
Chapter 25 : Fighting for myself (Part I)

Sya's POV

(2 months later)

“Hannah please! I've already told you, I’m getting a bad feeling about this,” I mumbled, scratching my arm.

She frowned. “I don't care. We're doing this and you're not saying no.”

“But I'm scared!” I wailed.

“Oh come on. It’ll be alright I promise,” Edi said, pulling up the sleeves of his checkered shirt.

Last week, I'd told Hannah about what John and Helena had done to my parents. She'd gone into shock for a few minutes before insisting we get them arrested.

“You know we can't get them arrested without proof,” I'd told her. “You're the daughter of a lawyer you should know.”

She'd groaned before grinning. “We'll get proof. The scars on your body. And we’ll have to get a recording of their confession. Dad will take your case don't worry.”

After that, there was no stopping her. She’d roped in Edison and the dumb and dumber duo were forcing me to comply with their plan. I kept insisting otherwise but they wouldn't have it.
