
Chapter 331: Missing Home

Hua Mu's gaze held a hint of teasing, bantering, "Is it that you want to form a union with the tribal leader? It makes sense, considering how promising both of you are. No wonder other beastwomen are always thinking of you both."

Su Tang coughed awkwardly, unable to think of what to say.

Hua Mu: "The Beast Ring is actually a beastman's commitment to his female partner. During the Pairing Ceremony, the beastman swears to the Beast God that he will always protect and care for his partner. After the ceremony, once the pair have mated, the Beast Ring will gradually appear on the female's finger, signifying the successful union between the two."

"Since female partners are rare, some in smaller tribes have several mates. But a beastman can only have one partner unless that partner goes to serve the great Beast God. If he seeks another partner, he'll be punished by his oath and will lose his life."

Su Tang was taken aback. "That's serious..."
