
Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Slight Boost in Power

(Nighteye POV)

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. We who call ourselves pro heroes got played by a child. My curiosity to find out who this boy is was growing by the second. Leaving the security room, we went to the boy's room to confirm our deduction. Right before us was the proof that the boy was the culprit of this mess, it was the fire alarm located right bellow the camera. Confirming this we put more effort into finding the boys identity.

First I had called Mirko to find out if the boy had anything else on him or any sign that would help us in finding his identity, but to my disappointment, the conversation bore no fruit. I desided to ask around kindergartens in the city. The first few there was nothing, however on the fifth one we had gotten something, and saying I was supprised was an understatement. The boy was one of two sons of the owners of one of the more popular, news companies, however that wasn't what shocked me, The boy was 5, heck today was his birthday he can't even be considered 5, as he has only been 5 for practically a few hours. I sent the information to the others and made my way back to the Might Tower.

It was a few hours later the sun had set, we had gathered all the information we could on the boy, and the more I learned about this kid the more helpless I felt. The boys name was Yhwach Tanaka, He was the son of Ito and Ikeda Tanaka. The boy was basically a four year old child, according to his medical records, a few months prior he was confirmed to be quirkless, it seems not long after, his parents had desided to remove his name from the family registry, and had disowned the boy two months ago. However the information did not include where they had desided to send the boy. Feeling something might be fishy. We had gone to the boys family to inquire about him, however the clear disgust that was shown at the mention of the boys name confirmed that something had indeed happened. We questioned the maids around the house. After questioning everyone in the house, we discovered that the boy had lived a normal life, he seemed to not be interested in anything, and minded his own business mostly. After he was confirmed to be quirckless the boy's life had drastically changed. He was treated as worthless trash within his own home. We also found out from the family driver that the boy was simply thrown at the side of the road outside the city. One could practically see the rage on All Might's face. "Calm down although I do not agree with what they did either, there is nothing we can do, what they did wasn't against the law, as they are technically no longer the child's parents. From what I saw in that vision the boy will be fine. We can't do anything if we can't find him." I said.

We went on patrol and returned to the tower around midnight. Tired from the hectic days events, I looked out my window, recalling all that happened today, I was reminded of the cruelty of people.

Early morning I was woken up by the sound of my window shattering, however before I could even react I felt myself getting weaker and weaker, it felt like something was being ripped out of me, shortly after I fell unconscious.

When I woke up again. I found myself in the hospital. The first thing I saw was All Might sitting next to my bed. "What happened?" He asked. I recounted all that I could even though it wasn't much. Hearing what I said I could see extreme worry on All Might's face, "Was it that man", I heard him say. "Who", I asked. Instead of answering he told me to use my quirk and to my horror, it was gone. I felt empty inside, the world around went silent. I could see All Might screaming in rage. The world had lost all its color and sound. The weakness I felt took over me once more and I fell into unconsciousness once more.

(All Might POV)

Listening to Nighteye's recall, a memory of my first year of High school emerged, I could see the smirk plastered on the face of that man, The way he was toying with us, and finally the smile of my mentor as she gave her life to protect me. Remembering the woman I thought of as my own mother, the rage I felt only intensified, I made a promise to myself, for Nana, for Nighteye and for all those that man has hurt, letting out all my rage, as if to carve the words into my very soul, I shouted, "I WILL KILL YOU 'ALL FOR ONE'". Watching as Nighteye went to sleep I quietly left the room and went to inform Grand Torino of what happened.


After taking foresight, some life-force and the knowledge to use the quirk, I started thinking how I could make it better. The almighty required too much power which I did not have currently, however this quirk will work as a replacement till I unlock all my power. Trying to replicate the feeling of activating the quirk, I ended with nothing but failure, the quirks use required eye contact this would allow me to predict what would happen within the next hour, and for checking the far future it requires both touch and eye contact. After a few more failed attempts I decided to try using some Reiryoku as the catalyst to activate the eye, to my pleasant surprise it had worked though I could only see the next 15 minutes, I later found out that when I use the quirk my red eyes would simply glow for a bit. I was still happy cause this was the first try, by practicing more with this I could possibly surpass the one hour duration in a short period of time. I desided to check wat the main quest is, who was my target.

{Main quest: Remove the quirk 'all for one' from this plane.

Duration: none.

Rewards: Random System.}

With new found determination to get rid of that quirk I began my training. If All Might fails to kill All for one, in their batlle few years later, I had decided I would follow the story line till I get the chance to kill both all for one and his protege, but in order to do this I would need more power, with my quirkless status being confirmed, it would be strange if I showed up for the exam with sudden power, luckily I had just the thing. Pulling out a green jumpsuit, I quickly put it on. "Okay I have to admit although this thing looks ridiculous it is extremely comfortable, flexible and breathable, didn't obstruct movement in any way, no wonder those two wore it everyday. Just like that the harsh training began.

I would spend 5 hours every day doing Might Guy's training, then for the following 2 hours I would go into town to an internet Cafe using their computers to complete online courses. Then I would give 2 hours for training each of my spiritual races, and all their techniques. The remainder of the time would be spent cooking dishes and meditating to increase my Reiryoku. Just like that few months passed, In this 9 months I finally activated the Food Wars System. From the Starter pack I had gained 10 of all ingredient available on earth along with the cooking knowledge of Megumi Tadokoro, the system would give me daily objective of cooking a certain dish, and as a reward I would receive System points, cooking knowledge, abilities, and outfits. I had to buy a generator due to lack of electricity within the forest and I had bought cooking equipment from the System shop. I had also built myself a small wood cabin and enjoyed a simple life of training and more training.

