
Be ready, the day was near

Some weeks and days were passed, until the day every students always wait comes.

"Guys, that day was near and we already learned together! Let's do our best in that day!" Rheinalth said while cheering the others.




While Yukina was still training outside.

"Finally..... finally..... finally.." Yukina thought in joy.

"My magic are controlled!" Yukina thought while destroying the X marked logs without hurting the other logs arround.

"Finally! Finally!" Yukina thought.

"Well done." Asuka said while approaching Yukina.

"Thanks Asuka. Without you and the others, I won't be able to control it." Yukina said.

"Well... thanks too... but it's just the basic." Asuka said. Then Yukina said,

"I'm not shocked but I can't wait to learn the next things."

"Okay then.... but let me test one thing." Asuka said.

"Okay." Yukina replied. Then Asuka created an ice rapier and immediately threw the rapier toward Yukina. A blade striking voice was heard and the ice rapier fell on the ground. Then Asuka asked,

"Did you command that?"

"..... no...." Yukina answered sadly. Then Asuka tapped her shoulder and said,

"Don't worry, the magic was trying to protect you, but not as protective as before. But it will be bad if someone was trying to prank you by shocking you heheh.... they could've a great permanent sexy scar on their face."


"Well, that's all that I could teach you. Right now you'll have a better teacher with a better knowledge of the weaponly elemental magic." Asuka said.

"Let's get inside." Asuka said while walking toward the dorm. Yukina followed.





The next day, it was Saturday so it was holiday. Someone knocked the door.

"Oh!" Kurosa yelled in realizing something.

"Let me open!" Nera said.

"Hello!" A couple of husband and wife came.

"See who's first. Alfred! It's your father and mother!" Nera yelled from the door. In a great speed, Alfred approached his parents.

"Tch.... Alfred... at least say something if you're coming..." Nera complained because when Alfred ran in a great speed, the air arround him blowed strongly that made Nera and the others in mess.

"Thank you for coming, mom, dad. Let's get in." Alfred said. In a blink, Alfred and his parents has already sat on the sofas there.

"Woooaaah!" Denzel was shocked because he almost sat on Alfred's lap. Alfred laughed hard.

"Um? What's going on? Why is Alfred's parents came?" Yukina asked.

"Oh, since tomorrow is the day of a great day, in Kannoya Academy, the parents are invited to the dorm so that they could cheer up their son or daughter." Asuka answered calmly.

"So, this night will be a fun night." Nera said in a joy.

"I see...." Yukina thought.

"But what day though?" Yukina asked in her mind with a curious face.

After an hour, someone knocked the door again.

"Let me open!" Nera said.

When Nera opened, another couple of husband and wife appeared again.

"Guess who's here, Asuka!" Nera yelled.

"Oh!" Asuka immediately approached her parents.

"Asuka's father looks like Asuka." Yukina thought.

Then Asuka's father stared at Yukina. Asuka's father asked,

"Who's this red haired cutie pie, Asuka?"

"D-Dad! Don't say that!" Asuka said at her father.

"I'm Akira Yukina. Nice to meet you." Yukina said while bowed down.

"Wow, this girl is really polite like a maid." Asuka's father said.

"Ah... really, dad?" Asuka complained.


"Someone knocked the door, I bet it was Alvina's." Nera said while walking to the door. Nera opened the door and she was right.

"Alvina, come here." Nera called.

A girl with blonde hair and red hairline approached her parents.

Then the parents got in and they got a great conversation.

"But sometimes... the parents come here and have a chat with the other parents too. So this night will be a noisy night." Nera said in joy.

"Oh, okay." Yukina answered.

Another one knocked the door.

"I bet this is Denzel's." Nera said. But then Denzel said,

"Let me open it."

Then Denzel opened the door and immediately said,

"Welcome mom and dad!"

But the one who stood in front of him wasn't his parents.

"Heeeh?" Denzel said in shock. Then he opened his eyes and he was shocked.

"J-J-J-J-JJJJJJJJJJ!" Denzel said.

