Luna gazed at Will.

Will: "What?" She kisses his cheek, causing him to blush. Luna enters the car while Mr.Bale closes the door.

Mr.Bale: "This night was...different. Goodnight, everyone." He bows, entering the car while the window rolls down, revealing the three gazing out at the Tennysons, Glover and Ms.Conwell.

Lincoln: "Will, Ms. Bentia has my contacts on your phone." Will snaps out of it.

Will: "What?" Lincoln cracked a smirk while Benita hands him his phone as good as new. He gazed dumbfounded.

"You and the Tennyson's did a lot. Call me; if you need anything." The window rolls up while the car leaves from the smashed gate.

Max: "Will you be alright on you're own?" He questioned while Ms. Conwell sucks up her tears.

Ms.Conwell: "Yes, the police will come by morning." Max adds.

Max: "We'll stay." Ms.Conwells adds.

"Go." She sniffs.


"Please." Her eyes pour with sadness while Max slowly nods.

Max: "Al-Alright, kids in the RV." He struggles with his wording while they listen, looking back, worried. Max gazed at Ms.Conwell once more, waving slowly, while he closes the door shut.

Sorry for that long chapter. Hope you enjoy!

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