I found out that the due to the Devine energy that was used to refine my bones I had gained indestructible bones. I also got to use my fish communication skill when I was taking a bath down river, while I was singing 'I will survive by Gloria Gaynor', it seems the fish were paying attention and learning the song, at the end of my bath I was singing along with a school of fishes.

'Keiser show me my status'


Name: Yhwach Black

Age : 5

Gender : Male

Race : Human/ Shinigami/ Hollow/ Primordial Kun-Peng/ Quincy King.

Physique : Perfect Gamer physique, Indestructible bones.

Spiritual Power: Seated Officer

Powers and Abilities:

[A/N: from lowest to highest the mastery levels are, Novice, Competent, Experienced, Expert, Master, Grandmaster, Saint and Guru.]

Zanjutsu= [Novice],

Sword fighting techniques for the Zanpakuto.

Hakuda= [Competent],

An unarmed fighting technique that makes use of one's own body in a fight.

Kido= [Novice],

Advanced spells that require strong spiritual power: Hadō and Bakudō.

Hoho= [Competent],

The name for all high-speed fighting movements based on the art of Shunpo.

Ferocious Fist= [Expert],

The fighting style developed by Might Guy.

Pesquisa= [Expert].

An Arrancar's ability to measure and locate Reiatsu.

Hierro= [Experienced],

An Arrancar's outer skin with high spiritual hardness that serves as armor.

Cero= [Novice].

a highly powerful and swift energy blast which can be fired from various body parts, such as the mouth, tongue, hand, or fingers.

Acidic Touch= [Experienced].

When a Hollow grabs a Human with their hands, the spot where the person was grabbed is burned as if acid were poured onto it. These wounds allow the Hollow's Reiatsu to seep into the person, causing great pain to the victim.

Sonído= [Competent]

The Arrancar equivalent to a Shinigami's Shunpo.

Hirenkyaku= [Grand Master]

An advanced Quincy moving technique. It allows for high- speed movements by riding on the flow of Reishi created below the user's feet.

Bringer Light= [Novice]

By pulling on the soul of the ground beneath their feet, Fullbringers can increase its elasticity, greatly enhancing their jumping ability as a result. In addition, by Fullbringing the air around them, they can accelerate their movements. Doing so can consequentially strengthen the force of their blows. The ability to use this technique signifies that one is beginning to master Fullbring.

Archery= [Saint]

Ones skill with a bow.

Reishi Manipulation= [Saint]

The ability to control the spirit particles within the air.

Blut= [Grand Master]

A Quincy ability that gives a practitioner inhuman defensive and offensive capability. By making Reishi flow into their blood vessels, Quincy increase their attack and defense power drastically. Though Blut is significantly dangerous, it has one big flaw; the two forms of Blut for attack and defense work using two different Reishi systems, so they cannot be used at the same time.


The ability to fly through the wings of a Kun-Peng

Enhanced agility: 

Ability to go from one movement to another, effectively allowing you to dodge attacks, do backflips, and numerous other athletic, gymnastic, and martial implements with ease.

Enhanced durability: 

Kun-pengs are able to sustain numerous blows of internal or external assaults.

Enhanced endurance: 

Ability to survive with little-to-no energy for an extended amount of time.

Enhanced lung capacity: 

Kun-pengs possess tremendous lung capacity, and are able to use oxygen much more efficiently while staying active.

Enhanced reflexes: 

Kun-pengs possess drastically enhanced reaction speed, effectively allowing them to dodge attacks, catch falling objects, and react instantaneously to what would take others more time to react.

Enhanced senses: 

Ability to see, hear, taste, smell, and feel better than most other creatures or beings.

Enhanced speed: 

Kun-pengs are able to move at extraordinary physical speed. They are even able to travel three thousand li (Chinese miles [932 American miles]) in a single flap of their wings.

Enhanced stamina: 

Kun-pengs are able to be physically active for longer periods of time than most other beings. In fact, they are said to be able to fly for six months without rest.

Amphibious respiration: 

Kun-pengs, due to possessing gills and lungs, are able to breathe in both air and water.

Night vision: 

Kun-pengs Ability to see clearly, and with great detail, either in low-light conditions, or even in complete darkness.

Aerial adaptation: 

Kun-pengs are adapted to living in high altitudes, allowing them to use the oxygen more efficiently, combat wind friction, and provide immunity to vertigo and acrophobia (fear of heights).

Aquatic adaptation: 

Kun-pengs are adapted to living in the ocean, allowing them to breathe in both water and air, swim well, and endure high water pressure and extreme water temperatures.

Speed swimming: 

Kun-pengs ability to swim at high speeds, unhampered by water resistance.

Cold immunity: 

Kun-pengs are innately immune to the effects of extreme cold, including the cold high up in the air, or near the poles or the bottom of the sea.

Pressure resistance: 

Kun-pengs ability to withstand immense water pressure, especially at the bottom of the ocean.

Water sense: 

Kun-pengs ability to perceive the movement of/on a body of water with extreme accuracy, and determine where threats are located in aquatic environments and water sources.

Air manipulation: 

Kun-pengs ability to shape and manipulate the air.

Water manipulation: 

Kun-pengs ability to shape and manipulate the water.

Bird/fish communication: 

Kun-pengs ability to communicate with both birds and fish.

God tongue

God's Tongue is a unique skill that grants the wielder a superhuman level of taste beyond that of even the most seasoned food and ingredient experts. With it, one can detect even the tiniest imperfections in any dish with only a single taste.

Cooking= [Master]

Forsight= [Experienced]

Can look at everything that would happen within the next 45 minutes.

Kun-Peng transformation:

The ability to transform into a primordial Kun-Peng.}

With the battle between All Might and All for One drawing closer I knew it was only a matter of time before I'm completely forgotten, so I decided that for the following few years this was how I would spend my life. In the peace and confort of the forest, training and chilling with my school of fishes.
