

Furious that his wife decides on her own without consulting him first, he went to the closet and grabbed his wife's clothes, and threw them at her. His wife has gone too far this time! He can no longer tolerate it!

"Get out of my house! I don't want to see your face anymore!" he shouted angrily at her. "Go away and never come back to my house ever again! I will divorce you!" he yelled in an enraged voice.

It was that moment when Stephanie arrived home and heard loud shouting from the second floor of the house, she rushed towards the master's bedroom. She was sure it was her father's voice that she heard just a few minutes ago.

When she opened the door of the master's bedroom. Her eyes widened in shock. Her gaze sweeps the entire room, she saw her mother crying helplessly on the floor rubbing her reddened face... clothes and pieces of stuff were scattered everywhere on the bed and the floor.

Her father already knows about Helen that is why he went berserk!
