
Yakuza mission

It's been a couple of days since the fight. Sena and Shin continued going to training and impressing the coach further by how good they are. Shin seeing Sena speed asked no begged Sena to train him. Sena remembering how Riku train Shin in canon did the same thing.

It took longer than canon for Shin to get it since he was younger and was not as good as he was later when he gets older. After training end, Sena went home with Chitoge as Mamori was sick so she couldn't come to school. As soon as Sena reach home, Sena was asked to meet his father.

Sena met his father in his father office. His father smiled at Sena asking him how he was. Sena smiled back and said that he was feeling good. His father then went serious and told him of his mission for today. The mission was very hard and he actually didn't want Sena to accept it. It was to kill this famous lawyer who was starting to gather members for a rebellion against the Yakuza.

The lawyer always have armed bodyguards with him since he wanted to be careful when dealing with the Mafia.

Sena knowing that it was dangerous still decided to accept the mission cause he know he is OP af. He started packing his thing and his sniper that he made himself. It looked like the mobile legend game hero lesley sniper. He then ran all the way to the lawyer house. Once he went there he killed all the bodyguards from a distance. He made his sniper so that it is always silent no matter what. He entered the house using one of the bodyguard ID. He went upstairs where he knew where the lawyer is.

All of a sudden the whole house went on lockdown and suddenly lasers was all around the house. The lawyer knew he was here and was playing full defense. Sena seeing the lazer knew that if a regular human being touch the lazer they will instantly die due to it being connected to if anything touch the lazer a minigun will come out and shoot at you. He then like an amazing thief dodged all the lazer and went into the lawyer room where he saw the lawyer groveling and begging.

Sena didn't give mercy and kicked the lawyer before taking out his pistol and shooting at the lawyer in the head. He then texted his dad that the mission was done and went home. He went to his room and saw Chitoge. He sneaked behind her and hugged her before kissing her. Chitoge just blushed and said welcome home like a wife welcoming her husband. Sena just smiled before putting down all his stuff and lying down on the bed.

The next day he woke up early and didn't feel like going to school as it was too boring. He went to the kitchen and saw the maid preparing food for the whole family. He sat at a chair and took out his phone to see the latest episode of the anime Tiger Circle A.( a ripoff of the the goat dbz)

He saw how Kugo was fighting Tageve however both was in mastered ultra instinct. It was a lot different from dbz as if it was a fanfiction but it was still just as good. His father seeing this just shook his head since even though his son can kill people without even caring, he still watched anime and screamed like a little girl when he saw a good scene.