"Sstt... ehee..."

"Hm? What's wrong, Denzel?" Kurosa asked from inside.

"Ah... wait." Denzel said while heading outside and closed the door.




"Junko, why and how you could be here?" Denzel asked.

"It's not Junko anymore...." a girl that looks similar like Junko (but with a wavier hair and softer pink hair colour) said.

"It's Jewelia, Hirokashi Jewelia." Junko said.

"Huh? And how? Like..... mmm... after you're recovered, you should've in jail right?" Denzel asked.

"Oh... don't be rude. Because you've removed my heart seal, you accidentally removed the magic-eraser too! Ehehe~ then you know that the government decided to execute me and you know who was executed." Junko, or more likely Jewelia, said.

"And I'm here to meet you for sure, my Denzel~" Junko said.

"Oh and you could call me Junko if you want, but if there's another people you better call me Jewelia." Junko continued.

"Eeh... uhm.... okay..." Denzel said.

"Yay~ Denzel is mine now~" Junko cheered while hugged Denzel real tight.

"J-J-J-JU--JEWELIA! P-PLEASE STOP!" Denzel said. But Junko still hugged him really tight.

"I-I C-C-COuLDN'T BREATH...." Denzel said.

"Huum? You couldn't breathe? Then should I give you a CPR?" Junko asked.

"N.... no... thanks.." Denzel answered.



"Oh, and I changed my personality in purposes. I hope with my personality change you didn't mind. And it was the part of disguise." Junko said.

"Ooh... okay..." Denzel said.



Denzel stared someone next to him to see who's calling.

"A-Ardolph?" Denzel asked. Ardolph gave him a salute,

"My man. You've got it! I won't loose!"

"NOOOO ARDOLPH! I COULD EXPLAIN!" Denzel screamed with red face.


"From afar,

"Denzel is dating Denzel is dating Denzel is dating!" A weird short girl with pinky hair in twin tails said aggressively in her mind.

"Hooo... this is good.... noo... too good for him.... I need to see what's happening next.... IHIIIII!"


From another side,

"Denzel? You dating her? Are you sure to datibg a psycho?" Yukina asked in her mind. Then she leaves because,

"I shouldn't bothered or I'll be killed."




Then everyone gathered in the lobby with their parents.

"Aaah, Kurosa, don't eat less okay. Here, eat more." Nera's mother said while giving Kurosa some ginger cookies.

"Nera always cook this too! Did she learn it from you? It smells delicious!" Kurosa said.

"Oh here, I've bought this for Ardolph since it was his favourite snacks but he said that he wants to make himself healthier so that he won't ate these snacks... *sobs.... so sad..." Ardolph's father said while giving Kurosa a bag of salty sour tasted chips.

"Well, he always said that to Denzel who always bought him this chips." Kurosa answered.

"Aerum was kinda picky, she loves eggs but not the yolk, she always left the yolks..." Aerum's mother complained while giving Kurosa some leftover egg yolk.

"Um... yes she is. She always gave me the egg yolk to me." Kurosa answered.

"Kurosa, if you want some potato donuts." Lucianna's father said while giving her a box of donuts.

"M.... is it okay if I ate them all?" Kurosa asked.

"Of course!" Everyone said.

"Really? Thank you!" Kurosa cheered. Then she ate all of them immediately.

"And of course, in this cheering day, Kurosa will be the most favourite of all the parents." Asuka said while staring at Kurosa who has a big meals.

"Asuka, do you want some mint mochi? I thought you like it so I keep it from my mouth." Kurosa said.

"But of course she's still caring." Asuka continued, then Asuka said,

"Thank you, I'll take it."

Kurosa gave the mochi to Asuka and Asuka ate the mint mochi.

"Oh! Yukina! Where have you been? Do you want yummy yummy?" Kurosa asked.

"Oh.... well... thanks." Yukina said while accept one of the potato donut from Kurosa. Yukina ate it and she's kinda enjoy it.

