
chapter 4

"Its been two years guys. I think it's time to finally free ourselves" Charles said as he got up form his bed.

[We learned as much as we could in our environment. They aren't useful anymore] Tony said.

[We should at at least give them a clean death. After all, they did bring us into this world] explained Danny.

Hearing Danny's opinion Charles quietly chuckled before responding "That's a stupid idea, but I guess i can take it a little easier on them".

As soon as Danny heard him say that he let out a sigh, while Tony laughed and said [hahaha, knowing you I bet even something easier would be hell for them].

"You know me so well Tony" Charles said as he walked to his closet and took out a black long sleeve that had a couple of holes in it.

He then rolled up the sleeves before closing the closet and walking to the washroom.

Inside the washroom Charles was looking at his reflection. He stood there looking at a young boy with medium length blonde hair that reached the bottom of his neck, and looked into his own piercing grey eyes.

He then made a sad expression and tried tearing up. At first the expressions looked anything but said but after a few tries he got them down.

"They should believe this right" Charles asked as he looked at the reflection of himself with tears rolling down his face.

[Great acting, but I can do better] Danny said.

"Fine then you try" Charles responded as all of a sudden the aura around Charles changed.

This was something the three learned during the tow years. After spending so much time with each other they found out they could each use the body. However the one who spends the most time controlling their body is Charles.

Danny using the body, started tearing up and made the saddest face he could.

[Wow, you're better than I thought you'd be, I guess you'll be doing the acting] Charles said before switching places with Danny, taking over the body once more.

"Now then, you guys wanna get this party started" Charles asked making the other two cheer in his head.

Charles laughed aloud before walking out of the washroom and walking down the halls. As he got closer and closer to the living room, the voices of his parents were getting louder and louder, which in turn was getting him more excited.

'After today WE will be free' Charles thought as he continued to walk towards the living room.

Arriving in the living room, Charles saw his parents snorting the white powdery substance. Not even a second later his parents saw him and they immediately got up.

His father grabbed his belt while his mother grabbed a tv remote.

"I told you not to fucking get out of your room" his mother said as her face scrunched up in anger.

"You're getting it today you fucking waste" his father said as they then walked towards him.

Charles laughed as all the memories he had from the beatings and the constant vocal abuse they spat at him came forward.

He then conjured his strings from his finger tips and wrists. Charles then flicked his wrist, making a quick trap.

Since his strings were so thin, his parents were unable to see the trap, which is why they easily walked into it.

After walking into it the strings wrapped around them making them fall on the ground.

They looked like a spiders prey. Wrapped up to their necks and unable to move. They felt useless yet overflowing with anger.


Charles gave them a small smile before speaking. "Oh, so you want me to release you. I think you should ask nicely next time".

Charles then walked up to his father and kicked him in the head.

"Arggg" His father screamed in pain.

Charles then kicked him again and again, only stopping when his father begged.

"Please. please stop. It hurts" his father cried.

"Stop it, we're your parents. You cant do this to us" his mother finally said getting out of her shock.

Charles looked at her with such cold eyes that made her shiver. "Parents, what kind of parents lock their son up and sometimes don't feed him" Charles said as he walked closer to her.

"What kind of parents beat their children and expose them to drugs fully knowing something bad could happen" Continued Charles.

A couple of steps later he finally reached his mother. He looked her in the eyes as he spoke once more.

"What kind of parents say their child should die, or should've never been born" Charles said unconsciously tearing up.

"I-" His mother chocked on her words and couldn't finish her sentence.

She looked at him with sorry eyes but that only made Charles laugh aloud.

"Don't look at me like that. You're nothing but a crack whore. You guys are nothing but Filth in my eyes. So that's why you guys will die today, but not before they get their chance to beat you guys up real good"

His mother hearing him say 'they', got confused.

Before she could ask she saw Charles's demeanor change.

"Haahaha, hey there you bitch" Charles or now Tony said.

Tony then slammed his foot down on her face.