"Kurosa, I'm sorry I couldn't accompany you in the past three years." Hearing that, immediately Kurosa ran toward the door.


Kurosa hugged her mother really tight. Her mother said,

"You're growing! Look at you! You're almost as tall as mom, or even taller."

"Mom, thanks for coming." Kurosa said.

".... are you sad that mom couldn't came last years?" Kurosa's mother asked.

Kurosa shook her head,

"No, since it was mother's job to do that. I'm proud."

Kurosa's mother smiled,

"You're really a good girl."

Then Kurosa's mother gathered with the other parents too.

"That was shocking that her mother came here." Asuka said.

"Is she that busy?" Yukina asked.

"Uh well.... she works overseas, that's all I heard." Asuka answered.


"Um, Yukina?" Asuka asked.

"Yes Asuka?" Yukina responded.

"Um... well.... nevermind." Asuka said.



Someone knocked Ardolph's door room because this whole time Ardolph stayed at his room.

"Ardolph ~"

Then Ardolph opened the door.

"Dad..." Ardolph said.

"Yo!" Ardolph's father said.


Ardolph's father sat on the bed while watching his son practicing his fitness.

"Ardolph, are you ready to show that again tomorrow?" Ardolph's father asked. Ardolph stopped for a while and he said,

"Dad... I'm not sure."

Ardolph's father smiled and said,

"Don't worry. Don't push yourself. I didn't say that you have to use that. You don't have to win too, so don't pressure yourself. Just have fun."


"Okay." Ardolph said.



"Hm.... are you Aerum's parents?" Yukina asked.

"Yes, nice to meet you. I am A-Yeong Bom. And this is my husband, Bon-Hwa Deok." Aerum's mother said. Then Yukina asked,

"Could I ask? For me, it's kinda weird if Aerum got a white-blonde hair meanwhile none of you got white-blonde hair. So, how could she got it?" Yukina asked.

Then Aerum's mother cried. Yukina was shocked,

"I'm sorry-"

"No! It was my husband's fault! Aerum was born without magic. My husband job was to shape the magic crystals so that it could be use. One day, he brought Aerum to his working place and then Aerum found a white crystal and she shallow it! She was 5 and she thought it was a candy!" Aerum's mother said. Aerum's father looked away while whistling.

"So.... she got the power from a crystal?" Yukina asked.

"Well, Yukina. Some people could got magic from a magic crystal, but it was way riskier than having it naturally. If Aerum wasn't lucky, the magic will took over her body and she could've die or become a bigger crystal for the magic in the crystal." Osamu answered.

".... that's dangerous." Yukina said.

"Yes it is. And that's why the Crystal Crafter exist. Their job is to shape the crystal so that it was safe to use in most cases tools and weapons. They usually work together with the Blacksmiths who creates weapons or with some organization who creates modern weapons for most common cases heroes and soldiers." Denzel continued.

"I see....." Yukina thought.

"But how could a crystal be thought as a candy?" Yukina thought in a curious face.

"As because Yukina asked, I wondered. What was Aerum's real hair before she ate the crystal?" Asuka asked.

"Actually her hair was like his father's, it is light golden blonde and some little yellow tips on her hair was like my yellow hair. It was like that, but then her hair became white because she ate the crystal and the yellow tips on her hair disappeared and her hair color change drastically." Aerum's mother answered.

"I see..." Yukina thought.

"Then, she would look like this?" Yukina thought with her imajination of Aerum with light golden blonde hair and yellow tips.



They chatted until night, then those parents went back to their home and gave them some powerful words before they left.

"Everyone thought that I am a new student..." Yukina said while cleaning the lobby.

"Well, since you didn't appeared at the Junior High School classes and since you didn't appeared at the first ceremony of the High school classes." Asuka said.

"Yukina, you shouldn't clean it up, it's already clean since our parents didn't liter at all." Nera said.

"Don't worry, I'm just cleaning." Yukina said.

"That's the point...." Asuka complained.

Then everyone have some rest.