"arggg" she screamed out.

"Its not over yet" Tony said as he then kicked her sides and jumped on her ribs before once again kicking her in the head.

She then started to bleed from her head and that's when Tony moved on to his father.

"Hey there you fat bitch. I heard they were missing a fucking whale in sea world. But I guess they wont get it back since its about to fucking die" Tony said before kicking him in his sides and jumping on his ribs causing his father immense pain.

Tony laughed aloud before saying "Danny, your turn buddy".

Once again Charles's demeanor changed signifying another personality took over.

"You guys have been through enough pain already so ill let you guys go" Danny said as he formed a frown.

His parents hearing this cried out in joy as they thought they would be finally done with this torture but before they could celebrate Danny crushed their dream.

"Of course I'm kidding" Danny said as he got rid of his frown and laughed aloud.

"HAHAHAHA, you guys should've seen your faces. You really thought I would let you go" Danny continued.

It took a while to catch his breath but after he did he let out a sigh and said "Anyways what should I do. Hmmm" Danny said as he put his finger on his chin and thought for a bit.

"Oh I got it" Danny said as he conjured his strings and made a something that resembled a baseball bat.

When he finished making it he walked to his mother but before he did he looked at his father. "We-" before he could finish his dad tried to get out which startled Danny a little.

"I guess fears don't always leave you. But what can you do. You're trapped and unable to move" Danny said.


Danny slapped himself and said "You got this" before going to his mother and beating her with the baseball bat for a couple of seconds.

He then let out a laugh, "haha, why was I ever afraid of you guys" Danny said as he walked to his away form his unconscious mother and walked to his father than looked at them with tears in his eyes.

"Please, I beg you, plea-" he couldn't finish as Danny hit him with the bat to shut him up.

"Good now stay fucking quiet" Danny said.

"Now then, Charles its your turn to finish this. You barely got any fun" Danny said making Charles take control once again.

"Hmm. You said my quirk was useless, and you beat me for it. Now do you see how wrong you are. Tied up like a bug and unable to do anything when you watch mom get beat by us"

Charles then swung the bat down at his fathers body. "Argg" His father screamed out for the nth time.

Charles laughed before smashing his head with the bat making his father lose consciousness. Seeing this Charles sighed as he moved them closer together.

After they were side by side, Charles let out a sigh.

"Now then, since you guys did make me I'll kill you while you guys are unconscious. Plus we need to get this over with so good bye" Charles said as he lifted his hands and started generating his string.

He then started forming two bullets made out of string . After completing the bullets he let out a tired sigh before firing them into their heads.

After they were dead Charles smiled as he said "We're finally free".

[We still have to fool the cops and heroes] Danny said.

[That's where you come in Danny] Tony said making Dany respond with a [Yeah].

Charles then walked a bit further into the living room and picked up the home phone and started to dial the police.

"Your turn Danny" Charles said switching with Danny.

{Yes hello, you called 911} Danny heard the voice from the phone.

Danny took a deep breath before talking.

"Y-yes please help. My mommy and daddy aren't talking back. Pl-please help me. They have a hole in their head. *Sniff* please" Danny cried out.

{We are on our way. The pros and police will be there in a couple of minutes, hang in there little guy. I promise they will be fine} the police said trying to give false hope to Danny.

"o-ok" Danny said finally hanging up the phone.

[Good job. Switch with me real quick thought] Charles said taking control again.

Once he took over he touched all the string on his parents' body and absorbed it. After making sure there was no more string he switched back with Danny.

After the waiting a couple more minutes the heroes and police arrived to a child covered in blood and crying while hugging his dead parents.

They only had one thought and that was how unfortunate the child was.


AN: I hope you like the chapter.

-Now then as you can see the other two can now take over the body. It was a surprise I thought would be pretty fun.

- Anyways after this there will be more slice of life since Charles wont really be able to do anything. I will throw in some action here and there though so you guys don't get bored. I will also be doing time skips so looked forward to that.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Legend27creators' thoughts